《Cheat List || Taekook》Chapter 5


"This would look so damn good on you Tae!" Jimin said as he held up a green satin blouse with a bow on the top. Taehyung smiled at his best friend as he nodded and walked over to him before taking the piece of clothing from him. Jimin was absolutely right, this blouse would make the grey haired boy look good.

The two best friends were currently in the shopping mall together since Taehyung didn't have anything to wear for his audition. The grey haired boy wanted to look absolutely stunning and make a good impression on the judges. If the boy looked good and sang well it would only be a matter of luck for him to get to the next round.

"Ohh and this too! You have to try on this one!" Jimin exclaimed happily as he set his eyes on yet another piece of clothing that would fit his younger friend well. The blonde haired boy had a thing for clothing and he always dreamed about working in the fashion industry and he truly wished that his dream would come true one day. It was all he had ever wanted.

Taehyung smiled as he watched the happy look on Jimin's face. The boy was a true magician when it came to styling and clothes and thus the grey haired boy trusted him completely when he picked out multiple outfits for him to wear. If Jimin said he would look good in it then Taehyung knew for a fact he would be a true sight to see.

"Okay I think I have enough now." Taehyung spoke as he looked at all the clothes in his hands. His best friend had truly gone full out and the student couldn't wait to see how he looked in these clothes. The very fact that everyone, including Jeon Jungkook, would see him wearing them made Taehyung want to make a great first impression. The way people see you the first time matters for how they will see you for the remaining time they spend in your life, or so Taehyung thought.

"Great! Let's go try these babies on then!" Jimin exclaimed enthusiastically as he smiled brightly at his best friend. The blonde boy's eyes sparkled from excitement and he quickly grabbed Taehyung's free hand with his own before he began to drag the grey haired boy over towards the fitting rooms.

Softly Taehyung shook his head as he looked at how happy Jimin was. Of course the grey haired boy knew how much the blonde boy loved anything to do with clothes, he knew his best friend. The boy was a stylist from his heart and he truly had a talent for it as well. Too bad that the fashion industry was so hard to get in to. Both best friends had dreams who seemed impossible to ever achieve.

As the two boys reached the fitting rooms Jimin quickly pushed Taehyung in one of the stalls before closing the curtain. The grey haired boy slowly began to hang up the clothes in his hands and before he knew it he was undressing himself before putting on the outfits Jimin had chosen for him. The first outfit was the beautiful green satin blouse combined with black skinny jeans.

Taehyung immediately smiled as he felt the smooth fabric of the blouse wrap around his skin. The grey haired boy was a sucker for these kind of fabrics and they gave of a very luxurious vibe according to himself. Quickly the boy tucked the green blouse into his jeans before he looked into the mirror inside the fittingroom.


Immediately a smile began to form onto Taehyung's face and sparkles began to shine in his eyes. These clothes looked great and they were very comfortable as well. With a bright smile decorating his features the student opened the curtain again in order for his best friend to take a look.

Immediately Jimin sprung up once he took in his best friend's look and a huge grin began to form on his face before he walked over to where Taehyung was standing. "Ohh my. I knew this would look amazing on you." The blonde boy spoke before he began to turn around his friend and look at every detail on the outfit he was wearing while nodding approvingly. "You look like a damn idol Tae."

Immediately a crimson blush began to form onto the younger boy's face and he looked at his friends with a doubtfull look. "I do?" The grey haired boy asked while a small smile was visible on his face. If Jimin said things Taehyung knew he was right. The blonde didn't lie when it came to the younger's outfits. Clothes was Jimin's thing and he always said that if he ever wanted to become a stylist he had to give an honest opinion on everything.

"Yeah! Now hurry up and try on those other outfits!" The blonde boy spoke in an amused tone before he ushered his best friend to go back into the fitting room and try on the next outfit. Softly the grey haired boy smiled to himself before he nodded and closed the curtain once again and began to change.

It took the two boys a total of thirty minutes before Jimin had decided that the first outfit looked the absolute best on Taehyung and thus the grey haired boy had bought that outfit. It was also the one Taehyung himself felt most comfortable in so it was a win win situation for him.

As the two best friends slowly walked out of the shop after paying a loud grumble suddenly entered Taehyung's ear and he looked at Jimin before bursting out laughing. The blonde boy immediately began to blush heavily before laughing a bit himself. "Don't say anything. I forgot to eat breakfast this morning." The blonde confessed before he softly pushed Taehyung a bit to the side since the boy was still laughing.

Taehyung however already saw the soft push coming and thus he softly pushed back a bit in order to keep his balance. The boy then focussed on his best friend before raising his hand and putting it on the blonde boy's shoulder. "Come on, let's go to the waffle shop." The grey haired boy spoke before he took Jimin's hand in his own.

"Really?" The shorter boy exclaimed enthusiastically before he laced his fingers with Taehyungs and began to drag him towards his favorite shop as soon as the boy nodded. Jimin and his love for waffles was something that wasn't explainable. If the boy was sad, angry, moody or if Taehyung just wanted to make him smile then waffles was the solution. The blonde always said that next to Min Yoongi, waffles were the love of his life.

