《oumasai/saiouma oneshots (wont continue)》mastermind!shuichi x kokichi


a/n: kinda one sided? shuichi is just confused between his love for despair and love itself haha


a class trial had just finished. the victim was miu iruma, while the culprit was gonta gokuhara.

the case was once again solved by the ultimate detective, shuichi saihara.

while gonta was being executed, shuichi couldn't help but wonder about his and kokichi's talk before he logged out of the virtual world.

'you're really useful! hey, i know, how about you stop hanging out with dumb'ol kaito and be my friend instead! i could be useful too, y'know. i can help you save everyone.'

heh, save everyone. those are my exact opposite intentions.

though, i am kind of intrigued by him and his plans, to save everyone was it? maybe i should pay him a visit after all, it could be quite entertaining.

but just then my thoughts were interrupted as i soon realized gonta's execution was now over. oh, right, im supposed to be shedding tears.

i pretended to cry along with everyone. however the one who probably cried the hardest was himiko, god with her insufferable magic talk, how was she even able to survive this long? soon after everyone was ganging up on kokichi, but the loudest voice was kaito's. sometimes even i dont know how i can handle someone like kaito, all of his "believing in everyone!", and better yet, he calls me his sidekick yet im the one always doing the work, god i wish i could laugh right now. i was snapped back out of my thoughts with loud screaming coming from kaito. then a thud.

"oops! sorry, i tried to dodge you...but i punched you instead."

i pretended to worry for kaito.

i shouted out kaito, in concerned voice. "damn you.." kaito grumbled.

"by the way kaito, is it just me...? or did you get waayy slower?" kokichi then continued, "maybe, just maybe our dear kaito is hiding something from us too."

maki, agitated with kokichi ran over to kaito's side.

"kaito! are you okay?" maki asked with deep concern "yeah.. its gonna take more than one punch for me to go down!" maki nodded, and turned her head to kokichi glaring at him.

"for someone who claims to be bad at fighting, you were pretty agile just now.."

"and you believed a lie like that?"

ah yes, kokichi really is interesting. i really want him to survive at the end, i could get more despair then i could ever imagine! it just fills me with anticipation!~

during kokichi's monologue everyone rushed over to kaito's side.

"kaito, are you okay?!?"


"are you hurt? do you need a shoulder to lean on?"

"s-sorry! my mp's at zero so i cant use any recovery magic!"

kokichi looking agitated continued to speak over everyone's worried crys.

"hey.. why are you all so worried about this pathetic gu—" i really couldnt agree more, but having to cover up my identity i spoke, "pathetic? look at yourself kokichi"


"kaito will always have us by his side—" not, "you have no one. you will forever and always be alone."

for a split second, kokichi looked hurt but then returned quickly.

"ahaha! friends? friends dont help make this game more entert—"

he cut himself off,

"... geez, boring. im no longer entertained. i dont care anymore—" hes lying. "but i will tell you this." oh? "the one who will win this game.. is me!" kokichi spat out those words and quickly made a dash for the exit.

everyones attention quickly turned back to kaito after he started making weird.. gurgling sounds? i know this is part of his sickness, but geez. it was really loud.

maki examined kaito,

"you dont look well, but it doesnt seem he punched you that hard.."

tsumugi asked kaito "did you hit your head or something..?" kaito responded back to both girls

"im okay.. its fine."

"hey..! dont push yourself, try to lay down and-"

"i said.." he struggled "im fine."

kaito tried to get up but "urgh!" his knees clasped hard. he coughed, blood came out. everyone expressed concern but kaito merely denied it and just said kokichi punched him too hard and hes going to sleep. what a bunch of crap. i designed his illness, i whats going on. everyone soon returned to their daily life believing kaito.

immediately after the trial was over i went to knock on kokichi's door."hey..! kokichi, what i said earlier.. i didnt mean it."

i really didnt." the door slowly opened and soon came kokichi coming out.

"hey, shuichi. can i trust you?"

i was taken aback by the sudden question but quickly recovered from the sudden shock.

"i-ah yes?"

kokichi looked at me and soon fully opened his door gesturing for me to come in.

his room was.. cluttered to say the least. a rantaro wax figure hanged near his bed, in the corner around his desk was evidence from all previous murders- ah im just so filled with despair just thinking about friends killing each other~

anyways continuing on there was a box of blue prints and papers everywhere, then there was his chart. it was filled with pictures of everybody he considered suspicious, who murdered who and who died, and then theres me. in the corner with 'trustworthy?' written in the black marker. ahaha.. if only he knew.


kokichi looked at me.

