《Breathtaking (LozBOTW Link X Reader)》Recovery ➺9
The world around me seemed fuzzier than I remembered, and far more blue. I wondered for a moment where I could be, until my memories came flooding back. I raised my fingers to my side to find my wound securely wrapped in bandages and grimaced. The laceration felt as though it were burning and numb all at once. I suddenly became aware of the soft water bed below me, and the arms around my waist.
I shifted upward, biting my lip as the movement irritated my side. The young blonde hero was fast asleep, his cheek pressed against my stomach. He was bleeding from his forehead. He appeared rather disheveled. His blonde hair was matted together with sweat and blood, though I was doubtful as to whose blood it was. His shirt had been discarded, revealing a chest which had been marred by small bruises and injuries. I looked around the room and seized the white cloth that lay atop my bedside table. Link's blue eyes fluttered open as I pressed the cloth to his forehead.
He sighed and sat up, placing a hand on my wrist gently. "I'm alright." I lowered my hand with frown as he continued. "Really, I'm fine thanks to you... How're you feeling?" He added hesitantly. "As good as I can be, considering the situation." I spoke solemnly. He nodded as his eyes glazed over my wounds. "I'm sorry."
I looked away, hoping his eyes wouldn't meet my own. He placed a hand on my chin and gently turned my face to his. "I'm sorry! I know you told me not to and..." I cut him off. "And you did it anyway. Whatever, Link, it's fine. It's my job to protect you whenever you do something stupid." I announced, my eyes narrowed. He seemed a bit hurt. I hadn't meant to sound so upset. I was more afraid than I was angry. What if Link kept up this behavior? How many hits could I take before I fell, leaving Link to fend for himself?
"Look, (y/n), I know you're upset but I-I have to keep moving. These people are in danger, and I can't just wait around for you to heal..." My eyes widened. "Link what are you-"
"I'm going to defeat Vah Ruta. Alone." He stared at me, watching for my reaction. His blue eyes shone with determination, but he was clearly hurting. "You can't! You couldn't take on Lynel alone, what makes you think you can fight whatever's possessing the Divine Beast?!" I shouted, leaning forward quickly as I spoke. I lowered myself back down with a hiss of pain. The rapid movements I'd been making clearly weren't helping my condition.
"The Zoras have done everything they can for now..." I looked down to my side in alarm. "What do you mean? What did they do? How long have I been out? How did I even get here?" He sighed and took my hand in both of his. "They've patched you up I guess. I hope you don't mind they used all of your health potions..." He added with a humorless laugh. Link cleared his throat and continued. "It's going to be a while until you're back to normal." I searched his expression, wondering how this could be true. Guilt was reflected in his blue gaze.
"I know you're doubting me. I know you think that I can't do this... But I have to. These people can't hold out forever. I have to keep moving." I pulled my hand from his and placed it against my chest. Though it pained me immensely, he was right. He couldn't wait around for me to heal up before taking on Vah Ruta. I had to trust that he would be okay. "I-" I was at a loss for words for the first time in our relationship. "I know. But please, be careful. I can't be there to protect you, and we have a world to save." He nodded, a sad smile spreading across his face. "Promise me you'll survive!" I exclaimed. "I promise."
He stood up and pulled his armor over his body once more. I couldn't help but worry, no matter what promises he left me with. "How long will I be here?" I asked. "Did the Zora tell you anything?" He stopped suddenly, a hand resting on his belt. "It's going to be a while." He said over his shoulder. I swallowed, scared of what he might mean. I wasn't left to my thoughts for long as he approached me once more. He swung his sword over his shoulder and leaned in, his lips hovering just above mine. The hero hesitated before moving upwards and placing a gentle kiss on my forehead. He held me there for a moment, as though he didn't want to let go. "I'll be alright." Link ran his thumb over my cheek. "We both will." My (e/c) eyes widened in surprise as he turned and jogged away, leaving me behind as he faced the first Divine Beast.
I laid back down, rolling onto my good side. I was never one to succumb to sadness, but I was feeling utterly miserable. What could I possibly do now but wait? I closed my eyes once more and let sleep overcome me.
I was unsure of how much time I'd spent in that room. Various Zora walked in and out of the room, checking on me and leaving food and water. I couldn't complain much, they were rather good cooks. It was a bit odd to see them serving fish though. I overlooked this fact as I waited for Link to return. I often drifted off between visits. On what I assumed to be my third day there, I awoke to see the Prince resting at my side, his arms filled with a type of water flower. I raised my head slowly and looked over, curious as to why he was here. "Hello?"
He blinked as I caught his attention. "Lady (y/n)!!" He approached quickly and knelt down next to my injured side. Sidon took my hand in his own and smiled brightly, attempting to raise my spirits. I could tell he was upset as his eyes followed along my bandages. Though he tried, he couldn't hide his disappointment. "Prince Sidon. To what do I owe the pleasure?" I asked, a small smile forming at my lips. He moved his eyes away from my wounds to meet my own. "Are you doing alright my Lady? Can I get you anything?"
