《ribbon of fate { jshk x reader } - [ COMPLETE ]》chapter 4 - mitsuba


It is 9 PM in the old school building music room. A brown-haired boy with glasses could be found playing one of the latest songs on the piano.

"ARGH, WHY IS PLAYING THE PIANO SO DIFFICULT!" Akane cried out. He wanted to know the answers to his true love, Aoi.

He played the intro so many times with so many mistakes that even I, Jisatsu, was getting bored of it.

"All right, that's enough," I put my hand on my head as disortated notes ring in my head, "You're super bad at this, but since you're so persistent I guess I'll give an answer to one of your questions. Don't push me for more."

"Will Aoi ever love me?"

"I'm sorry, but I can't even see a glimpse of the future for you and Aoi." I say in a not-so-sorry tone.

"What?! Why?!"

"I said one question. Besides, if you want to know the future, you came to the wrong school mystery."

"Wait, no!"

He uses his power to stop time and to stop me from moving.

"Ugh, so you're a school mystery now too, huh?"

"Well, what do you prefer? Telling me the answer now or telling me after getting kicked?"

"Ooh, getting tough now are we? This is MY territory, and here my word is final, and there are NO MORE QUESTIONS FOR YOU, KID." I snap as I vanish into thin air with a frown.



◄◄⠀▐▐ ⠀►►⠀⠀ ⠀ 1:12 / 3:48 ⠀ ───○ 🔊⠀ ᴴᴰ ⚙ ❐ ⊏⊐

"Say, Tsukasa's new toy is called 'Mitsuba', right?"

"Yes, why do you ask?"

I lie down in the air, about to fall asleep, "No, no, just wondering..."

The truth is, I've already met Mitsuba shortly after he died. Somehow, last month, he found himself in my music room.


After he died, he wandered around the school and went to the music room. He plays the piano almost perfectly, drawing the attention of the resident supernatural, Jisatsu-san.

She took pity on him and they became acquaintances, but not really friends. After the rumour came out, he played the piano in exchange for the answers to three questions.

: "Can I become human?"

: "Yes, but only as an illusion of a living boy. You can never truly become human again."

: "How can I get friends?"

: "Friends take time to form. You cannot just "get" friends. They must be earned."

: "Will I be happy?"

: "Do I look like a fortune-teller to you?"

: "Hey, don't answer a question with a question, hella-lame emo-ribbon-girl. So mean." (Pouts)

: "Happiness is not a measurable quantity, fake-nice-girly-face."



◄◄⠀▐▐ ⠀►►⠀⠀ ⠀ 1:17 / 3:48 ⠀ ───○ 🔊⠀ ᴴᴰ ⚙ ❐ ⊏⊐

A scream woke me up from my thoughts, but it came from a familiar voice.

I rushed out of the REC room while putting on my mask. I hope that girly-faced boy is safe. It may not be great to admit, but I feel as if we created some kind of bond of friendship throughout that small time we met.

I turn around the corner to see a creature that was originally the pink haired sassy boy.

Tsukasa was behind him while Mitsuba was attacking Kou, covering the exorcist with white paper. It's a painful sight. Kou kept screaming for Mitsuba's consciousness but only met failure.

And Tsukasa only smiles with happiness and mischief as he watches.

"Can't you hear me?!" He struggles to breathe, reaching out for Mitsuba, "Come on, say something.." It's as if the energetic boy has lost all his hope.


Just looking at the boy's face makes my heart break. The pain and agony of seeing his friend being taken over by an unknown entity must be unbearable.

In a hurry, I pluck one of my ribbons off my hair.

As I was about to tie Mitsuba up, a hole appeared in his chest.

Being split into two, the gap in between Mitsuba's limbs reveals none other than Mystery No. 7, also known as my eldest sibling.

How... How could he do that to Mitsuba?

I stare at both my brothers with disbelief. How could two boys, both who have onced lived a life like Mitsuba, do something like this?

But deep inside me, I know there is no way to save that boy.

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