《| My Omega. | Park Jimin X Male Reader {DISCONTINUED}》OMEGA 9


Jimin couldn't seem to grasp the idea. No matter how hard he thought about it, he couldn't just accept it.

Just like he couldn't accept his mate. Wow.

You see, in the middle of his date with [M/n], he suddenly felt as if somebody was watching him. No, more like glaring. It took a while for the omega to finally find what was making him feel like he was being watched, and boy, Jimin felt like he was about to pounce.

The university whore was glaring at him because he was on a date with [M/n].

Now, Jimin ignored it fairly well until he told [M/n] he had to go to the bathroom. After he got out he froze in his tracks.

That human girl had the audacity to start flirting with his mate as soon as left? Was she dense? So her plan was to try and get at [M/n] as soon as he left?

That's idea sounded like her level of stupid.

[M/n] was not even acknowledging her presence as he stared at his phone, his other hand deep in his front pocket. His eyebrow would occasionally twitch from annoyance, but other than that, he remained completely immobile. Jimin crossed his arms over his chest and inhaled deeply.

Not today bitch.

He fixed his loose striped white and black shirt, applied some more pink tinted Chapstick, checked his eyeshadow, and began to make his way back to his boyfriend. Jimin smiled once [M/n] looked up from his phone with the widest grin. He roughly yanked his hand out of her grasp, causing her to gasp, and made his way over to the omega. "Took you long enough." He muttered and pulled him in. Jimin giggled and leaned up to kiss his cheek sweetly. The girl, Nancy, was watching in anger as the scene played out. She has met enough men that stared at him long enough to ignore her.

Jimin glanced her way and smirked. They were pulled off to the side so people could walk down the spacious area of the mall, but even then, Jimin could see Nancy a bit too clearly.


The blond returned his gaze up to his lover and smiled. "You know I love you, right?" [M/n] raised an eyebrow and nodded. "What kind of question is that? Of course I do!" [M/n] kissed his forehead sweetly, followed by his cheeks. Jimin wrapped his arms around his neck and scrunched up his nose, his lips jutted out in a small pout. "You missed..."

He pointed to his lips.

Nancy wasn't getting the message.

[M/n] playfully rolled his eyes and gripped his hips tightly. "Sorry babe. I won't this time." He leaned forward and closed his eyes, lips colliding firmly on top of Jimin's plump ones. Jimin threaded his fingers through his hair while his other hand rested on his chest. He moved his lips in sync with the elder's, and Jimin kept his eyes half lidded the entire time.


He was staring at Nancy out of the corner of his eye, his lips never stopping their movement. He smirked and poked his tongue out to drag across his bottom lip.

Nancy was fuming.

He then decided it was time to enjoy the kiss and he closed his eyes. A full blown make out session emerged between them, Jimin ending up with swollen lips and a heated gaze. He opened his eyes and glanced at the spot Nancy was still standing at. This time, she looked like she was about to cry out of anger.

"Aw, poor baby." He whispered and interlocked his hand with [M/n]'s as they pulled away from the hug. [M/n] blinked at the statement and tilted his head. "What-" Jimin quickly pecked his lips and started to drag him along, hair bouncing with each eager step he took. "Let's just go. I wanna enjoy our date."

People should learn by now.

Never fuck with Park Jimin.

Oh, and try to not get on [M/n]'s nerves. He's sometimes got very low patience.

"[M/n]! Look at this." He pulled out a white sweater with a golden PUMA logo from a rack and held up the white pants he chose out. The alpha stared at the two articles of clothing and chuckled. "Jimin, of course they match. And they'd look especially good on you." [M/n] himself had picked out some white pants because somebody spilled their Sprite on them. It shouldn't have left that big of a stain, but his pants gained a gray color that was distasteful. He had thrown them out and was now searching to buy a new pair.


[M/n] and Jimin continued to look for clothes with each other, the pair occasionally asking each other on advice on what would match. They each had their own clothes slung over their arms as they searched. But Jimin... oh boy.

Let's just say he has a lot of clothes to try on.

They picked out separate dressing rooms, yet both were next to each other. [M/n] first tried on a slightly baggy black sweater with the word 'OBEY' printed in big bold letters.

Eh, maybe.

He pulled off the sweater and pulled on a white shirt, followed by a black leather jacket with a hoodie. He did several spins in front of the mirror to check out every angle of the clothing. He liked it, but...

How about adding something besides black and white to the wardrobe?

Jimin, however, was struggling for a completely different reason. He couldn't figure out what to buy! There was this denim jacket he really liked, along with this jumper, along with these jeans, along with-

"Babe? You finished in there?" [M/n]'s voice broke him out of his mental debate. Jimin took half of the clothes he picked out of the room with him and faintly nodded. "Mhm... I couldn't decide what outfit to get so I'm getting all of these." He stated in a matter-of-factly tone. [M/n] sighed while playfully rolling his eyes. "Alright baby. Is that it for today?" The blond furrowed his brows as he walked alongside him, arms full with the clothes he picked out.

However, before Jimin could answer, they picked up the smell of heavy arousal. It was almost contagious really. [M/n] scrunched up his nose. The only thing he wanted to smell is Jimin's own scent, not some strangers'. The couple stopped and looked around them. Now who in the hell-

"Jimin, let's leave. An omega is beginning to go into heat." [M/n] grabbed his mate's hand and started to hurriedly walk to the exit. It doesn't matter if the alpha has a mate. The smell of an arousal of any omega can cause their senses to trigger, even bring some into rut.

The pair ended up walking out of the store and down the hallways of the mall, fingers interlocked tightly and reassuringly. What happened at the store had Jimin thinking. What would he do when his heat comes around? He and Tae hated using the heat suppressants for the same reason:

It can mess up your heat cycle badly, and may cause infertility. That small word scared the two omegas. Infertility. Now he had an alpha to help him in his heat... maybe he could be a bit selfish that day and keep him all to himself.

"Uh, Jimin..."

"Hm? Yeah?"

"You do realize we never set down our things..."

The pair stopped in their footsteps and stared at the clothes in their grasp. Did none of them have sensors...? The omega gulped and looked back the way they came from.

"Do you think we should go back...?"

[M/n] looked down at his clothes and hit down on his lip.

"You know what..." He smiled warmly and squeezed his hand. "That's the right thing to do."

"I'll do that some other day."

[M/n] continued to walk out of the mall and to his dorm, dragging a shocked Jimin behind him. What can he say? It wasn't his fault the sensors went off.

"[M/n]..." Jimin spoke after several seconds of silence. "You know, her heat isn't the only one that is close."


"Wait what?"

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