I chuckled softly. "No, I'm alright. These flowers are quite enough, thank you. I have a few questions though." He nodded and placed the bouquet at my bedside table as he prompted me to continue. "Did Link make it to Vah Ruta alright?" Sidon smiled reassuringly. "Yes, he's quite alright! He fought bravely to enter the Divine Beast." He noticed my worried expression and pat my good shoulder. "I'm sure he'll be alright." I nodded. "Right... Anyway, how did I make it here? I thought I would die up there..."
"Ah yes... I'm not entirely sure. All I know is that you two were taking far longer than expected, so I swam back up to you. I was there to see Link deliver the final blow against that monstrous Lynel!" He posed triumphantly as he spoke and I laughed at his behavior. His lively attitude didn't last long, however. "I cheered for him for a moment... I thought he'd be happy about defeating Lynel. But, as soon as the beast was slain, he ran to the side and sank to his knees, his head in his hands." Sidon sighed and focused on the flowers beside me. "I didn't see you until I walked closer."
I placed my hand onto his, urging him to keep talking. "It was awful. Link- Link was unconsolable. His tears just wouldn't stop as he looked for a way to help you." I leaned back. Though my strength was returning, I avoided straining myself when I could. "Eventually he found the health potions in your bag. We're lucky he did... if he hadn't, I don't know what we'd of done."
"He kept saying it's going to take me a while to heal. Is that true?" He sighed once more and nodded. "Yes, I'm afraid we've been rather limited in our healing abilities since the death of my sister. We got you back here as quickly as we could, but you took quite the hit." He shook off his somber demeanor in an attempt to cheer me up. "I knew you would make it though, Lady (y/n)! You truly are a fighter!" I smiled and laughed, gesturing for him to come a bit closer. I wrapped my good arm around him and pulled him into a hug. I hoped to show him how much I appreciated his actions.
He returned the embrace as though I were a porcelain doll. He was gentler than I'd imagined possible and treated me as though I would break at even the slightest touch. Though I'd never enjoyed being treated like I was weak, I knew Sidon meant well. I laid back once more and he sent me a reassuring smile as a female Zora entered the room to check on me. "Well then, I suppose I'll be off. Best of luck, Lady (y/n). I believe in you!" With that, he left the room.
The lady Zora approached my bedside carefully and asked many of the same questions. How was I feeling? Did I need anything? Was I in pain? I answered all these questions simply. Then, she said something that piqued my interest. "You must be bored, sitting here all day." I nodded. She smiled shyly. "Well perhaps you'd like to do something. You haven't had a bath in a while, I'm sure we could arrange something. Oh! And my name's Mei by the way." Something about that name was extremely familiar, I just didn't know what. "That sounds wonderful."
She carefully escorted me to a beautiful pond just outside Zora's domain. Liquid leaked from the pools of water above and trickled down into the lowest pool. The water was crystalline and clear, revealing the many small stones that lined the bottom of it. I removed the clothing
I'd brought along and sank into the cool water.
"Oh! Mei! I can't believe I forgot. I only gathered 19 arrows while we were battling Lynel. Did Link ever get the 20th arrow." She smiled and nodded. "Yes, but not from the place you'd expect. Everyone in Zora's domain heard about your incident. An elderly Zora by the name of Seggin offered up one of his own." I wondered for a moment who Seggin could be. My thoughts drifted back to the elderly Zora we'd encountered before scaling the mountain. 'So, he changed his mind after all.' I mused, sinking below the surface of the water.
Mei stepped away for a moment to bring me new clothes and a towel. I was quite surprised that the Zora would have a towel in their possession. What could they possibly use it for? She returned to my side with a smile. "Just let me know when you're ready to go." I allowed myself to relax for a while longer. "So what do I owe you guys for all this?" She seemed surprised by my question. "What do you mean?"
"Well you've been taking care of me and allowing me to stay here for free for so long. I've got to return the favor somehow." She laughed suddenly. "No, no, no. You're very sweet, but you and Link are already helping us enough. Besides, you've done more than enough for my family already." I was confused for a moment as she held something out to me. "Is this?" I reached out for the object and turned it over. It was the bag I'd given to the Zora child a couple days before. Then, it hit me. Mei... That was the name of the boy's mother. "You're back? What happened to you?"
"I'm afraid I was washed a bit too far downstream due to the storms. All the way down to Lake Hylia, in fact. Link found me and helped me on my way." She stared at me with a grateful smile. "I cannot thank you enough for helping out my boy whilst I was away." I told her she was very welcome as I looked up to the sky. "Wait a minute..." I held out my hand. How could I have overlooked this before? "The rain's stopped! And you said Link traveled all the way down to Lake Hylia?" Mei gasped, her eyes wide. "Oh no..."
I stood up as quickly as I could and wrapped myself in a towel. "What do you mean? Where is he?" I looked up to the Divine Beast. It was no longer glowing red. Instead, it shown with a friendly blue light, identical to that of a completed shrine. "He must be waiting for me. I have to go!" Mei reached out for my shoulder gently. "No, please! Stay." I stopped in my tracks. "Mei, where is he?" I asked, my expression begging for the truth. She shifted her gaze away from my own.
