《Freshman Year》Chapter Seven


"I don't even remember what the movie was about," I told Dylan as we walked out of the theater hand in hand.

Dylan smirked and whispered, "That's probably because we were lip locked the whole time." I laughed. In my pocket, I felt my phone buzz. I grabbed it and saw Sam's name. Dylan groaned. "What does she want?"

I rolled my eyes. "She's spending the night." I texted her back and shoved the phone back in my pocket. We walked back to his car talking about what we thought the movie was about.

I kicked a snow clump out of the way. Dylan and I had been dating for almost five months now. Winter break was approaching in the next week. Toledo Ohio had its first snow right after Thanksgiving.

Once he arrived at my house he pressed me up against the car and caged me in with his arms. He leaned in and gently kissed my lips. I wrapped my arms around his neck. My phone started to blare.

Dylan sighed and pushed himself away. I grabbed my phone and scowled. "Sam," I stated. He rolled his eyes. I picked up. "Yes, Sam."

"I have amazing news!" Sam squealed so loud that I had to hold the phone away from my ears.

I looked over at Dylan. "What is it?"

"I got asked out by this Junior named Mason. He's cute, popular, and captain of the baseball team. We're going out tonight."

My mouth dropped open. "But we were supposed to be having a sleepover."

"Oh don't worry. Mason doesn't want it to be weird so he wanted it to be a double date. We just need to find you a slightly less cute guy."

"Um...I can invite Dylan."


"No! Dylan isn't allowed."

"What? Why not?"

I heard a sigh. It's like she wanted me to roll my eyes all the way to the back of my head. "Mason and Dylan hate each other."

"Let me talk to Dylan about it."

She groaned and hung up. I turned to Dylan. I looked him over with a this-is-gonna-be-awkward smile. "Well, Sam's going on a date." Dylan looked at me confused. "And she wants me to go."

"I'll go with you," Dylan said like it was no big deal. It probably wasn't. I have a tendency to blow things out of proportion.

"You can't. I have to find another date."

Dylan looked at me like he couldn't quite figure out what I was saying. I explained the conversation I just had. "Let me get this straight. Sam happens to find a date who can't stand me. Oh, and by the way, I don't even know the captain of the baseball team. You, all the sudden, are the only one who she can go on this date with. Do you realize what she's trying to do?" I stared at him blankly. "She's trying to make it look like you're cheating on me."

I looked at the floor. Everything added up. She normally doesn't even talk to me when she has guys around. It's not like that would suddenly change. "She," I said, trying to find my words, "she would do that."

I leaned my head against my boyfriend as I stared at the sky hoping that it would give me an answer. I wanted to know what changed to make Sam this way. She always had the best intentions at heart.

When we first met I was sitting alone and she came and sat next to me. Then she helped me end a friendship with these two girls I didn't like.


Then when I realized I liked Blake, she was the one who helped move on after he said he didn't like me. It was always us two against the world.

She made me part of who I am. If it wasn't for her I might not be sarcastic or a tomboy.

It just didn't make sense why she'd give up so easily.

"Dylan," I said, my voice under a whisper.

He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me into a sideways hug. "Yeah?"

I looked up at him. "You're coming with me."

He smirked and it made me smile. "I thought you'd never ask."

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