《My life as Harry Potter》Chapter 22


End of the year exams

I don't know exactly the marks hermione obtained in canon as the exams were cancelled but I can say at the very least that I beat my hermione. The girls were once again free to do whatever they wanted since the exams were over. Ginny was looking into enchanting, hannah was looking into Spell crafting, both Susan and Tracy were looking into combat related jobs and daphne was set to be a potion mistress.

I believe that hermione actually asked the librarian to sleep in the library. I haven't seen her outside the library since last month. Once when I was tutoring a group of 1st and 2nd years for the exams when I saw her sleeping in the library.

My elemental training was going well. I had at last gone into the chamber of secrets. The basilisk was named leviathan or as I liked to call it Levi. It was an emotionless animal with bare bone sentience. It was practically a golem or a puppet. Still, it was easily tamed and it could at the very least control its gaze to not kill. It basically had a kill mode and a no kill mode. It did not have the benefit of shrinking down sadly.

Still I found slytherin's research on parsel magic and rituals here. It was almost a godsend. The magic itself was not that dark. It makes sense, slytherin knew of the darkness's conscience so he never dived that deep himself. These notes also held incomplete darker rituals, which I am sure tommy boy used for himself. But the best part was that he actually experimented on humans. Yay!

I could use his studies along with the books I replicated from medical libraries around the world. To modify Godspeed to become much stronger. I had also created a rasengan. I will give the rasengan to the girls when they finding their elemental training and ask them to make the rasengan into an elemental one.


I tried to create flight but that didn't work. I also failed at creating extra gravity to train with. The closest to flight I could get was to create platforms beneath my feet to launch my self from them like a god damn catipult. Since I had so many problems with the physical aspects of reality, I went into the mental aspects.

From that fateful day I had laser focused all my efforts into one thing. Ultra instinct. I literally shut down all my senses, including magical and tried to doge projectiles. At first I was hit almost always but nowadays I could listen to my instinct. I had trained this body for all of its 12 years. Slowly I could stop thinking anything and simply exist. It was an melancholic state of being. It had only one side effect A weird sense of time. It always felt like an moment but a few hours had passed.

The serene feeling was almost like a drug. Ultra instinct mode was coming along well. Defense mode worked very well. Attack mode also worked with wandless magic. Combining the two was extremely hard but doable. One time I had activated a prank from the twins. My instincts took over and used Godspeed along with UI to completely dodge the paint without moving my feet.

From that point onwards the twins had focused all of their pranking efforts on me. Not a single one worked. I was a paranoid bastard and checked every food item ever given to me. Godspeed and UI allowed me to dodge everything they threw at me. Even peeves had tried after hearing of my immunity to pranks.

Rumors had already made its rounds in the castle about my prank immunity. The girls were also buggering me but shutting down all of their senses for one full second was enough for them to stop bothering me about it. The exams were a major breeze, I had scored full marks as well. I could clearly remember each answer with occulmency. The amount of times purebloods could shave off from studying with this I s huge but they simply don't do it.


I mean the level of occulmency required is not that high at all and would undoubtedly help in the future. Anyway along with my extra 15 hours a day, I had progressed little in most fields.

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