"I am so, so sorry... I thought he was coming with me until I got back. Apparently, he left this morning to conquer the next Divine Beast." I felt my heart break. He'd left me behind. He thought I was too injured, too weak to keep him safe anymore. I wasn't one to cry often, but I found myself biting my lip to maintain my emotional control. "Just like that? He left?" She nodded sullenly. "Y-yes... I wouldn't fret though! He will probably return soon." I sat back down on the edge of the pond, not believing what I was hearing. Mei sat down beside me, unsure of how to proceed. She placed her hand on my uninjured shoulder once more, and I crumbled. I held her close as I began to cry.
I was starting to become accustomed to my life with the Zora. It was rather boring, waiting around all day and allowing my wounds to heal, but the people were nice. Though I wished I could be at Link's side, the pain in my own side was telling me that resting was the best thing to do. I was glad that I didn't have to wear any restrictive armor for the time being. I'd cast it aside in favor of a simple white gown and bare feet. There wasn't much need for my boots, as the flooring of Zora's domain was impossibly smooth. There wasn't much for me to do, but I found ways to entertain myself.
I'd spoken to just about every Zora who lived there. I'd learned about the interests and aspirations of each of them and I aided them where I could. Mei and I mostly did small, household tasks, but occasionally there was something more important for me to do. I'd happened to have just enough luminous stones to help with the repairs of Zora's Domain, which earned me two gorgeous diamonds. I'd packed them away safely, hoping to find a use for them another day.
I spent the rest of my free time with the Prince when I could. He was rather kind and supportive, assuring me that I was a fighter whenever he had the chance. I couldn't swim alone for the time being, so he accompanied me in the water whenever I grew tired of dry land. It was a peaceful living, but deep down I knew I should be with Link. He wasn't ready to save Zelda alone, and I couldn't allow myself to laze around while he risked his life. I had to find him, but first, I needed a way to recover quickly.
I knew that if there was some easy way to heal faster, Prince Sidon would've alerted me already. The remaining options must've been far too dangerous for him to consider. I knew he wouldn't let me leave for fear of my safety, but luckily there was someone else I could ask.
I caught up with Mei as soon as I saw she was alone. She turned and smiled, offering me a cheerful wave as a greeting. "What brings you here, (y/n)?" She asked. "Mei, we both know that my wounds won't be healed for quite some time. I need to know if there's any other way I could get back into fighting shape." She gulped nervously, which assured me that she was hiding something. "No, I'm afraid not." I continued to stare at her. She was clearly lying. Mei sighed. "Alright, alright. You got me."
Mei shifted uncomfortably as she explained. "There's one more way I can think of to regain your strength. But it may be rather dangerous..." I encouraged her to continue. I was well aware that this would be risky. "Rumor has it that there are magical fountains scattered throughout Hyrule. If you can locate one... I believe they will be able to heal your wounds." I blinked in confusion. "They? Who's they?"
"The fairies of course! They're fairy fountains." I crossed my arms. I'd never seen a fairy before... at least I didn't remember ever seeing one. "Where can I find them?" Mei thought about their locations for a moment. She didn't know the exact placement of the fountains, but she had a faint idea. "I've heard tell of one of the fountains nearby. Apparently it can be found near Akkala lake. One of our warriors once swam in that area, and came back with a strange story about some sort of magic pod within the forest." She said with a laugh. In any other circumstance, I would've laughed along, but my situation was rather serious. "Akkala? Alright." I turned and tried to leave as I didn't want to waste any time, but Mei stopped me. "Wait! How will you find Link once you're there?" I froze, unsure of how to answer her. "I-I don't know. Where's is the next Divine Beast?" Mei shrugged. "I'm not sure but if I were him, I would head to Rito village." I asked her why.
"Well, there are three Divine Beasts remaining. They belong to the Rito, Gerudo, and Gorons. The Gorons live on Death Mountain, which is incredibly dangerous and nearly impossible to traverse. The Gerudo are a long ways away, and apparently they only allow women into their village. I suppose he'll need you for that. The Rito seem to be his best bet." I nodded. Mei clearly knew her history. I was grateful for her advice and friendship, but it was about time for me to take off. I hugged her gently. "Thank you for everything, Mei."
She returned my embrace. Her expression grew sad, but I could tell she was trying to stay strong for me. "I wish you the best of luck, (Y/n). When this is over, promise you'll come back to visit?" I released her and smiled. "I promise." She seemed satisfied with my answer and allowed me to return to my chambers. I dressed in my armor and equipped myself with my spear. I pulled my hood over my eyes and collected my remaining items. I would've liked to say goodbye to Sidon, but I knew he would stop me if he found out. He didn't understand my undying need to protect the hero. I was born to keep him safe, and I would let nothing stand in my way. I held onto that thought as I jogged out of Zora's Domain and into the cover of night.
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