《From An Omega To A Hunter》epilogue


Hey guys!!, I'm back but sorry to say this will be the ending of this book but surely not the ending of such a lovely story so don't worry, I plan on writing the sequel to this book which I have started by the way, and I also plan on being a loyal writer to you guys and update as often as I can but anyways enjoy








Alexander POV

After the amazing night I spent with my love I took her back home with me and introduced her to the pack as my mate and the new luna, to which they eagerly accepted her longing to finally have a female that can give them the comfort and reassurance that comes with being Luna of the pack

After the visit I had paid my uncle I wasn't sure if becoming king would be such a good idea but I talked it over back with my father and came to realize that I should take the opportunity and make the best of it, cause honestly there wasn't anyone else best suited for the position in our family.

Although I had told the king yes to his proposal I asked him to give me a couple months so I can figure everything out with my mate and pack, but now that everything is going smoothly I think it's time to finally let everyone know about me becoming the new king

I was currently in my office and ask Elizabeth to come once she had finished all her duties

"Hey alex what's up" her voice called out as she walked into the room of my office

"Hey bea, I called you here cause I have some very important news to tell you "

"Oh really like what" , she asked taking a seat on my lap as I rapped my hand around her waist


"Well first of all you smell great" I nuzzle my face into her neck , sighing as I took in her delicious sent that drives me crazy

"Hey remember the something important" she giggled swatting my hands away as I tickled her tummy

"Ok ok I'll stop, as I was saying I have something really important to tell you" , I looked her straight in the eye

"What is it" she nudged me and smile playfully

"Well, do you know who is the king of all werewolves "

"Of course I do that's a silly question " she looked at me confused

"Yea your right but anyways he's actually my uncle "

"Wait what! Your of royal blood "

"Yes I am" I nod my head at her surprised expression

"Wow I was not expecting that, but that's cool" she exclaimed

"Yea it kinda is but that's not all though, a couple months ago I was called to meet with him and he told me that he have decided to pass the title on to me. After his son had died there was no one to really take on the position and when my first mate had died as well it left me unstable so it was something not even I could take on at that time"

" Oh" was all the response she gave as sat in my lap completely silent hanging on to every word I just spoke "so what was your response" she ask once she had registered all the information

"Well it took me a couple days to gave him my answer but as I thought more of it there wasn't anyone else suited for the job so my final answer to him was yes" I said watching her expression carefully to know if she was happy with the news or not


"So what does that make me", she looked at me confused as to where she fit in all of this

"Well my love there no where in hell I would get up on that throne to be declared as the new king if you weren't the queen sitting besides me" I spoke giving her the most sincere smile of my life

my wolf's voice filled out in my head

'Wouldn't you have said the same thing' I answered him back

"Alex, hello are you listening to me " she snapped her fingers in front of my face

"Huh what did you say, sorry I was talking to my wolf just now"

"It's ok, but I said that I'd be delighted to be your queen whether your on a throne or not" she blushed trying to hide her face with her hair

As if on instinct I moved the hair out of her face and placed it behind her ears, admiring my beautiful mate and soon to be queen as she sat in my lap unguarded and vulnerable in my arms. This is definitely the feeling of home and I absolutely don't want this to end anytime soon

"I love you so much, my queen" I leaned in and kissed her pouring all my love and affection towards her, without resisting she kissed me back immediately with as much passion

It felt like the kiss lasted forever before we were so rudely disturbed as a knock came from the door making us pull apart

"Who is it" I asked as my irritation towards this person grew

The door then opened and john walked in which cause my irritation to settle a bit, anyone else might have been dead

"Sorry to disturb you alpha but its about time that your supposed to be giving the pack a speech about your Coronation "

"Oh yes your right I was preoccupied the time kinda ran away from me"

"I understand alpha , Ok then I'll be taking my leave, everything has already been prepared we're now awaiting your arrival" , I nod my head as he bowed and exited the room

"When is your Coronation", asked my mate as she got off my lap and fixed herself preparing to make an entrance to her pack

"Well its supposed to take place in the next two week" I got up as well

"Wait what!, that soon "

"Yes it's all happening pretty fast, but you have to remember I did asked the king to give me a couple months so I could sort myself out

"Yes your right, sorry I wasn't here sooner , I'm now realizing that I'm the reason you waited so long"

"You don't have to apologize, but yes you are the reason I delayed it for so long, it just wasn't right without you by my side "

She smiled and took my hands , as we prepared to exit the door she whispered a 'thank you' into my ears and placed a kiss on my cheeks then lead me outside to my awaiting pack















A/N: I'm sorry I've been away for a while, but I honestly wasn't up for writing in last few months, however I'm not about to let this story end without a sequel that will have everyone at the edge of there seats wanting to know what happens next

So without further ado I present to you the sequel of 'From an omega to a hunter '

( Queen to her king)

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