A soft laugh escaped Taehyung's mouth as he saw the twinkle in the older boy's eyes and he softly shook his head. Jimin had really ditched his breakfast in order to come with him and help him pick out clothes for his audition. The least the grey haired boy could do was treat him on his favorite meal.


On their way towards the waffle shop Jimin suddenly stopped before he began to enthousiastically wave towards someone. A confused look made it's way onto Taehyung's face but soon a small smile began to decorate his face as he saw who it was that Jimin had seen.

"Hey Baekhyun." Taehyung spoke in a friendly tone as he saw his next door neighbor walking on a short distance from them. Immediately the older boy grew a somewhat awkward looking smile on his face and he briefly waved at Taehyung and Jimin before he walked up to the pair.

Baekhyun was a few years older than Jimin and Taehyung. The boy lived right next to Taehyung and Bogum and he often came over when Bogum was bored. Even though Baekhyun and Taehyung barely ever spoke the two of them always remained friendly towards each other and somehow always had a great time whenever they did decide to hang out.

Suddenly an unsetteling feeling began to form into the grey haired boy's chest and he took a good look at Baekhyun's face. This boy was one of the people Bogum had written down on his cheatlist and Taehyung knew they often met up with each other. The older boy's face looked absolutely flawless and his hazelnut brown eyes complimented his skin tone perfectly. If this boy was gay and would set his eyes on Bogum then Taehyung would be screwed for sure.

Baekhyun however didn't notice a thing and kept on chatting happily about how he had tore his pants last night when he went clubbing and that that was also the reason why he was now in the mall. He had to buy new ones. "Why are you two here?" The older boy suddenly asked, shaking Taehyung out of his negative thoughts.

Quickly the grey haired boy shook his head a bit before he created a smile on his face and looked the older boy in his eyes. "We were here to buy new clothes for my audition next saturday." The student spoke and immediately Jimin took over while enthousiastically waving his arms around. "Yeah Tae got accepted for the blind auditions of the voice!"

Immediately an impressed look began to form onto Baekhyun's face and he softly nodded. "I see. Congrats Tae." The boy congratulated his neighbor and smiled towards the two friends. "I have to go now. Goodluck Tae." Baekhyun spoke before he turned around and began to walk away after the two friends had said their goodbyes as well.

Suddenly Jimin burst out in laughter before he pointed towards the bags in Baekhyun's hands. "I think I know why he had to buy new pants." The blonde boy spoke before an amused look began to form onto his face. Immediately the taller boy turned around as well before a small smile began to form onto his face as well. Hidden behind a big back which probably contained Baekhyun's new pants was a small Victoria's Secret bag hidden.

Softly Taehyung began to shake his head before laughing a bit. "Something tells me he didn't accidentally tore his jeans." The grey haired boy spoke as soon as his neighbor was out of sight, an amused tone lacing his voice. Jimin imediately began to shake his head enthousiastically before turning towards his best friend. "I know right. Now come on, I am hungry and I want some waffles" the older boy spoke as he laced his fingers with Taehyung's again and continued their way towards his favorite place in all of Seoul.

It didn't take long before a cute pink shop with a dancing waffle on their window came into sight and a squeal left Jimin's mouth, much to Taehyung's amusement. The blonde boy began to walk quicker towards the shop while dragging his best friend with him all while a huge smile was visible on his face. If there was one thing he loved it was waffles and there wasn't anyone going to stop him from getting them once he wanted them.

"Jimin slow down!" Taehyung spoke while laughing at his best friend's excited behaviour. However the blonde ignored him completely and before Taehyung knew it they were seated in a cute light blue booth with both a menu in their hands. All kinds of delicious waffles could be bought in this shop but there was one kind which was both Jimin and Taehyung's absolute favourite, the unicorn waffle. A pink waffle with blue whipped cream and rainbow sprinkles was what made both boys hearts skip a beat.

It didn't take long before a waitress came to their table to take their orders and Jimin quickly ordered their favourite waffle for the both of them before he focussed on Taehyung again. "Do you already know what song you are gonna sing at your audition?" The blonde asked as he placed one of his arms on the table and layed his head in them.

Immediately Taehyung began to nod while a small smile formed onto his face. The grey haired boy had thought for a very long time about what song would suit him best and he had eventually settled for his own all time favourite. "I'm going to sing Euphoria." The younger boy answered his best friend with a happy tone lacing his voice.

Immediately Jimin's eyes grew big and a grin began to form onto his face. "Tae that is perfect! If you sing Jungkook's song then he will definitely have to turn for you!" The blonde spoke enthousiastically before he dreamingly began to stare outside.

"Imagine how awesome that would be. You will spend so much time with the man of your dreams." The older said in a dreamlike tone while watching everyone that was passing by. Jimin always wished nothing but the best for his best friend. Of course he hoped with all his heart that out of all the four judges Jungkook would be the one to turn around for Taehyung, even though Jimin's own favorite was sitting there as well. Jungkook's team was the one Taehyung belonged in and Jimin truly wished the brown haired singer would hear that next Saturday as well.

Taehyung looked at his best friend with a small smile on his face. Jimin had always been his number one supporter and the fact that he and Bogum both were coming with him to his audition made the absolute world to him. The two most important people in his life would be with Taehyung on such an important oppurtunity.

Now the only thing left to do was pray and hope at least one of the judges wanted him in their team.



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