《Meant To Be,Finds The Way!》@2


"Rising shares of the Jeon's are all due to your cooperation and efforts.I'm truly honoured to work with such passionate and honest employees...But this is not what we are aiming for!The sole purpose for our company is to bring the light of technology in every corner of our country,at least_as much as we can!"The voice full of confidence and authority started to resonate in the conference hall.

"Sir,what is our next project then?"a middle aged employee asked,filling the pin drop silence of the hall.

"The power plant project that has been stopped due to abrupt climate changes a while ago,needs to be resumed soon.I want everyone of you to make reports about your ideas regarding the project,I want them in 3 days,on my table by 5 in evening.Am I clear?"

"YES SIR!"the voices filled with enthusiasm and proud made the young CEO smile,with a glimpse of hope in his eyes.

"The meeting is dismissed!"with these words,everyone left the hall,CEO being left at the front chair.

"Jungkook,"Mr.Jeon walked up to his son and patted his shoulder in affirmation.

"I'm proud of you,son. Keep going just the way you've been."

"Thank you dad,your support has been my greatest strength all the time.."


While passing through the hallways,a girl bumped into the younger one,earning a frown full of annoyance.

"Good morning sir,how was the meeting?"girl asked in low,sweet voice,trying to get some personal attention!

"Is there anything you want to report,Lisa?"jungkook asked in a stern voice.

The girl nodded'no' and jungkook left the hallway right away...

3 Days later,

"Mr.Kim,please wait here.Sir will join you in a moment."Lisa said.


"Sure,how have you been Lisa?I hope jungkook in not too harsh on his personal secretary!"the man asked with a smirk on his face.

Before she could spell out a word,the door of the office opened and jungkook entered.

"Hey, Namjoon!"the younger hugged his friend and both sat on the couch."Don't you think you are being way too much unprofessional in my office?"jungkook asked raising his eyebrow towards him.

"Oh,come on.I just wanted to test the waters,but she looks very persistent as always!"namjoon laughed and jungkook got busy in paper work.

"You know what?"he looked up to namjoon and continued in a low voice,"I don't care!Really.

Let's focus on work.Im sure you don't have much time to waste on useless talks"and both of them started with their business discussion.

When they were almost done with the work,a knock interrupted them.

"Come in"and Lisa entered with an envelope in her hands.

"Sir,Seoul National University has sent you an invitation for the day of graduation ceremony.They want you to join the event and wish the graduates good luck as a successful senior graduate from same university."

Jungkook took the envelope and Lisa left the office.

"I have got the same invitation in the morning.Lets go together,it will be fun!"Namjoon said and jungkook nodded.

After finishing their work,both headed to their home.


"Tomorrow ji eun is returning Korea.I want you to meet her on next day.Spend some time together, I'm sure you will like her!"the most unwilling discussion was going to start on dining table,and jungkook was in no mood at all!

"Mom,let me finish my meal peacefully.I don't want to sleep with an empty stomach after such a long and busy day..."jungkook stated firmly,no emotion laced in his voice.


Mr.Jeon sighed when he saw his wife glaring at him and continued with the dinner.

After finishing the meal,jungkook went in his room and started arranging some files for the meeting,next morning.

A knock interrupted his work and he opened the door.

"Dad!What brings you here,you could have called me instead."jungkook said and the man gestured him to walk towards the garden area.

They both were taking in the night breeze that relaxed some of their tensed muscles unknowingly. Mr.Jeon glanced on his son,

"I know son,you are in no mind to get into the relationship.I think it's better for you to stay focused on your work for time being... I'm pretty sure you'll find the one for you on the right time!"the man said smiling at his son.

Jungkooks father has always been very considerate and understanding towards his son,in contrast to his mother.He would prioritize jung kook's personal life and his happiness over professionalism.

Ji euns family owns another big company in Italy,the reason why his mother wants them to pair up.

Jungkook feels way too lucky to have his father by his side always!

But,we know,even our shadow could leave our side in the darkest hours.....

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