《My life as Harry Potter》Chapter 13


Start of the new school year

I held a major ball for my birthday just like last year. And just like last year fudge was still a retard, so he held a ministry ball. Once again I only invited the light and grey faction. Once again only the dark families went to the ministry ball. Once again the rumors spread and once again fudge was perceived as death eater scum.

The private celebration was also much better with me giving hermione a few rare but not to valuable books, I gave Sirius a enchanted shirt Who's surface was charmed to turn into a A marauders logo, when he said "I swear I am up to no good". I gave the professor one rare book for their subject and once again gave dumbeldore thick woolen socks with the note"you can never have enough socks". I gave the girls some jewelry and I got Ginny a broom for tryouts and wolfsbane for moony.

I got a prancing manual/journal of the marauders from Sirius and moony. I got hogwarts the history from hermione. The professors gave me an list for advance reading. And the girls said that they have a private gift for me.

I went into that room a boy and came out 8hours later a man

I broke through finally into Dark purple, which is the second last level of the solid core. But I have it a really big dilemma. My body is not strong enough. My magic has already reached the quality and quantity for a breakthrough, but my body, no matter how advanced is still only 12

Hmm I wonder who has the diary this time around cause , None of the girls(especially Ginny)definitely don't have the diary. I made sure about that. Hmm.meh I look into when it happens. Plus where's the fun in knowing everything, adventure is a very fun thing. Hmm


Sadly Lockhart still got implored as the DADA teacher. Tch. If he annoys me or the girls , I'll kick him out. Of course ousting a fake hero will make me more likable. But on that note if I oust Lockhart then who would take the position. Hmm moony is working for me, moody is still active or training tonks. Umbitch is gonna quit(or get abdicated from) her job way before she tries to teach me. Snape is still roaming like the overgrown dungeon bat he is. Dumb as a door is to busy.hmm

Also I really need to know why Ginny was so happy to interact with the controlled spiders, when I told them about my affinities. Maybe she had a spider friend or something? Also I don't always read everyone's mind. I just use it when nesscary. Meh some mysteries are better left unsolved.

I am getting off track, where was I? Yeah my core and body. Now even if I use a strengthening ritual that is only a temporary solution as I will face the same problem at the next bottleneck. There are no rituals, which boost the growth of a body, as each one of them ended horribly due to mages not knowing anatomy. The only solution is to create a ritual which doesn't sacrifice anything important in exchange for enhanced growth. It might take a while for the ritual but it would be a permanent ritual with good side effects.

Ok I'll stash that next to the horcrux in the 'active projects'. Currently I am trying to get tommy boys memories without being influenced. For that my legimency needs to be stronger. Also tom didn't use that many rituals, mostly the damage should have been from creating the horcruxes. The fact is rituals often conflict as such you can only use so many rituals. Almost all the high level rituals are not compatable with each other.


I also bought all the Lockhart books and trust me there were a lot of them and charmed a quill to find out all the inconsistencies. The books were

Magical Me (autobiography)

Gilderoy Lockhart's Guide to Household Pests

Break with a Banshee

Gadding with Ghouls

Holidays with Hags

Travels with Trolls

Voyages with Vampires

Wanderings with Werewolves

Year with the Yeti

The Travel Trilogy (collection of Holiday with Hags, Voyages with Vampires and Wandering with Werewolves)

Marauding with Monsters

Who Am I?

Lockhart the absolute moron had 132 inconsistencies in his 12 books! That's 11 inconsistencies per book! What sort of morons actually buy this shit and Dumbeldore the absolute moron actually hired this man professionally after reading this pile of dogs shit. Is everyone insane! The girls were laughing at me until I told them that they had to read it to. Hah, their reactions were priceless.

I sent a post to the Rita that if by the end of the year nothing happens, she will be free to release this very juicy story. So now ,If Lockhart was incriminated in any manor, then the very next day he would be ousted as a liar and a fake. All the evidence is in the...they do not classify as books. Hell they barely classify as a children's book. The grammar is even worse than the grammar of the monsters he 'fights'. Sigh

Ok. Also quirell was gone. He probably took the fake stone(I checked) and when voldy found out that it was fake, he must have killed quirell. Even if he didn't kill quirell, quirell would have died due to the side effect of housing such a dark soul. Either that or he fled without the stone and quirell died due to the side effects. No matter what voldy ends up on the run without a body.

I have no doubt that Lucy has religiously followed the lords instructions as he lost his entire reputation and large chunks of his fortune p, because of me. In canon the only reason Lucy would hesitate as even without voldy he had everything he could have wanted.p, but now he is a joke. To him serving voldy is a much higher priority then in canon

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