《Silence ✓》Chapter 15


This chapter is dedicated to for her amazing banner. Thank you so much!!!

I looked up at the bright blue sky through the car window, silently watched the birds flying high in the sky. Their wings were flapping in the air as the chill, morning air blew my blonde hair away from my face and messed it, slapping them onto my eyes.

I took a deep breath of the scent of wild, hibiscus flowers that were arranged in a sequence as my mum's car drove past.

I stared at the tall trees that dotted the landscape as we approached the outskirts of the town.

Leaning back in my seat, I began hearing my stomach making weird noises. The upper part was paining me and I whined, my voice sounding annoying even to my own ears.

"Mummy, I am hungry." My voice was high pitched and I unbuckled my seatbelt and slid between her and the passenger's seat. I put my right hand on my jaw and simply stared ahead. I wasn't having fun anymore.

Mum didn't answer me. She just kept on driving and my stomach kept on biting me. I couldn't hold it anymore and cried out.

"I want food." I demanded, stomping my foot on the ground. It was then mum turned to look at me, her teeth baring white.

"Do you really want me to stop?" She asked, her eyebrows rising to the top of her head. "Because I am not going to."

Tears started coming from my eyes just then. "Why won't you stop?" I asked folding my arms across my chest in anger. "My stomach is paining me and I want food."

I could hear my mum saying something to herself, as she rolled up the windows by using her right hand to press a small button that was by her side.


She put on the AC and rested on the car seat. I felt a bit cold as the air hit me and made me hug my red, thick sweater closer to my body.

Mum wasn't going to answer me. I had to find a way to get her attention then, I thought, as I began shifting from one seat to the next and kicking my chubby legs.

"I want to pee." I whined, holding my private area and bending my head as if in pain.

I could hear my mum laughing. Erhhh, so she wasn't going to buy that?

I thought for a minute and then I suddenly had a bright idea.

"Hey, look." I yelled, pointing my right finger ahead. The car came to an abrupt halt and mum turned to stay at me. Her hand was still on the wheel and I could see the anger in her eyes. Out of the corner of my eyes, I noticed we were in the middle of the road with no one in sight.

"Seriously!" she stated, blowing her breath in my face. "If you don't behave now, I am going to throw you out of this car."

With that, I burst into fresh tears. I wanted to pee and I was hungry at the same time but, mummy didn't want me to do any.

Why was she being so mean to me?

"It's either you sit still," she started. "Or you stay out."

I didn't say anything. I just kept on crying and blowing my nose on my sweater. I guess Mum took that as a "yes" because, she slid the car into gear.

We were going at a much slower pace and I slumped into my seat feeling a bit bad. It was not my fault that I was acting this way. Mum refused to tell me where we were going and I hated surprises. They just made me want to throw up all over the place.


My thoughts went to Bennie as I resumed staring out the window. I was never going to see her again because, she was dead and would no longer get to play with me like she used to.

I missed her kisses on my lips, I missed the fun we had during school break, I missed the times we often did a game of hide and seek and I also missed our constant fights. Bennie always wanted to outsmart me in almost everything. She was good in reading, even though sometimes she would stay mute just to make fun of Miss Glee.

I could see her getting mad in my head and bringing out her fat cane to torture Bennie. I hated seeing her cry, it made me sad and feel a bit lonely because, at those times, she would refuse to talk to me.

Mum hated her. Or at least, I thought so. She was always driving me away from her and doing all she could to keep us apart. Anytime she came to pick me up from school, she would make sure I was nowhere near her and that became tiring for me.

I tried hiding away from Bennie whenever my mum was around school and she seemed to take note of it. I didn't think she thought much of it but, ooh well, it could just be me.

My mum turned on the car radio once again and my eyes flew open, knowing I wasn't going to get any sleep till we got to wherever we were going. She continued to click from one station to the next, static filled the car and made me block my ears.

I noticed my mum was not minding the road and paying attention to a stupid radio of which I had no use for.

"Please turn it off," I yelled. "Turn that thing off."

I was slowly getting angry. I caught my mum's eyes staring at me through the rear mirror as the car kicked up speed.

She seemed to sense that something was wrong with me because, she asked softly. "Are you okay, honey?"

My hand shot up to my ears in pain and my eyes grew wide when I saw the pool of blood that coloured my pale fingers.

"Arghh." I screamed as I saw the car swerve to the other direction and my mum trying to control the steering wheel.

There went a loud ringing in my ears as everything slowly went black.

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