《My Overprotective Brothers》Chapter 10


Jason's P.O.V

Dylan is shaking Amber's body vigorously, trying to shake her back to life and open her beautiful eyes for us to see.

"Come on princess open those pretty eyes of yours!" Dylan says in desperation, tears are flowing down all of our faces and we don't even try to hide our feelings, men can cry too!

"Ew! those bitches rubbed their fake ass orange tan on our princess's arms!" Dylan shrieked and slapped his hand over his mouth and gagging.

Grey and I bend down to their level, Grey is on his phone to either mom or dad about the situation, whilst Dylan and I are more focused on trying to wake our sister up.

"Come on Amber wake up for us," I said whilst trying to hold back the sobs that are threatening to leave my body, it seems that Dylan is doing the same whilst stroking Amber's hair away from the large cut on her forehead.

Amber has so many injuries and just looking at her body is making me want to have a breakdown.

"Dylan Grey, we need to get her to a hospital now!" I said whilst pulling Ambers body up to a sitting position and wrapping my arms under her knees and back, bringing her up bridal style.

I look down at her poor face and see her expression emotionless, even though her eyes were closed, you could sense so much pain and sorrow on her face and all the cuts and blood added to that.

Her hair was messy and had bits of shattered mirror and blood stuck inside her tangled hair, her face was pale and lacked all colour apart from the blood that's splashed across her cheeks and forehead. It looks like she may have broken her nose because of the blood flowing from it and it is slightly crooked to the side, her forehead has a sharp thin piece of mirror sitting comfortably inside a deep cut and dried up blood had flowed from it and down to her neck, her lip is busted and her dried up tears have washed away some of its blood.

Sick is the word I would describe all of this.

Dylan has kept it together and is now leading the way, he slammed the door open and gained all the students in our areas attention, Dylan has a habit of doing that. He stormed down the corridor with pure determination and couldn't give a single fuck whenever he pushed people aside from us. Grey was hot on my tail and was cooing and speaking softly to the person on the other side of the phone, he's probably talking to our distressed mother right now and I'm glad I wasn't the one to break the news that her only daughter has had the worst beating of her life.

Dylan busts open the double doors of the school and unlocks the car's doors, I don't hesitate for a second and place Ambers weak body gently down on the seat but hold her back so I could climb in and pace her on my lap. Grey has put the phone down and roared the car to life, Dylan is in the front seat and giving directions for Grey to follow to get us to the hospital as quick as possible.


As Grey was pulling away, I looked out the window to see a group of girls smirking and giggling at our car, I bet a million dollars that those are the girls that did this to our Amber! It seems by the look on Dylan's face that he has caught on to this as well, and classic Dylan style he flips his middle fingers up and waves it at their direction, I do the same and the look on the girl's faces was priceless, they all looked horrified and placed their hands over their mouths in shock horror, yeah that's right fuck you all!! But over-dramatic much?

We finally arrived at the hospital and we barge through the automatic doors and Grey screams for a doctor, soon enough a group of doctors were wheeling out a stretcher and gesture for me to place Ambers still unconscious body onto it, I wanted to hold her longer but I knew that would be selfish of me and she needed medical attention fast.

A doctor stays back while the rest push the stretcher down the hall quickly until we can no longer see it.

"Hello my name is Doctor James," the doctor said whilst pulling out a notepad and pen.

"Can you tell me the girls name, age and relation to you all?" the doctor asks whilst getting ready for our answers, Grey speaks up and gives him the information.

"Her name is Amber Hutton, she's 16 and is our younger sister."

"Wow, are you all her brothers?" The doctor asks and we all nod our heads.

"Wow, I bet you all get on her nerves and annoy her all the time." The doctor jokes but none of us find it remotely funny.

"None of us would ever intentionally annoy our sister, she is our world." Dylan states bluntly, the doctor is taken aback and looks at us surprised.

"Wow I thought all brothers were supposed to act like that to their younger sister, I guess I wouldn't know because I am an only child." The doctor rambles on and I find myself tapping my foot in annoyance and impatience, Also this guy really says 'wow' a lot...

"Look, when can we see our sister and is she going to be okay?" Grey said in a monotone voice, clearly annoyed as well by the doctor and still fuming from finding Ambers half dead in the toilets earlier.

