《ribbon of fate { jshk x reader } - [ COMPLETE ]》chapter 18 - reincarnation + epilogue


"Aww, Teru, just for your information, I'm broke... like, I have no money... AT ALL!"

I spit at his face, still slightly dizzy from the fiasco only a few minutes ago.

Actually, it feels, only a few seconds ago, I was being killed by him.

I want to yell at him and ask him why he went through all the trouble to bring me back to life.

I want to yell at him for going against the laws of nature.

I was meant to die back there.

I'm not meant to be here.

How am I supposed to just accept the fact I've been brought back to life?

But yet, he still did it. And I can't help but feel grateful about it.

"It's okay, I have some money that I got from part time. It will be enough to buy your basic needs, and you can live with us...! We have a guest room in our house, and..." He continues on.

He really thought this through, huh...

"That's- Nice-? I don't know what to say, honestly... Thank you."

The last part slips out of my mouth.

He gives me a smile.

"You know... I'll graduate in a few months. After I graduate, we can think about the future. And in case you don't know, I'll be going overseas for university for four years, but don't worry, Kou will still be here with you, and I'll contact you guys everyday."

If I'm here, I might as well enjoy it...

"Damn, Teru... I- I don't really-" I stop.

"Wait-! if I'm not a supernatural, does that mean I can't see Amane and Tsukasa anymore...?"


"We can test that out tomorrow. Follow me to school, how about it?"

It's not a clear answer, but I'll have to see.

"Okay. Thank you, Teru. I-" Tears start escaping my eyes out of gratitude.

"Don't cry..."

When I wake up, from looking at the time, school had already ended. Teru is back in his room, studying.

I tiptoe over to him and poke him on the shoulder.

"You're awake."

I see his perfect face move towards my direction.

"Mhm, good morning!"

"It's 5PM. Now that you're awake, let's head to school."

"Sounds good to me."

"Here, take this jacket, warugaki."

"What, is warugaki some kind of pet name now?"

Putting on the jacket he gave me, I stare at Teru and held his hand.


He doesn't mind.

It's warm...

I shove my head deeper into the jacket, snapping the thought out of my head. Before I know it, we already arrive at school.

Carefully letting go of my hand, the Minamoto asks, "Where do you want to visit first?"

I open my mouth to say 'the girl's bathroom,' but I stop and shake my head, restating my words. "Music room, I left something important there."

"Okay, you can head there. I'll come back for you after getting some papers from the student council room."


It feels like a long time since I played the piano. Sitting down on the chair I softly counted.

"One... Two... Three... Four." Playing the lullaby with my fingers and singing the song with my lungs makes me feel like I'm alive again

...Wait, I am alive.

I freeze, stop playing the piano, slowly turning my head towards the door.





I know those pink orbs and hair...



My boundary opens as I swiftly walk down the stairs to the table.

It's not here.

I should have left the photo here...

Where is it?

Panic rushes through me as I trash the area.

"(Y/N), what are you doing?"


"Teru! You warugaki! Come down here!"

"If you're finding the photo, I used it to revive you." He doesn't answer my question, nor does he come down. Instead, I rush up to him.

"Okay, then where is it?!"

"I'm sure Tiara has it. We can get to her once we finish the 'tour'." He then glances at the floor, "Also, what happened to Yashiro Nene?"

"She fainted beside the door."

I walk back up to see the daikon girl on the ground, drooling. "She's rather cute while she's unconscious, isn't she?"


"YASHIRO!" Two male voices scream out.

One of the voices are...


The boy looks at me.

"Huh? (Y/N)?"

He inspects me with a frown, as if checking if I were an illusion.

"Yeah, it's me, (Y/N)." I reassure him with a smile. "I'm here...!"

"Hold on, but- Aren't you-?"

"Don't question it, Amane. I'm here. That's all that matters, isn't it?"

We both ignore the unconscious girl in between us and share a hug.

"(Y/N)! You're okay!" He yells, "I have so many questions-"

"Hold on... You're- not a spirit anymore...?"

