《Cheat List || Taekook》Chapter 27


Jungkook definitely knew how to have fun. Every single minute the brunette spend with Taehyung felt like a dream to the grey haired boy and he truly wished those moments would never come to an end. However of course Taehyung knew damn well that that was only wishfull thinking. Jungkook and he both had their own lives apart from each other too and as much as the singer would like to spend some more time with his coach today, he was tired. his whole body felt like it was sleep deprived and Taehyung hoped he would get some much needed rest soon.

Taehyung tucked his hands a bit further down his pockets as he hastily walked up the stairs of his apartment complex. All day the grey haired boy had longed for a tight hug and once he was home he would finally get it. Bogum would have probably finished dinner by this time of the day and while Taehyung had told him that he would eat at Jimin's place the singer had ultimately decided against it. All he wanted was to go home and fall asleep against the strong and broad chest of his boyfriend.

As Taehyung ran up the dull grey stairs he couldn't help but let a smile break out on his face. Yoongi and Jimin seemed to have taken an interest in each other and the grey haired boy couldn't be happier about that fact. He wanted Jimin to have everything he ever wanted and with Yoongi by his side that wouldn't be something Taehyung had to worry about. The both of them truly deserved the world and Taehyung hoped they would be able to give that to each other.

When he had first brought Jimin to Jungkook's apartment the grey haired boy had never thought that all four of them would get along this great. Obviously he knew that he and Jungkook had a great click but before yesterday he had never met Yoongi outside of the mint haired boy's work and thus he also had had no idea what the boy was like in his free time. Turned out Yoongi was just as friendly as Jungkook was and for that Taehyung was really thankful.

It didn't take long for Taehyung to finally reach his front door and a warm feeling began to spread through the boy's chest. Him and Bogum didn't always get along great but that didn't matter right now. There weren't any really big things they couldn't get over together and the grey haired boy was pretty convinced that once they had solved all their issues that their relationship would be stronger than ever. The two of them were meant to be together and there was no one that could convince him otherwise.

The singer quickly took out his keys from his pocket before unlocking the door as fast as possible. However as Taehyung opened the door the smell of delicious food didn't fill his nostrils and immediately the grey haired boy raised both his eyebrows a bit. Was his boyfriend not home or something? He knew Bogum better than anyone and that boy wouldn't ever skip a meal.

However Taehyung quickly shook his head a little while a small smile formed onto his face. Maybe his boyfriend didn't feel like cooking today and ordered take out. That would be a very logical explanation. Even though Bogum was a great cook that didn't mean that the boy was always up for it.


"Ohh fuck!" The sound of someone moaning loudly sounded through the apartment and Taehyung's jaw immediately dropped as low as it could. A combination of rage and sadness immediately started to crop up in his chest and without thinking twice the grey haired boy began to walk further into the apartment. This has got to be a fucking joke.

As the grey haired boy walked further into the apartment he noticed how a few things were off. The tv was still running while there wasn't anyone who was watching it. Clothes were scattered all around the floor and soft moans kept coming from behind the door were Taehyung's bedroom was. This wasn't good and all of Taehyung's guts were telling him to walk over to that bedroom of his and open the door. However due to the shock it was as if the grey haired boy's shoes were glued to the ground. He didn't dare to move a limb and the only thing he could focus on was how wrong this whole scene looked and sounded. Bogum wouldn't do that to him right?

"I-I'm close Gummie." The sound of a way too familiar voice moaned once again and Taehyung immediately balled his fists in anger. How could he have been so blind to what had been happening right beneath his eyes. In his own fucking bed nonetheless. A disgusted feeling began to form into Taehyung's chest and he looked around himself as if every single spot inside this apartment was dirty. How many times had he slept under the same covers that his boyfriend had previously used to fuck someone else in?

At the same time Taehyung was slowly dying from the inside. He had truly thought that Bogum loved him more than anything. The boy had even called Taehyung the love of his life, only to betray him with someone else. How could someone in their right mind ever do that to their own fucking boyfriend? Had all of this only been a game all along?

"Cum for me Babyboy." Taehyung heard Bogum say in a seducing manner and slowly Taehyung's eyes started to water a bit, the realization that his boyfriend was truly cheating on him slowly dawning upon him. Babyboy had been the first nickname Bogum had ever given him and it truly held a special meaning to the singer. However for the older boy to throw it around so casually felt like a stab in the heart to the grey haired boy. Of course he knew that he had always been the more sensitive one of the two of them but that didn't mean that Bogum didn't knew about his love for that certain nickname. Hell, the older male knew damn well how to use that exact nickname when he wanted Taehyung to do something.

