《The Godfather {Being Edited}》¤Chapter Twenty-One


Euphoria speedily left the elevator trying to get away from the man. During the entire dinner she kept herself occupied with his family and the little boy who sat on her lap.

"Euphoria wait." She heard him call out to her. "Let me explain." He turned her around.

Euphoria's hand stung as she stared at the quickly forming handprint on his cheek. He didn't even flinch. She snarled before cocking her hand back adding a backhand to his other cheek allowing the rings to pierce his skin. Satisfied with the marks she opened her penthouse door.

"Before you get it all twisted; I'm not upset that you have a son. I'm upset that you didn't tell me you have one. So whatever you have to say or want to say I'm not gonna hear it at all while I'm still upset. You'll only he wasting your time." She stated before slamming the door roughly and being sure to lock it.


Demetrius glared at Benedetto who stood besides him cackling like a mad man. His brother had seen the exchange between the two and found his brothers predicament quiet funny.

"Shut the fučk up." He growled as they rode the elevator to the top floor.

"Don't be more of a dičk than you already are because you didn't tell your woman you have a son. You brought this upon yourself." Benedetto stated as he continued to cackle.

Demetrius brushed pass him as he entered his penthouse suite. He could hear Salvatore giggling with his younger brother Parlo. A clicking of heels had him confused before he saw Janet come around the corner.


His brother stopped cackling and frowned watching the woman march to him with a glare on her face, lips pulled into a snarl. "What did I do now?"

Demetrius smirked watching as the woman began to explode with questions as to who was the woman he was with earlier on in the day. Benedetto had a problem with commitment and Janet doesn't trust him after she caught him in a compromising position with one of the whores within the mafia.

"Papa!" His son grinned running to him. "Was that my new mama that you promised me? Is she? Is she? Is she?" He asked eagerly hugging his legs.

Demetrius scooped him up in his arms. "I'll be in my room." Parlo said before vanishing into one of the hallways. His brother was more reserved and quiet so his behaviour was nothing new.


"Yes that was." Demetrius grinned at him as they made their way upstairs. "What did you think?"

"She looks like melted cioccolata. She's pretty too. Oh and she's very nice." He grinned. "Where is mama?" Salvatore asked looking over his father's shoulder.

"She is back at her home." Demetrius sat with him on his bed.

"Why? Does she not want to stay with us?" Salvatore frowned. "Does she not like me?" Tears gathered in his eyes.

"No that is not it." He soothed him. "I have not asked her to move in with me as of yet."

"Will you ask her papa?" Salvatore smiled at him. "Will you ask her tomorrow?"

Demetrius chuckled at him. "I will ask her when the time is right. As for now your mama is upset with me. I've done something she doesn't approve of."

"What did you do? Will she be upset for long?"

"She won't be upset for long and don't worry of what I did. I'll fix it." He kissed his sons head before placing him in the bed under the comforters. "I'm going to take a shower. Sleep now."

"Can we see her tomorrow?"

"I'll speak to her about it." He placed his phone and watch on the bed side table.

Salvatore watched his father disappear into the bathroom. The young boy waited until he started his shower before snuggling into bed. Just as he closed is eyes his father's phone began to vibrate on the bedside table. Salvatore crawled over to his father's side and peeked at the phone. His eyes brightened at the face and name that flashed on the screen.

"Hi mama!" He chirped quietly enough so his father wouldn't hear him but so Euphoria could hear him as well.

On the other end Euphoria choked on air once hearing what he viewed her as. It wasn't the first time she'd been called that. Many times during her stay in the orphanage the younger kids called her their mother. Mainly because she cared and protected them in a motherly way. She never put much thought to it back then but now when hearing it from the son's mouth of the man she's seeing. Euphoria doesn't know how he came to view her as is mother only after spending a few hours with him.

"Hi Salvatore, aren't you supposed to be in bed? Where's your dad?" She asked.

"Papa is taking a shower and I was about to sleep when you called." He spoke excitedly.


