《fantasy Au Mha x reader》☁Prince! Shouto x Kistune!Reader


Resquested by @Rose_thekistunedemon

A long time ago the peaceful tribe of Kitsune lived in the land of Pesidore, till the greedy humans came. They raided the land and killed the those who stood in their path. We had no choice but to flee into the forest. Only for the humans to trap most of our people in, and set the woods ablaze. We were pushed to our home know, The Dark Forest. A place the humans do not dare wonder in.

Till this day Little ones, just out side the forest stands. Is where the tall catsle of the human king stands. They are cruel and merciless, so do not wonder outside the forest. Or you'll never return again.


The Great kingdom Pesidore, ruled by the great and fierce King Enji Todoroki.

"Know 500 years ago, this land was pleaged with awful demons. They called themselves the Kitsune, savage creatures they are. Thankfully King Seris, your father's Great great Grandfather, Chased the creatures away," the Tutor rambled.

Shouto was too distracted, as he drew a crued drawing of his father. He could care less of his studies and his father. Because of his father he was unable to spend time with his siblings. Trying to mold him into the perfect Heir. His oldest brother vanished one day, the second eldest became captin of the gaurd. His sister left the castle to travel the world, leaving Shouto alone with his father. His mother passed away while he was still young. As the hours passed Shouto finally had enough.

"I'm done for today. We can continue tomorrow," Shouto said simply as he left the study.

He wandered the halls of the castle, but eventually stopped on a nearby balcony. It over looked the dark forest, the same forest that Touya disappeared in. There were times Shouto wished it was him who vanished into those woods. His father was a cruel man. Shouto was never able to make his own decisions, his father had control of every aspects in his life. While Shouto studied and slaved away, his father would be in his chambers with his concubines.

Eventually Shouto wondered into the Large gardens of the castle. The dark forest just outside it's perimeters. His mind was set on the his future marriage. Princess Momo of The kingdom Melchoir. He would admit she is beautiful, but he is aware of her feelings for a certain gaurd in her court. The next summer they will be wed, neither Shouto or Momo get a say in the matter.

As he was about to turn back, he heard a small kitten cry. He turned to see a very odd looking kitten thing just at the edge of the forest.


Shouto slowly tried to approach the strange creature, but it quickly ran back into the forest. Without even thinking Shouto quickly chased after the creature, into the forest. The trees and roots closing behind him.

Shouto chased after the small creature, till he came across an gigantic old Oak tree. A large rock rested under it's shade as the critter climbed on Top of stone.


I don't know why they call it the creatures the forest, maybe because I've never seen it before. I do know midoriya is an explorer, or a wannabe Explorer. He is always looking for some new discovery, maybe I just wanted to examine this creature.

"Fluffykins!" Shouted a female voice.

From behind the rock a beautiful girl with shiny H/c hair and lovely e/c eyes, appeared behind the creature. Fluffykins jumped into the girls arms and cuddled up to her affectionately. As I continued to stare I noticed her..fox like..ears and her 5 fox tails.. A Kitsune!

"A Human! What are you doing here!?" She shouted in anger and fear.

I quickly turned and ran as I followed the path, but nothing looked familiar. I couldn't find my way out, I was lost. As I ran I tripped and tumbled down a hill. I felt myself fall of a ledge only for something to grab my leg. I looked up to see the same Kitsune girl from before. She quickly helped me up and onto safe ground. Apparently I almost feel into a hole that leads to a complex system of caves. Homed to many giant serpent creatures.

"Y-you saved me?" I asked her as I tried to gain more breath.

"Of course, if the Kings Heir went missing in the forest, or worse dead. That could start another conflict, so yes. Follow me," she instructed.

It didn't take long for her to show me the way back to the castle. As I left the forest I quickly turned to her and asked.

"What is your name? If I may ask?" I asked her, but she already disappeared into the forest.


A few months passed and the Mysterious Kitsune Girl consumed Prince Shouto's mind. During lessons he wouldn't be paying attention, he was to busy sketching her. He could be found staring endlessly into the dark forest, instead of practicing.

Eventually he managed to work up the courage to go back into the forest. He easily found his way to the old oak tree and sat on Top of the same rock.

A few minutes went by and Shouto suddenly felt something rubbing up against him. It was Fluffykins.

"Oh it's you, um Hello," Shouto greeted as he scratched behind the creatures ear.


