《Chaos ; Joker x Reader》1 ~ The Robbery


[Y/N] worked her normal shift at the Gotham Bank. It was quite boring, normally the same things repeat, but today that would not be the case. [Y/N] sips on her warm mug of tea, as she types on her work computer. She has the "special honor" to have one of the vault keys and the knowledge of the vault code. The other person with the honor is the manager. Their vault has two keys and one code requirement to be unlocked.

[Y/N] takes a good sip of her tea, when a loud gun shot echoes through the bank. She spits the tea out, almost choking on it. A group of men, looking at their size, stand by the entrance of the bank. They each have some type of gun with clown masks on. Everyone in the bank is completely silent. One of them throws the security guard to the floor and hits his back with the bottom of the gun. They continue with another gun shot, causing people to squeal. "Hands up! I said hands up!" One of them yells at the people.

They begin to run towards the counters, one literally grabs one of the men's shirt from across a huge counter and drags him over it. "I'm making a withdraw here!" He yells.

[Y/N] quickly hides under her desk and pulls the chair under. "Who here has access to the damn vault?!" One of the clowns ask, as the rest begin putting grenades in the people's hands.

"Obviously we don't want you doing anything with your hands besides holding on for dear life," One clown says as he shoves a grenade in an innocent man's hands," now who ever has the vault access, show yourself before we use these civilians to blow the door right open."


[Y/N] hears someone stand up, by their shoes. "I'm the manager. I'll help open the vault, if you don't hurt them." A man's voice states.

"Alright. Go ahead, Mr. Manger." One clown shoves the manager over the vault.

The manager takes out his key and the clown motions for him to unlock it. "What's the code?" The clown asks.

"56537." The manager answers.

[Y/N] sighs and steps out from under the desk to go over and help. Right then the clown pulls a gun on the manager and shoots him in the chest. She stares at the manager's body fall to the ground, as he struggles to hold onto life. "You have the second key, girly?" The clown points the gun at her.

"Yes." She says the correct answer, scared for her life.

Another clown comes up behind her and drags her towards the other one by the vault. She throws the key at the clown. He quickly catches and finishes getting the vault open. That clown rushes in and starts putting cash in bags. The third clown comes to [Y/N] and holds onto her wrist, as the second one heads toward the vault. The third one shoots him dead in the head. [Y/N] is petrified from the accounts of murder she's just witnessed.

After a few minutes, they get the bags piled up towards the entrance. The third clown, who still hasn't said a word, continues to hold onto [Y/N] by the wrist, pretty much dragging her along. "If this joker guy was so smart, he'd have us bring a bigger car," the first clown draws his gun on the quiet clown," I'm bettin' the Joker told you to kill me as soon as we loaded the cash."

"No, no, no I killed the bus driver." The quiet one says, as he takes a step to his right.


"Bus driver?" The first one asks confused.

The quiet one takes one more step to his right, kind of slouching as he stood. "What bus driver?!" He asks again.

Out of nowhere, a bus crashes through the entrance, driving backwards. It hits the first clown dead on, killing him instantly. Another clown hops out and loads the duffel bags full of stolen money into the bus. "Schools out, time to go," he looks at the body," that guy's not getting up is he?" As he loads the bags he mumbles," that's a lot of money."

The quiet one faces towards the other side of the bank, then the other clown asks," what happened to the other guys?"

The quiet one, without looking, shoots him a couple times in the body. He lets go of [Y/N], who is too scared to move. He begins walking towards another bag of money and throws it in the bus. "You think you're smart, huh? The goons will just do the same to you.. ugh.. the criminals in this town used to believe in things. Respect! What do you believe in, huh?!" The barely alive manager says.

The quiet one walks over to him and bends over in front of the manager. He shoves a gas type grenade/bomb into his mouth," I believe in whatever doesn't kill you simply makes you....." he pulls off his mask to reveal his identity of the Joker. He licks his painted red lips,"....stranger." He gives a quick psychotic smile.

He stands back up and walks back to the bus. He grabs [Y/N]'s hair and throws her in the back of the bus. He shuts the bus doors, and steps over [Y/N]'s body on the floor board. She stares at his face, that is covered in face paint, theme of a clown. His hair dyed green, white face paint on his face, but black around his eyes and red on his lips. His lips and cheeks have scars, making a permanent smile.

He sits in the bus drivers seat and drives off. The gas bomb in the manager's mouth, had its pin attached to a string on Joker's coat. The pin flies off as Joker drives away. Gray smoke comes spewing out of the canister. He gets into a line of other buses, casually fitting in. [Y/N] Shakes with fear and passes out from the stress...

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