《The Multiple Hero Deku》Level 0: Prologue


"Hello." = Normal talk

'Okay.' = Though

= Gashat sound

= Finisher and Weapon sound



"Hey, Kacchan wait for me." said a 7-year-old boy with green hair wearing a red t-shirt and black pants his name was Izuku Midoriya and he is following his childhood friend an ash blonde hair boy name Katsuki Bakugo who he calls Kacchan

"Then you better hurry up Deku." he said to the green-haired boy who he calls Deku as they and two other kids walk in a forbidden part of the park they are in as they continue to walk they come across a river with the only across was a very slippery tree log Bakugo decide to cross it

"Hey what are you waiting for it's easy to cross watch I show you how it's done." Bakugo said as he climbs on the log walk on it "See it easy." he said as he shows them but as he tries to walk cross he slipped and fall into the water

"Hey Bakugo are you alright?" asked one of the other boys as he and the other look down,

"Yeah, I alright worry." Bakugo said get up

"Hey, Kacchan are you okay?" Izuku said as he was standing in the water extending his hand to help his friend up, however, Bakugo see as him looking down on by Midoriya so he got angry and hit him with his explosion quirk while saying

"How dare you look down on me you useless Deku!" the explosion was right at Izuku face which knocks him out Bakugo was too angry at Midoriya to notice that he knock him out so he stormed off leaving Izuku in the water knocked out,

A few minutes later Izuku wake up he realized that it started to rain so he finds shelter in an abandoned hospital he decided to look around as he continues he found a secret room with the sign " " as he walks in he saw a staircase going up as he went upstairs he see a room which looks some kinda office he soon noticed a game console on top it read " "

"Why would a hospital have a game console?" Izuku wonder he was curious about the game so he walks to it but accidentally tip and switch the console on he got up and saw that the game was on but instead of a normal game he saw two people in one was a girl with pink hair and the other was a boy with black hair


"Hey, who are you?" the pink hair Women asked which surprised that the woman noticed him so he quickly back away

"Poppy you scaring him." the black man said who called the women Poppy

"Oops sorry, Parad." Poppy said who called the man Parad they soon jump out of the game

Which scares Izuku evermore he was about the runaway

"Wait don't worry we won't hurt you." Poppy said trying to calm Izuku down

"How can I know that you not lying to me?" said Izuku who was hiding behind the stair to be save

"If we went to hurt you we would already do it." said Parad trying to get the frightened kid to come out of hiding

Izuku first stare at them for a second and come out of hiding

"So who are you people and why were you in that game console?" Izuku asked

"My name is Poppy Pipopapo and this is Parad." said poppy as she introduced herself and Parad while walking to Midoriya and keeling down "And what's your name?" she asked

"M-my name is I-Izuku Midoriya nice to meet you." Izuku answers shyly "So who are you, people? and why were you in the game and is that game console in the hospital are some kinda experiment for an antibody so something or-" he continued to ask but was interrupted by Poppy

"Slow slow we can answer your questions but get it easy okay." Poppy said

After that, she explains who she and Parad are that they are called Bugster and was once tried to take over the world but decided to live together with humans after defeating a Bugster knew as Gamedeus with their allies called Kamen Rider and that was 100 years ago Izuku who find it to be very interested but then realized something and ask

"Do you know what is Quirk?" Izuku asked

"Quirk? what is that?" Parad asked wondering by what he means Quirk then Izuku explains what is a quirk and the people use them to be a pro hero "Interesting, so do you have a Quirk?" he asked hearing this Midoriya face change from happy to sad "Hey what wrong did I say something?" he asked

"No, it's just that unlike most kids I don't have one so I Quirkless just I wish I have a Quirk so I can use it to save people's lives and help them smile." Izuku said as he started to cry


Hearing this the two Bugster feel sad for the boy who just went to be a hero and save a life but oh so he reminded them of Emu Who went to be a doctor the save lives and help them smile, just then Poppy come up with an idea to help Midoriya to become a Hero

"Hey Parad can I talk to you for a minute I know a way to help him." she whispered

"What is it Poppy?" ask Parad

"What if we give him the gamer driver and all the Gashat including your?" Poppy said energetically

Parad thought it wasn't a good idea at first but seeing the boy reminded him of Emu and agreed after all the world need a Kamen Rider again

"Okay but I am going to infect him like what I did to Emu so he can use the Gashat, ok and he to agree?" Parad asked "Okay go get the Gashat and a gamer driver I go tell him." he finishes and poppy nodded as she left to get the Gashat and gamer driver while Parad walk back to Izuku keeling down in front of the boy "Izuku if I said I can give you the power to help and save lives would you except the power to do so." he said in a kind toneIzuku look at Parad in confusion

"What do you mean given power you mean to make me into a Kamen Rider and can you really do that?" Izuku asked in a curious tone

"Yes I can so would you accept the power." Parad said

Midoriya thought about it for a sec gaining the power to protect people and stop the villain and become like his hero All Might it a chance of a lifetime he looks at Parad and smiles he nodded showing Parad he agreed to Parad smile

"Now normally we need you to go through some surgery however what was need no longer work but there is an alternate way we can do this" Parad said

"What is it and how?" Izuku asked

"I have to infect you to do it but your personality will change." Parad said

"Change how?" Izuku asked

"It will change you from being nervous and shy to claim and confidence." Parad said smiling

"Okay let's do it I'm ready." Izuku said smiling as soon as he said that Parad turn into some kind of dust and infect Izuku his hair then flew upward and his eye flesh red for a second before turning back to green again Poppy then came back with a black briefcase and a belt

"Okay, Midoriya I believe you know how to use these?" Poppy said as she handed Izuku the gamer driver and a pink Gashat with a picture and word saying "

Izuku smiled and put the gamer driver on

Press the button on the Gashat

After pressing the button his hair was flying backward and a smile form on his face

"I will change fate with my hand Henshin!" Izuku said

After saying that he put the Gashat into the first slot and hear

And transform

"Dai Henshin!" Izuku said then open the panel

And change into this

"Wow, this is amazing think you Poppy, and thank you Parad." Izuku said as he undid the transformation and think Poppy by blowing and think Parad by put his hand in front of his chest than Parad comeback out

"What are you two going to do now?" Izuku asked

"Well I needed with so you can transform so I staying inside you." Parad said as he answers Midoriya questions

"What about you Poppy what are you going to do?" Izuku asked

"I going to travel the world and see new places it will be fun." Poppy answers as they beginning to walk out of the hospital with Izuku carrying the briefcase with the Gashat and the gamer driver inside and Poppy who is pulling yellow luggage behind her they continue until they were back in the safe place in the park

"I guess this is where we part way good luck Midoriya and look after him Parad okay bye." Poppy said as she walks away to travel wavering at friends

After Poppy is no longer in sight Parad turns to Izuku

"Well let go home and let keep this a secret ok kiddo." Parad said

"Ok, it's a secret." Izuku said as Parad went back into MIzuku and start to walk back home and this is the story about a Quirkless who became the greatest hero ever.


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