Fluffykins jumps down from the rock and traughts away A bit, not before looking back At prince Shouto.

He quickly followed the creature till he came across a village of sorts. Bridges connected from tree to tree, homes appeared to be made inside and around the tree's.

"Who goes there?! Humans are not welcomed in this part of the forest," Said a familiar voice.

Shouto turned to meet the familiar e/c eyed Kitsune. It didn't take her long to relieaze who it was.

"It's you again.. Why are you back here?!" She asked slightly annoyed.

"I um. Fluffykins lead me here," He blurted out.

She sighs as she picks up her mischievous pet. Shouto could help but stare at her, as the sun kissed her s/c smooth skin.

"I'm prince Shouto Todoroki," he said with a bow. "And you are?"

"I am Y/n L/n. It's a pleasure to meet you," Y/n said with a small smile.

And like that a friendship bloomed that day in the forest. When ever Shouto had the time, or was able to sneak out of the castle he would head stright for the forest. Some days Shouto would explain human culture, and compare their differences. Other days Y/n would show him many beautiful places within the woods. This went on for months on end.

Today the two were exploring many aspects of the forest. The first hurdle was climbing up a rock ledge.

"Wait.. Y/n," Shouto huffed as he pulled himself up. "Can you... Slow down?"

" I'm afraid I cannot. You better hurry up Princy or you'll be left behind," Y/n answered as she climbed with ease.

"I hate you, and stop calling me that!" Shouto shouted in frustration.

"I love you too, and why don't you come up here and make me," Y/n chuckled as she continued the climb.

"Did I ever tell you how evil you are," He mumbled under his breath.

Eventually they made their way to a powerful water fall.

"Water break Shouto," Y/n said as dipped her feet into the water.

Shouto a sweating mess, rushes over to the pond and dranked to his hearts content.

"Is this place you want to show me, are we close?" Shouto asked.

"Heh. Almost there," she said as she started to lead again.

They continued their journey as they slowly made their way out of the forest and up the mountain side. Soon they reach a clean path on the mountain.

"Were getting close Shouto," Y/n calls back to him as they followed the path.

Eventually they came across a beautiful site.

"This is beautiful," Shouto said in awe.

"Was the journey worth it?" Y/n asked as she hugged him from behind.

"Yes, yes it was," Shouto said with a smile.


They rested back at the old Oak feasting on some cooked rabbit Y/n hunted done. As they sat in comfortable silence, Shouto spoke up.

"Y/n, 2 months from know, I will have to marry Princess Momo, But I don't share the same feelings with you than I do with her," He said placing his lunch down on a leaf plate.

"I love you y/n. Your so wild and strong, yet kind in your own way. And I don't want to be bound to princess Momo,"

Y/n smiled softly as she leaned over and kissed him on his cheek.

"I love you too. But what about Momo, you can't leave her at the alter now can you," Y/n pointed out as she continued to eat.

At that Shouto's hopes were slightly dashed.

"Momo is in love with someone else, not of royal blood. I wish we could both be happy."

"Unless," Y/n suggested.


"I know husband and wife. Our new King and Queen. King Shouto Todoroki and Queen Momo Yaoyorozu," The head priest announced.

They knewly wedds waived to the crowds below. All cheering and praising the knew Rulers. That party was large and grand, it lasted into the night.

The couple managed to sneak out back and made their way to the stables. There waiting for them was Iida the Knight and the real Princess Momo. Their wagon was set and ready to go.

"Thank you for everything Shouto," she thanked as she held Iida's hand.

"It was our pleasure Princess," y/n said with a bow as she dropped the disguise.

"Oh before you go, wear these necklaces. They're magically Enchanted and will change your appearance. No one will ever recognize you,"

Iida and Momo placed the necklace around their necks, as they began to change. Momo shrunk a bit, her black hair turned to short brown Bob hair cut, her dark eyes became light brown, and her cheeks turned slightly pink.

Iida shrunk a bit as well, his hair turned wild and green, his blue eyes also became green, and freckles adorned his cheeks.

The disguise couple gave them one last thanks as they rode off into the night. Leaving shouto and Y/n behind.

"I'm ready to call it a night, how about you, dear husband," Y/n asked as she hugged his arm.

"How about we retreat to my chambers, lovely wife of mine," He asked as he pulled her into a passonite kiss.

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