《The Godfather {Being Edited}》¤Chapter One¤


Euphoria stood in the locker room as she fixed her uniform which consisted of a tight fitted ripped black short, black top with the logo (a set of red plump red lips of the club Kisses on it) which she tied at the valley of her breasts and black heeled boots. Her hair up in a bun with a few loose strands in her face. She applied a deep maroon lipliner and coated it with a thin sheet of lip gloss.

"Aye new girl." The manager, Annabel, called out to her. She turned around to face her. "You lose the thing on your ear."

"But it's my hearing aid." Euphoria frowned at this. She was deaf in the one ear and without it on she could barely make out a thing. If, off for too long her good ear would start to ring.

"I know that but it's unattractive to other people." She pointed out with annoyance.

"But the boss said I could keep it on. He didn't have a problem with it." She argued back against her better judgement.

"Yes and I do recall you saying that you're deaf in one ear." She pointed out. "Use the other ear. I don't need to be loosing customers for some deaf bitčh." Annabel stated as she walked out.

Euphoria was aggravated. Taking deep breaths she calmed herself before placing the hearing aid in her pocket. She wanted to keep it near by in case she she really needed it.

The hum and thumb of the music became clear as she stepped into the main area of the club. Her eyes danced around the poles that occupied barely dressed or naked women, moved onto the seats infront of the stage where men were drinking, smoke, snorting, laughing and fondling women's assets, the tables where men sat in groups receiving special dances and men disappearing into the back rooms trailing behind one or more women. Her eyes trailed up to the other two levels upstairs where the elite were served and where the best of the best bartenders and dancers were. Laughter and squeals resognated from there with the occasional puff of smoke. That's where the big money came from. The neon blue, purple and pink lights shun against her skin as she made her way to the bar. Slipping in behind the counter she began her shift. Ensuring to read each customers lips in order to minimise straining her ear.


It was the later hours of the morning when the club had come to a slow down. Euphoria was exhausted as tended to the dirty glasses before her. She knew for a fact that her fingers would prune soon enough if she didn't stop touching liquid.

"Hey Tasha." She called to the other girl besides her who wore ašs shorts, black bra and high stilettos.

"What bambina?" Tasha asked with an arched brow. She liked the girl besides her. She found her far to cute and innocent to be in a place like this.

"I'm going to the bathroom real quick, will you be fine?" She arched her brow at her.

"Yes I'll be fine. Go before you tinkle yourself." Tasha didn't fail to see how she would occasionally bounce on the balls of her feet when preparing a drink or washing a glass.

"I'll be quick." She said before rushing towards the bathroom.

Euphoria began to jog slightly as walking briskly wasn't getting her there any faster. Just as she were about to reach the hallway that led to the bathroom she fell backwards and landed on her ašs as soon as she rambed into a body. She cringed as she felt he bladder tightened.

"I'm so sorry sir." She stood up from her feet quickly. "I'm really, really sorry." She said before making a move to side step him only to be blocked by what seems to be his body gaurds.

"You need to pay for what you did." One of the said.

"What?! It was an accident." She defended herself. "And I did apologise mind you, so move the fučk out of my way before I make you clean up the pee that desperately wants to leave my body." She exclaimed before shoving them away with a strength she didn't even know she had.

Euphoria ran into the bathroom and found the first empty shall. Quickly wiping the seat clean with the sanitizer provided in a rush before falling onto the seat and relieving herself. Once done with her business Euphoria washed her hands and checked her self.

By the time she had made it back to her station Tasha stood waiting for her with a cheeky smile. "What?" Euphoria asked not liking the look on her face.


"You missy are one cute and funny little girl." Tasha laughed. "I saw and heard your little out burst by the bathroom. Almost everyone did."

Euphoria thanked the gods above that she was dark skinned or else she'd be as red as a tomato as she blushed. "Oh god that's embarrassing."

Tasha laughed slightly before becoming serious. "As cute and funny as that was you should be careful bambina, the men around here aren't the kind to be taken lightly. Especially the one you bumped into. He's the top dog of all top dogs." Tasha warned. "You're lucky I was quick to explain that you were new and didn't quiet know or understand the way things ran around here."

"Oh." Euphoria bit her lip. "Will I loose my job?" She panicked as she looked around trying to spot Annabel.

"Not if I have anything to do about it. These bitčhes won't utter a word to Annabel about what happened if they know what's good for them." Tasha stated. "Don't worry your pretty little head, ok?" Tasha waited for her to nod. "Good now go home. Your shift is over."

"It is?" She glanced at her wrist watch to find that it actually was over. "Thank you for looking out for me and showing me around the bar." Euphoria smiled at her.

"No problem bambina, now take you're fine ašs home."

Euphoria didn't need to be told twice before she made her way to the back and quickly grabbed her belongings. As she walked through the back she dug into her pocket and tried to pull out her hearing aid from the snug jean shorts. Just as she looked up she noticed a bunch of men stand in a group ahead of her surrounding a man on the ground. Her eyes darted around before her eyes landed on the broading figure. He seemed to be the leader. His shoulders straight as he stood tall, built body stood tense clad in a black expensive looking suit with big feet fitted into fancy dress shoes, his jaw firm, pink plump lips in a grim straight line, nose seemed to be broken before and now crooked, green eyes covered by thick long lashes that bored into her very own honey brown eyes, thick bushy brows and black hair that seemed to be run through many times.

"Shit." Euphoria cursed when her hearing aid decide to fall to the ground. Only now it wants to come out.

Dropping to her knees she searched the ground blindly as she searched for it. Once she got it she stood to her feet with a triumph written all over her forehead. When she glanced at the men they had drawn their guns to her making her quickly throw her hands up.

"What have you got there?" The man she'd been gawking at her spoke.

"M-my hearing a-aid." She trembled as she familiarised herself with the situation. Shit I'm going to die!

"And why isn't it on your ear?" He titled his head slightly examining her, drinking her all in.

"The manager said I should take it off because it's unattractive to the customers." She squeaked as she only now noticed him drawing near.

"You shouldn't be out so late by yourself little one. There are bad men hanging around waiting to take advantage of women as weak as you."

No shít Sherlock Holmes. Wait did he just call me weak? Wait Euphoria this is not the time to be tripping over something like that.

"Leave." The man now spoke right in her ear. She didn't know when he had moved to stand behind her. "Run as fast as your tinny legs can take you. Don't turn back. No matter what you hear." He stated. "Put your hearing aid on first."

Euphoria quickly undid the knot on her shirt and used it to clean her hearing aid before placing it on her left ear. "Go." He nudged her.

Stumbled forward slightly as her eyes stared at the men who still had their weapons drawn to her. "Lower your weapons gentlemen." His voice rung out in the alley way. "Run little one."

Euphoria didn't need to be told again before she took off being sure to avoid everyone in the alley. She cried out clutching her head as she heard a big bang but never stopped running.

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