"Ah! About that, I'm living now..." I nervously stammer out as Amane gives me a look of disapproval. I also see him glance at Teru, but he shakes it off.


"But you can still see me?"

"Apparently, yeah-! Oh, and we should get Tsukasa!"

Amane runs out to find the rat while I remember about Yashiro, who is still on the floor next to me.

"Oi, Yashiro, don't sleep here." I whisper to her, slightly slapping her face.

She's not moving an inch...

"If you don't wake up, the daikon monster will come get you~"





"Good morning!"

Yashiro covers her red face with both her hands and sits in the corner.

"I'm so embarrassed... So embarrassed..."

I follow her and pat her on the back. "It's alright, it's alright."

"Wait... (Y/N)?"

My head turns to see two identical boys before me.


We all have a chat in the music room and confirm things one by one.

After Teru-nii finished highschool, I worked hard and proceeded to do self-learning for my own benefit. I had a natural skill for studying (surprisingly,) and finished all materials in just half a month. Then my tutor asked me if I was interested in doing an interview with Teru's college as they were looking for a intelligent musician even though their term started later on. After beating a 1/500 success rate I got into Teru's school.

Now, I'm rushing to get ready to head to the main grounds.

In the distance, I hear a familiar voice,


"Thanks, Kou! Where's (Y/N)?"


"I'M HERE! I definitely didn't oversleep..." I come running to the school grounds.

I barely made it in time...

And on my own graduation day...!

"Yeah, right, warugaki. I can already picture you sleeping through your graduation day. Now, Kou, can you hold these for me?"

I snort as Kou mysteriously, enthusiastically agrees. "Sure, nii-chan!"

He's a lot happier than normal today...

"Hey, (Y/N), look at me..."


He suddenly gets on one knee and takes out a small velvet box out of his pocket.

"H-Hold on! What-"

"(Y/N) Yugi, will you take me, Teru Minamoto, as your husband?"


"You don't like it?"

"I do! I do, but this is a funny situation, cause..."

I also get down on one knee and take out a small blue box.

"Teru Minamoto, will you take me, (Y/N) Yugi as your ex-warugaki and future wife?"

We both burst out laughing and both opened our small boxes at the same time.

"So mine is with diamonds and yours is emerald...what should we choose?"

"Teru, you idiot. The answer is simple. Use both!"

"Well, that works too, I guess."

We both laugh on the ground.

"What are you thinking of doing after this?" Teru asks me.


I think for a while. I haven't thought of it before, and now is a good time to.

I'm not really used to thinking of the future.

I've been hovering between two ideas... but...



"I'm going to be a soloist!" I smile without hesitation.

"With those grades? Yeah, right. The last time I saw, you barely had enough scores to pass school"

I smack him on the head.

"At least I can play! Unlike your violin skills-"

"Don't talk about my violin playing!"

I pat him on the head. "Anyway, I'm off to become a soloist. And you can't do anything to stop me at your level of music. Talk to me about it again once you improve for once."

"...This is why I love you so much..." Teru whispers, barely loud enough so I could hear.

"Say that again? A little louder please."

Teru gets up, grabs me, then spins me around. "I know you heard me."


After I finished school, many people were willing to pay a lot of money for me to play for them. While I was busy as a soloist around the world, Teru was busy as a lawyer in our hometown.

At the peak of my career I gave up as a soloist and went back to my hometown to pursue my one wish since young.

"Everyone, I would like you to welcome our new music teacher, Mrs. Minamoto."

I spot two familiar little boys appear, sitting on the just-before empty chairs.

Amane and Tsukasa then start distracting me, which the students can't see.

"(Y/N)! I missed you! You look so old now."

"(Y/N)! Visit us everyday now that you're a teacher here!"

I grit my teeth and smile.

I'm still in my early-30s...

"Hello everyone! I hope we get along with each other."

"Yes, Mrs. Minamoto!"

I look at the two and ever so quietly whisper with a smile.

"It's good to be back, isn't it?"

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