《Achilles And Patroclus AUs because my heart hurts still》I just read Carry On, let's cross them over.


[Carry On minor spoilers]

So Patroclus and Achilles end up going to Watford

The Crucible makes them roommates, and while they only really have passing conversations, Achilles still dips wildly in love.

Oh yeah.

Now Pat isn't that good at magic, but he's still fairly good at it, and still ends up being friends with Simon from class.

(Not Penny friendly but still asks about assignments friendly)

Achilles on the other hand

W o w

Turns out God's blessings translate very well to the world of Carry On, and damn, Achilles is rivaling Simon at this rate.

Not exactly Simon was much to rival, but he did occasionally show God like feats of magic that Achilles couldn't do, there's the difference.

Briseis also joins later, and very quickly joins the Pat squad™️. (It's small currently, mainly Pat, Briseis, sometimes a few guys from class and Simon's group intersects sometimes). Briseis is kinda like Pat, but she does a lot of Shakespeare quoting while Pat tends to stick to standard phrases and song lyrics (he forced it to work)

So one lunch when Briseis and Patroclus are sat on the lawn outside Watford, Pat decides to test an Owl City lyric.

[laying on her front on the blanket going through her phone. She's a teen. Let her]: I have no faith in this whatsoever let's be honest.

[laying on his back fiddling his wand back and forth]: Yeah well I can try.

: You may as well do that good luck

: Thanks! *Sort of waves his wand around* Ten million fireflies!

Boo boi there's flying lights

: See, what did I sa- oh.

: Ooh!

: Omg! You blinking did it I do not believe this.

[Both just sort of end up laughing]

Achilles is just on the other side of the field - already distracted by Pat being Pat - then gets doubly distracted by cool magic.


Achilles just spending 60% of days daydreaming about Pat and 39% wishing that he didn't fall in love with a "straight" one.

When he sucked it up asked Patroclus out he very quickly realized he wasted 39% of his time.

They now cast t night when one of them can't sleep in their dorm.



I uh

Have some messages

First up, I'm writing an original book! It's called Addewid - meaning 'promise' or 'contract' in Welsh. If you're interested in fae, ancient Wales, Mythology, sassy teenage fae or "I really want to sleep" fae aunt I'd recommend it.

Also, if you are also a fan of Carry On, I've been thinking about starting an AU book about Carry On after my mocks? If you haven't read it yet - do, really do - and if you have, thoughts?

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