《A Freshman and A Senior...Love?》A Freshman and A Senior ... Love? Chapter 12


Fin and I didn't see each other for the rest of the day.

After school I walked to the party story and got some supplies for tomorrow.

After my shopping I went home and started my homework.

My parents came home and my mom made dinner. We eat together then I got ready for bed.

I called Travis and got his voice mail.

"Hey it's Travis; you know what to do,"

I heard the beep and stared talking. "Hey Travis it's Alex, um, tomorrow is going to crazy. It's going to be world war four between me and Finn or Finn and I. Anyway, you might want to stay clear of me, I don't want you in the line of fire. Text me or call me back ... love you," I hung up the phone and went to bed.

Tomorrow was going to one crazy day.


I woke up early and got dressed in my normal clothes and left for school.

I walked up the steep hill and looked at the cars in the parking lot. There wasn't a lot.

I scanned the area for a familiar car. It wasn't here.

Just then a car pulled into the school's student parking lot.

The car I was looking for.

I watched Finn get out of the car and walk into the school.

I followed behind him slowly.

He walked to the gym and down to the locker room.

I waited, behind the wall, for him to come out so I could go into the locker room.

Once he came out I hurried down.

"Hello?" I called in a deep voice.

No one answered so I hurried over to Finn's locker and got straight to work.

He left his locker open, again, he will never learn.

I opened it and took all of his clothes out of his locker.

I him a little love note saying:

Hey Finny,

I hope you don't mind me taking your clothes, all of them, I just love your fashion style. Anyway, you can get them back in the distant future.

Love your favorite person,


P.S. next time lock your locker.

I put the little note on his locker door and closed it.

"Hey Alex,"

I turned around to see Finn.



"Whatcha doin?" he asked childishly.

"Nothing, just, you know, checking out the guys. I should really go now,"


"Not yet,"

"Why not?"

"Because, I want to know what's in the bag?"

"School work and stuff,"

"Yeah, okay, hand it over,"


"Okay," he said taking it off my shoulder.

"You really don't want to go in there"


"Because, I have...pads in there"

He gave me a grossed out look and threw me back my bag.

I flashed him a quick smiled and ran upstairs.

I ran to the library.

On my way there I saw Travis walking to the gym with his other friends.

He waved at me and I waved back.

I walked into the library and sat down in the back.

I took out my unfinished essay for Science.

My phone vibrated in my pocket.

I had a text message from Travis.

'Hey Alex, I got your message, be careful. Love you too - Travis'

I smiled and texted him back. 'I'll be fine - Alex'

I got back to work.


School officially started and I was on my way to my locker.

There was a note on my locker.

'You stole my clothes...so I stole your textbooks. Don't worry, you can borrow a friend's, oh wait, you don't have any friends.

Sorry babe, next time lock your locker.

Love your favorite person,


P.S. I had extra clothes in my book bag, I knew you would try and do something with my clothes.

I crumpled the note in anger and threw it on the ground.

I opened my locker and my books weren't in there.

I screamed silently in my head and slammed my locker and stormed to class.


My classes were hell.

We actually needed the books today.

My teachers gave me disappointed looks. I hate those looks.

Lunch time gave and it was time for my revenge.

Finn put his lunch tray down on the side table as he got whatever he needed to get.

I walked over there quickly and purred hot sauce on his open faced burger.

I grabbed a napkin and walked away.

Travis saw me and gave me a 'What did you just do' look.

I smiled at me and sat back down.

Finn walked over to his table filled with jocks and popular people.

He picked up his hamburger and bit into it.

I counted down from ten in my head.


Once I hit one Finn jumped up screaming.

"Water!" he yelled. "Water! Water! Hot! Hot!" he ran over to a nerd with a bottle of water and gulped it down.

He ran to another person with water and did the same thing.

After about five minutes of that Finn stopped and looked over at me with anger in his eyes.

I smiled sweetly as I got up.

I threw my stuff away and a walked away.

My phone vibrated in my pocket.

I had a message from Travis and Finn.

Opened Travis's first.

'You are evil - Travis'

I smiled and texted him back. 'Thank you - Alex'

I opened Finn's next. 'You're messing with the wrong person- Finn'

'I'm so not scared - Alex' I texted back.

I put my phone in my pocket and walked around the school.

I was pretty lonely without Travis.


One more class and no more school. I said to myself as I walked to my locker.

I opened it and my books where back and painted red. Everything was red.

I my hand through my hair as I closed and locker my locker.

I headed to gym class.

Once I got down in the locker room I changed into my gym clothes quickly and locked my locker.

I took one of my paintball guns and hid it in an empty locker.

You never know. Finn is unpredictable.

After gym I took a shower cause, I was sweaty and muddy.

I got in the shower and washed my hair quickly.

I wrapped the towel around me.

I dried my hair with my other towel as I walked over to the mirror.

I looked in it and froze.

My hair was... blond.

"No, no, no," I whispered as I ran to another mirror.

That one was obviously a trick mirror or something.

I looked in the other mirror and there I was with blond hair.

"Oh my gosh, I'm going to kill him,"

I ran to my locker and opened it. It was Empty. But I locked it.

There was a note in there.

I took it out and read it.

'Hey Fresh meat,

I stole...everything and I also dyed your hair, blond will look good on you. I like blonds.

I hope you enjoy your new hair and that towel you're in, pink right?

I also found your paintball gun, I just might use this.

By the way, I could be anywhere, it's my free period.

Look be hind you...'

I turned around and he wasn't there.

I sighed and finished reading.

'...You looked didn't you.


Later fresh meat.

P.S. You have a cute butt'

I put the note in my locker and slammed it shut.

He's such a perverted creeper.

I fixed the pink towel around my body and grabbed the paintball gun in the locker.

I brought two, just in case.

I ran my fingers through my wet blond hair.

All the girls left already and headed back to the gym to wait for the bell to ring.

I walked out of the locker room and into the hallway.

I walked to my locker were my extra clothes are.

My locker door was open. I ran over to it.

It was empty, again.

"Damn it," I mumbled.

I could do two things: one, go to the office and ask for clothes and let Finn win or I could fight.

I looked down at the fully loaded paintball gun and smiled.

I was going to fight. Wet and half naked.

I closed my locker and looked for Finn.

"Yo Al," I heard Finn say behind me.

I turned around and hind the gun behind my back.

"Where are my clothes?"

"Don't worry about it,"

"Tell me where my stuff is now,"

"Or what?"

"Don't worry about," I mocked.

Finn faked laughed.

"I'll give you to the count of three. One...three,"

I took my hand from behind my back and shout three paintballs at Finn.

He dodged them and shout some at me.

I ran out of the way and shout some back at him.

I got his shirt and leg.

"Ow, shit," he said limping out of the way of the rest.

I continued to shout and so did he.

I got hit on my arm and chest.

Paintballs hurt like hell.

I hid behind a wall.

I heard Finn coming and I jumped out and shout him in him chest.

I stopped once I realized that it wasn't Finn it was the principal.

I saw Finn in back of him giving me an 'oh shit' look.

I dropped the gun and back away slowly.

This wasn't looking good.



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