"Oh... well I'll call again tomorrow morning. You should go back to bed. Goodnight little man."

"No wait." He called out to her. "Can I see you tomorrow? Papa said he is gonna ask you if we can." He asked eagerly.

Euphoria giggled at the boy. "Ok sure. I'll pick you up tomorrow morning."

"Really?!" That got Demetrius's attention. He cut the shower off and quickly wrapped a towel around his waist before making his way out.

"Yes really. Don't eat anything tomorrow morning. I'll take you out for breakfast. Now go to bed young man."

Demetrius reached his son. "Who are you talking to?"

"Ok see you tomorrow. Here's papa he's done showering." Salvatore said before thrusting the large phone upwards with both his hands.

Demetrius quickly took the phone when he noticed who it was. "Mio amore." He breathed out.

"Hey I wanted to apologise for slapping you earlier. I just... I was just..." She heaved a heavy sigh. "I was just so angry knowing that you kept something like that away from me. Don't you trust me enough to tell me things straight away?"

"No that's not it. Of course I trust you." He sighed running his hand through his hair. "Can you come up to the top floor so we can discuss this properly?"

"You're in the building today?" Euphoria asked.

"Yes I wanted to be close to you but you're mad at me."

"Ok I'll be up in a minute." She replied before hanging up.

Demetrius quickly made his way into the closet and got dressed in underwear and pajama pants. He made his way out to find his son still awake. "Why haven't you gone to sleep?"

"I heard you ask mama to come up." He smiled. "I want to wait for her."

"Alright figlio." He kissed his head. "But don't fight sleep when it comes ok? I'll be speaking to her downstairs before we come up."

"Are you fixing your mistake so mama won't be mad anymore?" He asked tucking into bed.

"Yes. Now sleep." He made sure to tuck him in before leaving the room.

When he made his way downstairs his eyes instantly found her. Euphoria had always managed to take his breath away. At the sound of his steps she turned to face him. Demetrius drew her to him, his hands heated up against her smooth skin. The warmth and inviting scent of cocoa wrapped around him. She felt like home.

"Any excuse I could give you would still be unacceptable. You are my woman and you are right. I should have informed you of my son, no matter what your reaction might've been. And for that I sincerely apologise." Demetrius whispered gazing into her alluring eyes that held his soul, mind, heart and body captive. He was her prisoner and he dared not to escape. Without even knowing it she made his heart squeeze painfully to the point where he could full to his knees at her mercy.

"I forgive you but you can't do some thing like that. A relationship is nothing without trust. Communication is also key so don't shut me out." Euphoria stated firmly.

"Never again." He shook his head as he leaned into her soft hands that held his cheeks.

"I'm really sorry for slapping you. My rings cut you." Euphoria traced over a cut on his cheekbone.

"It's alright you were only knocking some sense into me." He smirked making her giggle. "Come upstairs. Stay the night."

"Are you sure?" Euphoria bit her lip.

"Positive. Salvatore is waiting. That boy won't sleep since he knows you're here." He chuckled.

Taking her small hand in his he pulled her along. When they'd reached his room indeed Salvatore sat waiting. He grinned when his eyes landed on her.

"Mama!" He reached his arms out for her. Euphoria pulled him into an embrace. "Did papa fix his mistake? You're not mad at him anymore?"

"No I'm not mad at him anymore." She smiled at him. "Do you mind if I join?"

Salvatore quickly scooted over making room for her. Demetrius rounded the bed and got in on the other side. This left Salvatore in the middle. "You have to sleep now Sal. It's passed bedtime."

"Bedtime? I don't have a bed time. I sleep when papa sleeps." He grinned.

Euphoria shot Demetrius a look in which he shifted uncomfortable under. It was clear she didn't approve of that. "Well you're meant to have a bedtime so you grow more and have more energy for the day."

"Ok mama." He smiled before snuggling into her.

Demetrius watched her rub circles on Salvatore's back until his breathing became even. He watched as her eyes slowly fluttered closed after some time. Feeling content he wrapped his arm around them booth and welcomed sleep.

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