《fantasy Au Mha x reader》🎶Pirate!Todoroki x mermaid!Reader


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Deep within the sea of the Atlantic stood the oceanic city of Atlantice. Ruled my the Mer King All Might, a proud father of one Daughter, Y/n. The city was protected by a powerful warrior casted by the king to keep all his people safe.

"Y/n I cannot allow your to go beyond the barrior. It's not safe," The king said to his Daughter.

"What's outside that makes it dangerous?" Y/n asked curiously.

"Sharks, rough currents, and worst of all Humans," He said with distain.

"They are the reasons why your mother, my wife isn't with us anymore. Please try to understand, I can't lose you like I did her," Her Father asked as he pulled her into a hug.

"I-I understand Father," was all she could say.

She bid her father goodnight as she swam up to her tower. On her way up she began to sing out her heart.


"She sang as she layed on her bed.

As she sat their an Idea. Popped in her mind, deep within the castle was a stash of gems. These gems had the power to cross the barrier, If she could get her hands on that she could enter and exit when ever she pleases.

When the sky finally fell dark, Y/n quickly snuck out of the tower and down to the vault. Past the guards was a room full of glowing gemstones. She quickly snagged one and swam to the farthest edge of Atlantis.

The barrier flew a faint sky blue against the dark sky. Taking a deep breath she slowly pushed herself through the barrier, with gem in hand and crossed the barrier.

"I'm out... I'm out!" She gasped in awe of the new area.

'I promise to be back before sunrise', she said to herself as she swam off.

Unaware of ship not to far off from the city.


"Captain, you called?"

"Yes, Grotto. Bring the deck boy. Let's see if he finally learned his lesson," The captain said.

"Right away Captain," Grotto said as he went to the holding ciel below deck.

Inside the storage section was a small ceil. A red and white haired boy sat inside. He was covered in scars and brouses, with his wrists tied behind his back, and his ankles tied tightly together. A Gag wrapped tightly over his mouth as he glared At Grotto.

"Wakey wakey Shouto. The captain would like to see you," Grotto laughed cruelly as he dragged Shouto up the stairs by his hair.


Once they got to the sky deck Grotto tossed Shouto to the Captains feet.

"So Shouto, did you finally learn your place? Do you need to go back to cell?" The captain asked sadistically.

Shouto shook his head no while glaring at the ground. Grotto riped the cloth off shouto's mouth.

"No, I learned my lesson... Captain," Shouto said bitterly, as Grotto untied Shouto.

"Good. Get cooking boy, the crew is starving from today," The Captain laughed as he shoved Shouto down the stairs.

"Cast the nets!" Grotto ordered.


As Y/n swam around the coral, she heard a sudden scream. Looking up towards the sky she saw a net trapping young dolphin.

Y/n quickly grabbed the sharpest rock she could find and swam over to the dolphin. Quickly started to slice the rope, but unaware of the mess her tail was getting tangled in.

Once the dolphin was freed. Y/n tried to flee too, but her tail was caught in the net. The pirates started to pull up the net, Y/n began to panic and tried to free herself.

"What a pretty catch we have to Night men," The Captain smiled at the helpless mermaid that was pulled on deck.

The Captain grabbed Y/n by he jaw and forced her to look up at him. Y/n trembled in fear as she stared at the frightening human in front of her.

"Take her below deck men!" He ordered as Two other pirates drag her below.


"Hurry up you brat!" An impatient Pirate demanded.

Shouto quickly poured some soup into a bowl and quickly ran over to the pirate. He was pulled left and right, bringing food and rum to hungry Pirates.

"Shouto! Bring some food to our bounty below. We need her alive after all," The captain ordered as he went back to his game.

"Yes Captain," Shouto said as he took some bread and cheese below deck.

He made his way to the cargo hold to see at large tank. His eyes widened at what was in the tank. He couldn't take his eyes off the beautiful creature inside. The beautiful mermaid floated silently within her prison, with a sad expression on her face. Shouto slowly approached the mermaid as he took in all her features.

"I'm here to bring you food," was all he could think of.

The mer turned her head to face him, but wasn't the food she was interested in. The boy on the other side of the glass looked odd to her. She never meet a being as unique as him before as she pressed her hand against he glass. Shouto slowly placed his hand in the same spot as hers.


"I'm Shouto Todoroki, and you are?" He asked her.

"I am Y/n," She answered shyly. " So what's going to happen to me know?"

"I'm not to sure, my captain probably won't tell me. But I were to guess he would probably sell you to the highest bidder," Shouto said.

Y/n slowly sank to the bottom of her tank in sorrow. Shouto sighed as he sat done with her.

"I'm sorry this happened to you. I know how it feels," Shouto sighed sadly.

"You do? What happened too you?" Y/n asked.

"When I was younger I didn't have the best family life. My mother lost her sanity because of my father and through boiling on the left side of my face. So father sent her away and tried to mold me into his ideal son, too accomplish a dream he couldn't. So I ran away, believing that any life away from him would be better," He explained with sorrow in his voice.

"But I was wrong. I was kidnapped one day, and sold off to the Captain of this ship. Now I'm forced to serve my captors,"

"Is that why your covered in bruises?" Y/n asked as she looked at his arms.

"y-yes," he stuttered as horrible memories of what the crew did too him came to mind.

"I'm so sorry," was all she could say.

"I'm going to help you get home," Shouto said suddenly.

"Aren't you going to get in trouble?!" Y/n asked in worried for Shouto.

" I've seen to many people suffer by their hands, and I want to at least save one person before I go out," Shouto said with a serious tone.


After a day of planning Shouto quickly got to work, after slipping some sleeping medicine into the crews food. He quickly made his way down to the cargo hold, and scooped Y/n out of her prison and made his way to the deck.

"I can't thank you enough Shouto,"

Y/n said as he hugged Shouto.

"Your welcome," he said with a small smile, as he dropped her into the ocean below.


I watched as Y/n's sillouette quickly disappear into the sea. Then I felt something slash against my back. I cryed out in pain as I feel to my knees, feeling the cool night air blow against the wound on my back.

"I knew you were up to something Shouto," Grotto sneered as he punched me across the face.

"This is your final punishment," Grotto spat as he pushed his sword through my stomach.

I tried to cry out in pain, but nothing came out. Suddenly I was falling off the boat and into the water below. I couldn't feel anything as everything slowly turned black.


I slowly could feel again, but for some reason I felt wrong some how. With my hands I could feel I was laying on something soft. I tried to move my legs, but I couldn't feel them. I forced my eyes open slowly to take in my surroundings.

The room was well furnished, but the air felt weird as I sat up. I threw the covers off to see that I no longer had legs, but a tail.

"Shouto Your awake!" Cried out a familiar voice.

"Y-Y/n," I stuttered as I was tackled into a hug.

"W-what happened to me?!"

"I saw you drowning and badly wounded. So to pay you back I took you to my kingdom. Than my father turned you into one of use. As a thank you for saving me," She explained happily.

I didn't really know what to say, I was very grateful to be saved. Yet I didn't know how to feel about my new form. Then she handed me a small bottle of something.

"If you really want to be human again, then find shore and drink it. But if you do, then you can never come back," She warned.

"You really did-" I was cut of when Our lips collide. They were so soft and warm, I couldn't help it but to kiss back.

"That was my thank you, Shouto. I wouldn't be able to reunite with my father without your help," she said with a beautiful, but soft smile.

"Oh by the way, my father would like to meet you, dinner has been set up for us. So come down if your up for it," she added as she swam towards my window.

I looked down atthe potion and placed it down on the night stand. I'll deal with that later, as I quickly followed after Y/n.

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