《fantasy Au Mha x reader》💗werewolf!Bakugou x reader


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Werewolves violent and mysterious creatures that lurk in the night. A small village next to the deep dark woods, no one dared entered there. For most of the time people would go missing, only to hear their last screams. The villagers grew fearful of the woods as the creatures of the dark soon started to venture out side the woods at night, and reek havoc on the town. The villagers would have been wiped out if it weren't for the arrival of the huntsmen. Who managed to banish the creatures back into the forest. Soon the village became a great Kingdom. That was the story they told to all the young ones in the village, in hopes to inspire them to become strong huntsman and huntresses. Many of them would, many in it for the glory, fame, or the adventure.

With in this village there was a young Maiden , and her name was y/n. She was a beautiful and fragile girl, she was sought out by many, but none caught her interest. She was not a fearsome huntress, but a beloved painter. Her paintings were renowned by many, many say her work looked like something only seen in a fantasy.

Our story Begins one summer day, and Y/n was packing her painting supplies for her next work. With a soft smile she stepped out into the sunny day, making her way through the busy streets. Many people were doing their daily duties, be it sweeping the streets, baking, or blacksmithing everyone was working. Well almost everyone.

"Hahaha, I dare those wicked creatures to step foot outside those woods. I will slay them quick with this mighty blade," Monoma said with his usual haughty attitude as showed off his sword to his small group of fan girls.

"Hey isn't that y/n the painter,'' one of his fan girls whispered.


"It is! I heard she even did a portrait for the royal family," another whispered.

"Well hello Y/n~. It's Lovely too see you again," Monoma greeted as he approached Y/n with a cocky grin, Y/n sighed as she quickly turned to him with her best smile she could muster.

"I-it's good to see you too Monoma, looks to me that everything is peaceful," Y/n said as she slowly tried to walk away.

"So were are heading off too?" Monoma asked as he leaned against a nearby wall.

"I'm going to the forest outside the gate," Y/n said simply as she picked up her pace as she made her way down the road.

"The Dark woods, you know e-evil creatures lurk in those woods," Monoma stuttered a bit.

"Well thanks to the Huntsman the woods aren't as dangerous as they once were. I'll be fine," Y/n said as she stepped out of the gates and into the forest.

She wondered deep into the forest till she eventually settled down and set up her canvas. She slowly started to paint the scenery.

Once she was satisfied with her work, she slowly started to pack up her things. When suddenly there was a loud thoud behind her.

She quickly turned to see a bruetly beaten ash blond werewolf.

"Oh my goodness, Sir are you alright?!" Y/n asked him.

The boy growled as he limped over to her, only to fall short and collapsed at her feet. Y/n sighed as she dragged the boy to the gates, to the kingdom.


I slowly started to feel my senses. I could feel the soft bed I was in, I could hear someone humming something a room away. I could smell something cooking too.

I slowly forced my eyes open as I took in everything. I was in a room full of all sorts of paintings, some people, building, but a lot of them were of the forest. I tried to site up but an invisible force and unbearable pain just pushes me back into the bed. Suddenly the door opened.


"Oh I see your awake that's good," The girls said as she slowly approached me.

I let out a low growl at her, I don't want her getting any ideas. And all she did was sigh like I was a nuisance.

"Could You please stop that, I'm here to give you breakfast," she said as she placed the tray on my bed. As I looked down at the delicious looking meal, I could feel my mouth water.

" bon appetit," she said as she left the room.

I slowly picked up the food and quickly scarfed it down, it was the best thing I ever tasted. It's way better raw meat, but I can't wrap my head around why a weak and helpless human girl would help me. She didn't react the way many claimed humans would. When your a werewolf Gods want to kill you, people want to kill you, even others werewolves want to kill you. So what is she up too?

She did come back with dinner, which was also pretty good.

"Why did you help me?" I asked her.

"Well I wasn't going to leave you to die, and I... I never painted a werewolf before," She said bashfully as she looked away from me.

This girl helped me because she wanted to paint me. What is wrong with this girl?

"You can't be serious, I've heard more bull***** answers than that. Why did you help me?" I growled lowly.

"N-no I just really wanted to paint you," She stuttered as she showed me an unfinished painting of me.

This.. Girl was serious.

"Look once you get better your free to leave when ever you want," She said with a nerves smile.

"Fine," I grumbled as I looked out the window.


Months went by and Y/n wasn't that anoyying, and I likes the finish portiat of me. Although I wish she painted me in a more intimidating light. But all in all she wasnt awful like my old hag. I don't know what she did to me though, when ever she's near me I can feel my heart flutter in my chest, and my tail would wag uncontrollably. Lately I have been finding it harder and harder for me to leave. I'm free to leave when ever I want yet I always find myself back at her doorsteps. Everytime I return she would always have that cute smile on her face, and make the best dinner.

Everytime I leave I feel so empty and lonely when I wasn't near her. So I made up my mind and I visited the witch of the forest, midnight. She gave me a potion to turn me human forever.

Looking back on this, Y/n is my wife and the mother of my two sons. I took up a job of blacksmithing, and we live happily in the kingdom. I regret nothing.

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