《The Godfather {Being Edited}》¤Chapter Eleven¤


Demetrius watched the small woman quickly scurry to the door. With shaky hands she removed the three locks and opened the door. As the door began to open his men shoved their way through the apartment knocking her to the side. His eyes narrowed at those who entered. The men who had accompanied him all the times he had visited his amore stood at the door kicking off their shoes before entering.

"Do you have no respect." Demetrius spat. He now saw the whole point why women made such a fuss over shoes in the house. They tracked too much dirt and tainted the once clean home. "How dare you shove you're way in here. Get out! And when you get some damn respect you can come back in!"

As they walked back out he limped his way over to her. Even when he came knocking on her door he made sure to kick off his shoes, not that she noticed.

"Mi cara, I apologise on behalf of my men and how they behaved. They had no right barging into your home like that. Are you alright? They didn't knock you too hard did they?" He searched her body for the slightest scratch.

"No Demetrius it's alright. I'm fine. It was a little push." She dismissed. "That was unnecessary and you shouldn't be making such swift movements like you did right now walking over to me." A frown that he found all too adorable captured her face.

"It was and still is necessary. They must respect you and your home at all times. Whether or not I'm around." He finalised.

"Let me let them in, ok." She said stepping out of his hold. "You go and sit down."

He watched her walk to the door stepping over the dirt his men brought in. Euphoria opened the door with a small smile.


"Hi." Demetrius shook his head at her ability to overlook how they had entered her home. "I'm Euphoria. Come in and please leave your shoes at the door."

"They are to address you by Miss Kreek until further notice." Demetrius voiced out not liking the idea of them being comfortable with her to call her by her name.

"Demetrius." She hissed at him with a glare.

Demetrius paid no mind to her glare and shook hands with his doctor. "Clean up the mess on the floor." He said to no one in particular. "Tesoro where can Dr. Rizzo take a look at my wounds?"

"My bedroom it has the most lights in it." Euphoria began to lead them to her bedroom.

Demetrius couldn't help but watch her ašs move in her shorts as her hips naturally swayed. Her chocolate legs shun under the lights looking ever so smooth. He turned to the doctor causing her to hault in her steps.

"Give us a minute." He told Dr. Rizzo before disappearing behind the door. "Bella." He called out to her as she moved a few things.

"Yes?" She briefly glanced up at him before blowing her curly hair out her face only for it to fall back in her face.

"Please put on longer pants. I don't need my men oogling at you're legs." Demetrius hoped she wouldn't shut down his request.

"Ok." She quickly grabbed large pants and pulled them over her shorts. Then continued to move things around. "Let the doctor in. You're probably still in pain." Euphoria turned too look at him with her honey brown eyes.

Her honey brown eyes stood out against her mocha skin colour. Demetrius's eyes began to take in her face like he'd never seen it before. His eyes trailed from her honey brown eyes to her thick medium length lashes and thick soft arched brows, to her small button nose, to her lighter brown plump heart shaped lips that fit well with her diamond shaped face, to her hair that stuck in her every direction, down to her generously bouncy mounds that looked like C - cups, her slim waist with a slight tummy, wide hips he wanted to grip, along with her generous ašs he could watch all day and then back to her eyes.


"Demetrius!" She hissed at him.

"Yes tesoro?" He had learned to play off as if he was listening the whole time even though he wasn't.

"I said you should probably sit down. I swear you've been spacing out for a good five minutes." She grumbled as she went to the door. "Hi, Dr.?"

"Dr. Rizzo, Miss Kreek." She nodded at her respectfully.

"May you please check his head. I think he may of hit it a bit too hard. He keeps spacing out today and he becomes oddly quiet." Euphoria explained to her.

Behind her calm mask Dr. Rizzo was shítting bricks. No matter how much she tended to the Godfather himself and his men she couldn't help but be afraid. Now for a woman as normal as Euphoria Kreek to be speaking of the man as if he was an equal had her shocked. Not once had a woman been so brave to speak so freely to, about and for the Godfather.

"Yes ma'am." She nodded despite her ragging thoughts.

"Thank you." Euphoria smiled before letting her in.

Just as she turned his consigliere stood at the door. "Yes Alloponio?"

"We need to talk." Alloponio's eyes cut to Euphoria. "Alone."

"I'll be in the living room." Euphoria spoke before she had left quickly out the door before Demetrius could stop her.

"You've got some nerve." Demetrius switched to Russian. A language he knew that Dr. Rizzo didn't understand as she got to checking the wounds that Euphoria had stitched up all skew.

"Me? I'm not the one who travelled across town to just reach their latest conquest and have her do a shít job at stitching me up." Alloponio spoke calmly. "Do you realise how dangerous that is? Not only for you but for her as well?" He replied back in the very same language. "What if you were tailed? She would've-"

"She would've been nothing." Demetrius snapped. "I'm more than capable to protect her."

He scoffed. "Yes you are, all banged the fučk up." He rolled his eyes. "She's not built for this lifestyle. Leave her now before she gets hurt."

"She won't get hurt because if she does that means someone isn't doing their job, no? And believe me when I say this Alloponio, if she gets hurt I'm feeding you to the dogs since you're head of her security detail." Demetrius promised.

"You know it's impossible to control every outcome. You of all people should know that." He countered.

"I'll go to the ends of earth to make sure that nothing happens to her. Stop fighting me against this and accept it. She isn't going anywhere! She is mine! No one will have her but me am I understood?!" His voice boomed in the room as he stood to his full towering height. "Am I understood Alloponio?!"

"Yes Godfather." He bowed his slightly as he replied in English.

"She is to be you're queen soon and if anyone goes against my wishes, they will be punished." He replied back in English. "Prep everyone and everything for her arrival. It will not be today nor will it be tomorrow but it will be soon."

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