《Silence ✓》Chapter 11


"What did you just say?" I ask, my voice trembling slightly. I couldn't believe it. In actuality, I didn't want to.

"You heard me right," Glee said, rubbing her hands gruffly on her shirt, as if preparing for a fight.

I felt a tear slip from the corner of my eye, and in minutes, the upper part of my white collar shirt was soaked. I blinked hardly, trying to hold the flood back, but couldn't. Letting it fall freely and blur my vision.

I fell from the swing to the ground, the sadness clawing my heart and my chest constricted, making it hard for me to breathe. I held my hands to my mouth to keep from screaming and shook my head time and time again, telling myself it wasn't real.

None of this was real.

I bowed my head in shame and let the sob rack my body for what seemed like an eternity.

I could feel Glee's watchful eyes on me, but I made no attempt to lift my head. My heart was heavy and bore a weight that I knew, would never be lifted. I began to understand that this was a burden I would carry with me, all my life.

"Tell me it isn't true," I mumbled, trying to string my incoherent words together so it would make sense.

Glee seemed to have heard me because, she cleared her throat and spoke up.

I looked up in turn for her to say, "yes, Zeal, I fucked Joseph."

My ears rang and hearing his name again, made the realization hit hard on me, and it was all I could do not to screech the whole school down. I gasped, my body shaking violently that I felt at any moment, my knees would give way and I would collapse on the sand, filled, earth.


Joseph was my husband. He had been for five good years before I had given birth to Lisie, and through all the struggles of childbirth, he had been there for me. I never for once thought that I would hear something as profound as this. It came as a shock to me, and I found myself going over all my past memories of him.

He had been so sweet and unsuspecting. Never for once, had I thought that my husband was cheating on me. There wasn't any proof; he had proved his loyalty time and time again, all through my period of barrenness. But there was this one time, things went a bit haywire.

I had been diagnosed of a faulty and poorly developed ovary, and although, I followed all the therapies and medications, it had taken me years before I finally conceived and gave birth to Lisie. The doctors were surprised and had told me, this was going to be the only child I would have.

Those years of hardship and pain was all I could think about. I forced myself not to remember the good because, I knew if I did, I would fall in love with those memories all over again and I wouldn't be able to see past my hurt.

I gritted my teeth, they gnashed each other and a soft whimper escaped my lips.

"Why didn't you tell me this before," I said, my voice now drained of all emotions and sounded hoarse even to my own ears.

She folded her arms across her chest and snorted, an evil gleam apparent in her brown eyes.

"What were you expecting?" She furrowed her brows and scoffed at me. I could feel the heat reaching me in waves, and I suddenly felt so enraged. I let the anger seep through my veins and cloud my thinking.


There was no need shedding tears over spilt milk, I thought to myself.

I lifted myself off the ground and wiped the remaining tears from my eyes with the back of my hand and sniffed, taking a deep inhale and exhale. It seemed to calm my nerves a bit and I could feel a steady pounding to my head. It made it ache so bad that for a minute, I forgot my retort and just stared foolishly.

"What else aren't you telling me?" I asked through clenched teeth. "Tell me now." My voice was demanding and rough at the same time. I felt bile rise to my throat and fought the urge to gag right there on the floor.

She shook her head slightly. "Where should I start?" she asked lowly, her voice confident and a scowl etched on her angular features. Ooh, what I would do to wipe that devilish grin off her face, I thought.

I sighed deeply, trying to rein my emotions in so that it wouldn't cloud my judgement.

After a while, I said sharply, "start from the very beginning."

Zeal felt an excruciating pain that caused her to grip the steering wheel of her car tightly, and blur her vision with tiny dots.

She couldn't wrap her head around what Glee had told her a while ago. There was no way to think when there had been only bitter-sweet memories. Memories that were ingrained in her mind, the ones she knew would stick throughout time and be forever etched in her mind.

Tears fell freely from the corners and ran down her mascara. Never in a thousand years would she have imagined that something this sinister would happen to her. It seemed far fetched but then, this was the reality.

The reality that her husband had cheated on her with an ugly school teacher. One that she was sure was a mistake of creation, a disgrace to womanhood and a creature that was fit for the dark pits of hell.

She laughed sarcastically. After seven years of marriage, this was all she had to show for it. It was unbelievable, the incredulity stunned her and reeled her senses. She felt her head pounding and a nerve continued to throb in her mendula oblongata.

Where was she going to start from?

Her heart was torn in shreds. It left her feeling battered and her loving memories of him began to crumble from the auditory modality of those three mind boggling and earth shattering words.

But she was grateful. For those words pushed her from her dreams and heart felt moments, into reality, thus firming her resolve. She swore never to let any man into her heart again.

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