《A Devil's Omega》🕊️ 11}


It took a few hours for the Guardian to wake up. It was already night when he finally regain consciousness. His vision still blurry, limbs aching. He found himself unable to move, small pressures on his torso, wrists and ankles. He could hear people talking yet he couldn't understand what was said. His guess was the Medics but they were known to be quiet unless the patient was awake and had news to give them. He tried to remember how he got there but all that came was a blur, it left his mind spinning. When his vision was finally getting focused he met odds eyes looking down on him.

The white haired Devil had a bandage around his head, messy hair falling over it, red and blue eyes dulled by tiredness glaring at him. The boy made a grimace and turned to call a Medic, leaving him in the hands of said Medic. He really didn't understand, he didn't even recognize the boy. More like he didn't pay attention of those present between him and that Devil. He did recall pushing someone on his way so maybe it was him ? He truly had no idea what he did. His Alpha did go wild in anger, making him blackout unaware of what his Alpha side did.

Meanwhile the Heart and Messenger sat together next to the red haired Devil's bed. Said Devil was laying on his stomach, his upper back covered in bandages. His back had been badly bruised yet they found it wasn't that bad, it was merely going to make the Devil unable to use his wings for a while. Unless he wanted to make it worse which got the black haired Guardian rolling his eyes. When the black haired Guardian saw the other Guardian and the state of Minhyuk he had immediately tore them apart and sent the Messenger away to get a real Medic, no offence to the golden tailed Devil.


The Medics had immediately taken the Devil in charge in their care when they saw his state which also lead to a very awkward conversation with the Heart and Messenger. The two weren't supposed to be on the Devil territory, Chanhyun didn't have his notebook so he couldn't even talk to them and (M/n) didn't really know how to describe his relationship with the Devil. Yes they shared a bond born by their loneliness but they didn't completed it, they did kiss and touch the other a bit but they had no true label on their relationship.

The Heart couldn't help but blush at the memories, it made it even more awkward for him to tell how their first meeting ended up with an early heat on his part. It was even worse when two Elders came to check on the situation. They were scolded for their reckless behavior as well as trespassing over the Devil territory. Luckily for them the Elders let the two to take a room in the Devil territory so they could be check on Minhyuk.

(M/n) may have felt relieved as they were left alone yet he knew they had very little time left for them to complete the bond which sent him in a panic. Even if his Devil was going to be alright and let back at his home - after the door was fixed - there was no way the red haired Devil would have enough strength to complete it. There was not much (M/n) could do. Yet unknown to them, they did start the process to complete the bond.

The Medics soon released the golden tailed Devil yet refused to let him go home alone. The Messenger only waved goodbye to the Heart, leaving (M/n) alone with the Devil in charge, and helped his friend go back to his cabin. The Angel sat there for what felt like an eternity before he heard movement from the Devil's bed. (M/n) went over to check on him, not wanting to bother the Medics if it was nothing. Thankfully the Devil only had rolled onto his side, a frown on his face as he did. The Heart took the Devil's hand in his, softly kissing the knuckles, a prayer for the Devil's well-being on his lips.


(M/n) did wonder what would happen to them. They didn't have any time left to complete the bond properly, they didn't know each other - didn't even know the other's name, only their roles. He could've asked the Messenger for information but he knew that those were for Chanhyun to know and for (M/n) to find out, it would be too easy if they could know everything about the other right away. He did wonder if they were going to have their wings cut and being thrown out on Earth but surely they weren't that cruel, were they ?

Hours melted into days, days into weeks and before he knew it almost a month had passed. The Medics kept the Devil in charge for so long, making sure he was able to use his wings without breaking his back or making him bleed. It was a painful thing to watch. What had surprised them was the fact that they were still alive even though their time was up. None of them understood, the Medics found it unique truly but kept worrying about it. Fortunately nothing bad happened, the Heart and Devil were fine.

Even after being released the couple was perfectly fine, they spent days in utter confusion about what to do and how it was possible for them to be alright. Of course none of them has the answer but they felt content to finally be able to cuddle, kiss and getting to know the other in peace. It was absolute bliss. They had some moments where things went wild but it never went as far as deep kisses and a few bites. They couldn't bring themselves to become a pair so soon after slowly getting to know the other, so they decided to wait and wait they did.

- - -

Hi, hello, heya.

I'm alive, hi. Just got stuck with an ugly writer block, and then exams happened. Anyway no one cares about that stuff.

Did it sound like an ending ? I think it did. Maybe it is, maybe not. Should I do more or just write an epilogue and move to a new story ? You guys tell me.

Anyway hope you liked it and see y'all in the next update 🐍

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