"y'know, you dont need to analyze everything you see.."

"ah- sorry, its a habit of mine.."

"annyways what do you think of my room pretty sick right?"

"ah-uh yeah.. though what is all of these blueprints and evidence from previous murders..?"

kokichi walked over to his bed and sat on it, "im trying to end the killing game and find out who the mastermind is."

oh? find out who the mastermind is, end the killing game? aha! how ironic.

"so then.. why are you making it seem like your a bad guy?"

"weell, im trying to make them think im the big bad mastermind! y'see by pretending im the mastermind, it would sure make the real mastermind agitated right? then i could notice any odd behaviours!"

telling this to the mastermind is definitely gonna help, yup.

"ah- i see. so how can i help you?"

"we could search for clues together! and you could back me up on the whole, yknow, me being the mastermind thing."

"alright.. ill try."

"yeah! and lets look out for each other, make sure we both dont die."

"alright!" youre damn right ill make sure your alive.. i wanna see all that despair~

i said my goodbyes to kokichi and left his room, then went to mine. it was nighttime and while i went to sleep i just couldnt help but blush at the thought of kokichi falling into a great despair, betrayed by someone you thought you could trust.. ah..~ the perfect despair.

—timeskip to 6th class trial btw tsumugi and kaito dead.—

"me and kokichi did some looking around and we've come to the conclusion that kaede is not actually the one who killed rantaro. it was the mastermind."

"what makes you say that..?" maki asked.

"the shotput ball we found in the masterminds lair. it was cleaned. and had one hair fuzz on it. from kaede's vest in her backpack."

"i see.. that is very likely" maki said.

kokichi nodded, "yup! anddd more evidence is the secret passageway in the boys washroom!" wait.. when did he find out about that? huh, well looks like im gonna get found out! might as well see everyones despair soon~

"now in order for this to work, we should go through everyones alibis during the murder"

"me, k-kaito.. oh and um.. tenko, himiko, gonta, angie and rantaro were headed to the basement." maki stated.

himiko nodded.

"keebo?" i asked

"ah- well me, kokichi and ryoma were in our rooms.. sorry if i dont really have a stable alibi"

"and shuichi?" maki asked

"well—" ah yes, the despair inducing moment i get found out~ "me, kaede, kirumi, tsumugi and korekiyo were in the dining hall and then, i went to use the bathroom."

kokichi's eyes suddenly widened and looked at me.

"s-shuichi y-you arent the mastermind right?!"

finally the despair in his eyes, the shock the betrayal. i laughed. "aw man, you got me~" i cooed.

"s-shuichi! y-you said i could trust you.." kokichi cried.

maki suddenly turned and glared at me.

"is this a joke? do you really want to die??"

keebo and himiko just couldnt speak.

all this anger and despair, i moaned. finally, what ive been waiting for.. this despair—

"does this mean your the reason kaito's dead? everyones dead?! is this some kind of sick joke to you? did YOU kill rantaro?"

maki shouted with anger, i merely chuckled.

"yes, yes, yes annnd yes!"

i turned to kokichi and all i could see were his eyes filled with betrayal and tears, but most importantly, despair.

"well, partner, kokichi what do you have to say?"

"h-how could you..? i trusted you, i even started t-to you.."

"love you say? did you perhaps love me more than i love the despair in yo-"

"SHUT UP. i loved you okay?! from the beginning. i trusted you with everything in my soul. you made me not hate myself and now.. your telling me your the mastermind? is this a joke? please.. shuichi."

the despair was.. so cute.. this despair is everything i dreamed

of.. maybe, we should feel the despair of dying .. yes..

"kokichi. ive decided were both going to feel the despair of a beautiful execution, together."

"w-what? no.. shuichi please.."

"everyone, youre free to leave. you can watch my dear kokichi and i's execution."

"NO!" maki screeched, i ignored her.

"SHUICHI.. please, no, i dont want this! t-this is just some sick nightmare right?! i dont wanna die.. shuichi please lets just.. go outside, be freed from this killing game together."

"kokichi.. the only thing i live for is despair. stop with your stupid hope. I AM THE ULTIMATE DESPAIR DETECTIVE. you cant change me. and you are going to experience this execution of despair whether you like it or not."

i got keebo to drag kokichi to our execution. this is the moment.. we experience the despair of death together. i closed my eyes and sighed. so, this is love.


i woke up in bed sweat dripping down, that was a really weird nightmare.. i looked to the side of the bed, ah, theres my beloved kokichi.




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