《A Freshman and A Senior...Love?》A Freashman and A Senior...Love? Chapter 10


My back was pressed against the wall and he was pressed against me.

He had an evil look in his eye that scared me.

"You tried to seduce me now it's my turn," he whispered in my ear.

A chill ran down my back as he brushed his lips against mine. My stomach did little flip flops as he did this.

He hand rubbed my back and my sides.

I bit my lips and tried to even my breathing.

My eyes locked with his and never broke away.

He moved his head to my neck and licked it.

I bit my lips harder, I was not going to let him win.

"Just give up," he whispered in my ear. His lips were touching my ear.

"Finn, just give me my clothes,"

"I don't think so," he said trailing his hand down my side to my legs.

The bell rang and Finn got off of me and walked away.

I shook my head and walked to find my stuff.

On my way I saw Travis.

He greeted me with a kiss. "Hey,"


"Need a ride home?"

"Nah, I'm good,"

"Okay, but before you go I need you,"

I laughed as he pulled me over to him.

Our lips meet and happiness filled me.

Someone slapped my butt, which was weird since I'm kissing Travis. But I opened my eyes and saw Finn near by kissing another girl.

He saw me looking at him. He began to speed up their kiss and I did the same.

I rubbed Travis's chest and placed his hands on my butt.

Finn began unbuttoning her shirt.

I unbuttoned Travis's.

Travis pulled away and smiled at me. "Easy tiger," he laughed.


He wrapped his arm around my waist as we exited the school.


Travis and I went our separate ways.

I walked home thinking about Finn. I don't get him.

When I got home I took a long shower and didn't bother getting changed. I just put on my neon green bra and Mickey Mouse underwear and sat on my balcony with my easel and canvas.

I began to paint the calm view of my house.


The weekend went by too fast.

It was already Monday and I had to face the school and Finn.

I dressed like the girls he likes to make out with again.

I looked in the mirror and I did recognize myself.

Before I left school I grabbed a long blue beautiful dress and put it in my backpack.

I left the house and saw Travis waiting for me outside.

"Whoa, you look hot today"

"Thanks, you look pretty hot yourself," I gave him a long kiss on the lips before getting in the car.

Once we arrived at school, I went to the boys' locker room.

I snuck in and found Finn's locker.

I took out all out all of his clothes and put in the dress.

I hurried out of the locker room and went to my locker.

I waited there for Finn until the bell rang.

When he didn't show I rolled my eyes and walked to class.

I could hardly pay attention in class; I couldn't wait to see Finn.

In a dress.

The bell finally rang and I dashed out the classroom and this time waited by his locker.

Then I saw him.

I bit my lip to hind the laughter.

I could tell he was pissed, if I was a dude he would have beat the shit out of me.

He walked up to me and glared.

"Well, aren't you a pretty lady," I smiled. "I need a picture," I took out my camera and took a picture of him.


"Aw, that's cute, that would look really good around school on flyers, don't you think? Can you take one with me?"

I stood next to the pissed off Finn and smiled. I took the picture and looked at it.

"That would make a nice greeting card," I smiled at him.

The dress was so tight on him and way to short. The v neck line went down pretty far showing his muscular - I mean - flabby man boobs.

He just glared at me clenching his jaw.

"Hey Alex and hey there sexy," Travis said winking at Finn playfully.

I giggled a little. "Travis have you met my new best friend Finny?"

"I have now," he winked again. "Let's go," he said to me.

"Good idea," I kissed his lips as we walked passed the steaming Finn.

I started to crack up laughing. That was too funny.

Travis joined me as we walked to class.

"Thanks for playing along,"

"No problem, you're my girl, anything for you," he kissed me again.

"Aw, thanks,"

"But you do know that you're in deep shit,"

"Yeah, he probably wants to kill me,"


"Can you have this picture printed and on flyers for me?"

"Yeah, I have free period now,"

"Awesome, thank you so much"

"No problem,"


"Bye," he said as I walked into my class.

Today was going to be the war to end all wars.

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