《My Overprotective Brothers》Chapter 17


Ambers P.O.V

"Ambi do you need a drink? we have hot chocolate or orange juice in the machine," Jason

"Princess do you need more blankets? I can go get your favourite one from home!" Mom

"Angel are you in any pain?" Dad

"I'm tempted to design a hot pink hospital gown with multicoloured gems and an ass flap in the back so if you need to leave the room and don't want to expose your butt to the sexy doctors that walk these halls then you can strap on a Velcro pocket to hide yourself..." of course Dylan said this...

"Ooh princess do you want me to bring you a-" Grey until he was cut off by me.

"Enough! Please!" I shout with multiple cracks in my voice from my sore throat, everyone silences and sits back down in their plastic chairs, I do a little victory dance in my head and sigh in relief.

It's now the second day that I have arrived in hospital and ever since I had awoken 3 hours ago, my family are nonstop throwing questions at me and constantly fussing me around, I appreciate it but it's getting too much to handle now.

"Guys I love you all so much but this fussing needs to stop! I'm okay and I have everything I need right now apart from my family chilling out and making this a bigger deal than it should be!" I finish my rant with a sigh, everyone's faces were no longer tense and now show signs of guilt.

"I'm sorry princess! I have been on edge ever since you were rolled in here, we're all just so worried about you and your health and I know we can be clingy but you know that already, and we aren't changing anytime soon!" Dad said whilst chuckling at the end, I smiled at them all and took in each one of their faces that give me so much joy.

"I wouldn't want any of you to change for me," I said quietly, they all beamed and crowded around my hospital bed.

"We all love you cutie!" Grey cooed and made everyone laugh and sign in happiness.


Well, you're probably wondering where Isaac is...he is currently on a journey to get his bandages cleaned and doctors are taking x-rays to see if he has damaged any of his bones.

I have kept quiet about what happened to us and my family are growing suspicious, one of the first things they said when I woke up was "What the hell happened and how did you escape your room?" I haven't really given any of them a straight answer yet and have avoided their questions as best as I can, our family don't know about Isaac's "Job" and I don't want to be the one that breaks the news to them, it's not my mess to explain it's Isaacs! And when he gets rolled back into the room, I am making him explain because this has gone on for too long.

It's time to come clean.

"Hey Amber, I have rescheduled the photoshoot so you have more time to heal and lose those gross bruises on your perfect body that is gonna gain me a lot of sales!" Dylan said whilst holding my hand, I give him a smile and nod my head.

"Sounds great Dylan, I can't wait for it!" I exclaim, Dylan starts squealing as well and we are acting like a bunch of schoolgirls, we definitely got some strange looks from our brothers and parents but this only made us squeal and laugh harder.

"Apparently the photographer is extremely attractive and single!" Dylan exclaims whilst clapping his hands together with the widest smile ever.

"Maybe this is your chance to find yourself a cute boyfriend!" I squeal then followed by an equally excited Dylan. I could never consider this guy for myself because I can't date till I'm forty years old, my brother's words not mine!

"Hell yeah! I have been single for way too long sista!" Dylan said waving his hands around sassily, I start giggling and nodding my head.

Our conversation was interrupted when a long stretcher is wheeled into our room and stationed close to my bed, I look over and see a sleepy looking Isaac that is sitting up in bed and showcasing his messy bed hair and a half smile on his face, he looked crazy.


"Good news! Isaac has no broken bones or fractures. He has some bad bruising, cuts and scars but they will all heal in time and he can now be discharged!" The doctor says happily then closes his folder and tucking it away under his arm and left, my head snaps to Isaac's direction and I lean over the bed to grab his hand in mine, I reach Isaac's hand to find it freezing cold and his knuckles bruised with little cuts littering his hands, I look down sad at the memories from the fight and remember all the traumatising sights I had to watch.

I hold back my tears and squeeze his hand, trying to warm him up and get some colour back into his deathly pale skin. Isaac's head turns around to meet my eyes and he smiles weakly at me.

"How's my strong sister doing?" he said with a smile on his face that showed me so many hidden emotions, some of relief, guilt and sadness, I know he feels bad about what happened and I have already forgiven him for everything that happened that night.

"Look Amber I'm-"

"Don't be sorry Isaac, you didn't know how bad things would turn out and I could never be angry at you." I cut him off and spoke the truth, he looked unsure but still gave me his warm smile that I always love to see, my family turn their heads to us and give us suspicious eyes.

"You can't keep us in the dark forever guys! Tell us what happened." Dad said sternly, I gulped and I think Isaac did too, we both turned our heads slowly towards each other and shared a look that told each other everything we were thinking.

I gave him an encouraging smile and nodded my head slightly to encourage him to speak, he needed to do this and it's either now or never, rip that band-aid off in one go and deal with the pain and repercussions after!

"Okay..." Isaac said with a sigh, he knew mom and dad will be furious with him and what he does to earn money, and I'm sure they will all react even worse when they find out my involvement in it.

"Look, just know that whenever I've done this, I have never been seriously hurt or got in trouble for it," Issac warned us whilst twiddling his thumbs.

"Oh no...you're a stripper aren't you! I knew you were hiding something naughty!" Dylan said which sent me into a fit of giggles, mom and dad looked at Isaac horrified which caused Isaac to shake his head quickly.

"No no no! I'm not a stripper guys!" Isaac defended, Dylan disapproved and shook his head whilst smiling.

"Pole dancer?" Dylan asked.

"NO!" Isaac screamed in disgust.

"Why act so horrified? The proof is all there! For example, you're always so secretive of your social life, I have seen you sneak out the house before and come home through the back door with bruises on your legs which could be caused by aggressively rubbing yourself against the pole." Dylan reasoned innocently, this sent me and mom laughing our heads off and Isaac getting redder and redder in the face. Either from embarrassment or rage but I can't tell...

"How would you know about bruising from pole dancing?" Grey asked Dylan, Dylan looked down and bit his lip.

"It was a one-time thing!.....promise," he whispered towards the end with a smirk.

"Let's just say that I turned a lot of straight guys gay for the night...." Dylan leaned over and whispered in my ear, I rolled my eyes and punched his shoulder playfully.

"Look we're getting off topic! You are telling me right now young man what the hell happened to you both last night!" Mom said angrily and giving my brother a death glare that sent shivers down our arms. When mom gets pissed off, you know it's bad! It's very rare that it happens but when it does, you need to run for the hills!

"Okay but try and not be mad at me..." Isaac said shakily, mentally preparing for the storm that's about to be unleashed when he finally spills his secret that he's been hiding from them for years...


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