《crimson eyes. | Multiple Personality| villain deku》-wait... what?-


Today was the day I'd shake the chains I wear. I got ready for school after last night's little scare. I had to be mindful of what I said or did around my mom. She was already preparing food. "They asked for you to be assisted to school from now on.'' She turned the stove off. Her voice was steady but I could tell she was dripping with mixed emotions. Those of regret and anger." do you have any idea what this makes you look like? I want to believe you're just going through something after you had to deal with that other you... but this? This is not acceptable. You're failing every class! They said you might not graduate! Where is your spirit izuku! Now you're sneaking off late at night!" I looked down and sighed.

"I'm sorry mom looks ill get passing grades on the finals! I swear plus I've already got everything else lined up and ready for when I graduate!" I lied and she nodded, handing me the plate of eggs.

"Katsuki is going to be coming around to walk you to the bus. You're lucky they are letting you attend this little event still. When you're there you are to stay around katsuki or another teacher at all times and they dont want you to have your phone on you.'' I sighed knowing this would happen after yesterday. I could see it coming with my carelessness.


Kacchan came about 20 minutes after our conversation. He poked fun at me the whole time when we got to the bus. I went to sit with him but was pointed to a seat across Aizawa. He did not question my bag but he was watching me closely. Lucky for me I'd seen this coming from a mile away. The first thing I had done when I had joined the league was upgrade myself in a way. A small hidden camera and intercom connected to my contacts just for these kinds of situations. I rested my head against the window closing my eyes and I faded to sleep.


A pair of hands shook my awake. When I opened my eyes I noticed it was shoto. I smiled as he kissed my cheek lightly helping me to my feet.

The day went on as we were told who was graduating with all of that fancy shit I cared nothing about. Shoto was graduating with flying colors and would buy at his father's agency. We rehearsed a bit. Of course, I sat on the sidelines as the only one who had not passed. Aizawa was acting as security. His eyes were glued to me every move I made he would catch and examine. I blinked, closing my eyes for 5 seconds before opening them and blinking a few more times. I heard the click as the vision in my left eye became blurred for a moment before clearing. The camera was on, meaning they should be able to locate where I was.

After the boring shit ended the fun things began. There was a lake everybody had been told to bring bathing suits if they wanted to swim. There were so many other things too. Rock climbing and an obstacle course. Some of the activities looked to be some fun. I went to get up to go join them before I was grabbed by Aizawa's scarf. This had been something I wasn't expecting. "Ahem, midoriya where do you think you're going? This is for the students who are graduating and have behaved themselves." I almost hissed as I was seated on the stage with work to do. Aizawa was shopper owning me... and it pissed me off. Oh how much I wanted to kill the bastard. But soon it would start. I let my eyes shift to blue so I could do the work quickly.

I finished and leaned back. "I'm done" I shouted and he came over to make sure I had done it all.


"Now I wonder if you didn't want to pass the finals midoriya or you slacked off maybe weren't feeling your best?" At that moment I felt the air around me grow thick as he stared at me darkly. "I'd be surprised if you were maybe not really yourself" I had to force a smile to keep myself from panicking.

"I don't understand Aizawa sensei. I'm perfectly fine. I think I was just tired and stressed the day of finals and snapped under pressure. I'll do better, I promise!" I said with a confused smiley and he backed off. "I finished, could I go for a swim now?" he sighed and nodded walking me to the lake. There were a lot of others in the waters including kacchan and sho as well as another teacher so he left me alone for the time.

I walked over to show sitting beside him the waves of the lake slowly rising over our feet. I leaned my head on his shoulder but he seemed off. But talking to him was the best way to communicate with my team it was to start. My revenge against bakugo was to start soon. Chaos to erupt. I smiled slightly. "Aren't you happy? It's almost time sho." he looked to me

"Time for what?" he asked and I chuckled slightly

"It's time for graduation soon silly we are all going to become pro heroes. Dont worry, I'll pass eventually. I just need some time before I'm ready." The signal was I'm ready. That all I had to say and I did now in three minutes iId see the blue flames of dabi erupt. And of course, I'll be swarmed by the pros.

For those few moments, I was on the edge of my seat but nobody noticed. I talked to show until the smell of smoke rose to our lungs and the screeching of birds flew by our heads as a sudden gust of blue flames shot above us...

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