Taehyung's heart began to stammer inside his chest as he approached the door to his and Bogum's bedroom. He had to see with his own eyes what was happening, even though his mind had already put the puzzle pieces together. If Taehyung didn't see what was happening the boy might just not believe what he had heard tomorrow and so there was only one way to let the painfull truth sink in as deep as possible. See it with his own eyes.


With shaking hands the grey haired boy grabbed the handle of their bedroom door as another loud moan filled his ears. Tears were now pricking at his eyes and with all the might he possessed the boy pushed the door handle down before pushing it open completely, only to be met with the most painful sight he had ever seen. A nauseous feeling filled the grey haired boy's stomach and his bottom lip began to tremble slightly.

Bogum was on top of Baekhyun while the both of them were completely naked. Their bodies were interlinked at their middles and the white substance from one of their releases was smeared all over their bellies. Both of the males looked at Taehyung like a deer struck by headlights and immediately Bogum began to lift himself off of the male underneath him. Of course that boy knew damn well that he was in deep shit judging from the look on his actual boyfriend's face.

A single stray tear left Taehyung's eyes and the boy let out a loud sob before he turned around and dashed away. Away from this painful scene and away from his apartment, running as far as his legs could carry him. He needed to get away from this whole toxic shit that had been going on for way too long. Never was Taehyung willing to bow down to everything that had tried to break him apart from Bogum but now he was left with no choice. How could he fight for their relationship when Bogum wasn't ready to fight alongside him?

The grey haired boy had always done his best to only look at the good sides of his and Bogum's relationship but obviously he hadn't been blind. It had been far from perfect and latetly the two of them had really gotten into a slur. However the singer had found the strenght to hold on in the thought that the two of them would get out of it together again. Ohh how he had been wrong. Taehyung wished that he hadn't put as much effort into him and Bogum as he had done. Maybe then it would be somewhat easier to come to terms with the fact that he and Bogum might not be meant for each other like the grey haired boy had always thought that were.

As Taehyung was running further his eyes dampened more and tears began to leak out of them continuously. Everything which the grey haired boy had thought to be certain of was now a big fat question mark in his life and there was nothing he could do about it. His heart felt like it had been ripped to pieces and without even thinking twice the boy got out his phone from his pocket before sending a message to Jungkook. He needed that safe spot that the younger could offer him right now and since Jimin was probably still hanging out with Yoongi the singer really didn't want to ruin their time together.

Please come and pick me up, it's urgent

Directly after Taehyung had pressed the send button he shared his location with the younger before he suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder. Within an instant Taehyung turned around only to be met with the familiar face of the one person he didn't want to see right now. Bogum was panting heavily and he was wearing nothing but a thin jacket and some loose sweatpants. The older boy's hair looked completely messy and multiple hickeys could be spotted on his collarbones. Drops of sweat were rolling down his forehead and slightly damped the sides of his raven colored hair. In short, the boy looked like a complete mess.

"Babyboy don't leave like this." The older male spoke as he turned his boyfriend around, a concerned look visible on his face. Bogum was slightly shivering due to the cold weather of the evening and Taehyung instantly pushed his hand away from his shoulder. "Don't you fucking dare to call me that ever again!" The grey haired boy shouted angrily while a few more tears leaked down from his eyes. His voice was filled with emotion and he wanted to burst it all out on Bogum.

Taehyung wanted to scream at his boyfriend that he was a prick and that he deserved nothing more but hell. The grey haired boy wanted to hit him on his chest until the anger finally left his body. However at the same time he wanted to be comforted and told that everything would be alright. He wanted to wake up from this nightmare and told that Bogum would never hurt him like this.

Immediately after saying his last sentence a loud sob left the boy's mouth and a few tears streamed down his cheeks. How could Bogum hurt him like this? How could the older ever break their relationship into so many pieces until it couldn't be put together anymore. How could he fuck Baekhyun knowing that he was poisoning his relationship?

Bogum clenched his jaw at that statement and grabbed Taehyung's wrist harshly. "Don't act ridiculous now. Baekhyung was on my cheat list, I didn't do anything wrong!" The older male angrily shouted at his boyfriend, slightly tightening the grip on his wrist once again. "You know damn well that I was allowed to fuck him."

Taehyung however was not taking anything anymore and before Bogum realized it the boy had pulled his wrist loose from the older's grip before looking at Bogum with a dark look on his face. "I thought we didn't take that list so seriously huh?" The grey haired boy answered his boyfriend who only got angrier and angrier with every word that left the younger's mouth. "You said that, not me."

However before Bogum had the chance to answer again a Mercedes stopped right next to the two boys and immediately Taehyung recognized it to be Jungkook's car. Without thinking twice the grey haired boy walked over to the expensive vehicle before getting in without sparing Bogum a second glance.



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