"I can't answer you that question yet but I can lead you to a family sized hospital room where Amber will be staying once she has been checked and operated on by our nurses." The doctor states whilst stretching his arm out and leading us through the dimly lit corridor. God, I hate hospitals so much.

We have arrived in Ambers room and are all sitting in silence and we are all in our own worlds and dealing with our anger and sadness in our own ways.


"I wish I could've seen the girl's toilets in different circumstances." Grey murmured whist lightly chuckling, trying to uplift the tense atmosphere, it worked because Dylan and I started laughing and laughing so hard until we started balling our eyes out and having a breakdown. Grey stared at us in shock by our sudden change of mood and hugged both of us.

"I'm-m so-orry but-t I couldn't ho-old it ba-ack any long-eer," I said whilst crying my heart out into my palms, Grey rubs mine and Dylan's backs and shushed us softly, trying to soothe our pain but he couldn't keep up the act any longer and he started to join in on our crying.

If someone were to walk in right now I would die of embarrassment!

We cried for what felt like hours until Isaac, mom and dad busted in the large family room and stared at us with tears already in their eyes, every single one of us was crying and we all huddled together and cried softly, our mom was the worst and she started cry-screaming to herself, probably vibrating and shattering windows with the shrieking and sobs that escaped her trembling lips. Dad had to hold her tight and shove her head to his neck so he could condense and quieten her tears but soothe her at the same time, she had a death grip on his shirt and was tearing it and leaving small holes where her sharp nails had torn through the thin fabric, now I know who Dylan inherited sharp pointy nails from!

Hours and hours went by and we never stopped hugging and holding one another, Dylan was sitting on Isaac's lap and leaning his head on his shoulder whilst softly sniffling. Mom was on dad's lap whilst he was rubbing her back and whispering encouraging words in her ear, I couldn't hear most of what he said to her but I made out a few sentences "Our baby is going to be okay," "Our gorgeous princess is a fighter!" and "After all this she is definitely getting home-schooled!" I chuckled at the last one because I know it is definitely going to happen and I was more than okay with it, now I could be with her 24/7!

We all finally stopped crying and all drifted off to sleep, the drama today really drained us all. A few hours later we were interrupted from our sleep to the door being pushed open buy Ambers big stretcher and Doctor James along with three other doctors, pushing her body onto the metal bed in front of us.

I jolted up awake and woke everyone else because all our family are known to be deep sleepers, they are all dazed and itching their dry tears on their cheeks but when their gaze lands on Ambers body that has loads of thick bandages on, they are all up and out of their seats in a flash.

"I'm guessing you're Ambers mother and father, correct?" The doctor asks, they both nod their heads and look at their daughter with more tears in their eyes.

"Is our baby going to be okay?" Our mother asks in a broken voice; our dad squeezes her hand for support and looks at the doctor hopefully.

"Yes, Amber is going to be okay, are you ready to hear the extent of her injury's?" The doctor asks whilst looking at all of us, we all look in each other's eyes and our dad nods his head, we all take a deep breath to prepare ourselves.

"Amber has a broken nose and has broken two ribs and bruised one of them, she has a deep cut on her forehead from the smashed piece of mirror and we have had to put in four stitches. She is severely bruised on her face and arms and her face will swell slightly, her ribs will heal naturally and lots of bedrest is needed, so make sure she is lying down a lot and not on her toes too much, apart from that she will be healed in a week." The doctor concluded, our mom took a huge sigh of relief and grabbed the doctors hand and shoved him into her arms for a tight hug.

"Thank you! Thank You! Thank You Doctor!! You saved my precious BabyGirl!" Mom squealed and practically hugged the poor man to death, he looked shocked and uncomfortable at first but gave her a warm smile and hugged her back.

"Sorry, my wife is a hugger." Dad said whilst pulling her back, the doctor smiled and said "It's okay lots of moms hug me when I deliver them the good news! We're all used to it." He reassured us whilst smiling warmly, he then turned to leave so we could have our privacy and sit next to Amber.

"Aw my poor baby looks awful." Our mother exclaims whilst looking down at Ambers sleeping body, Dylan shakes his head and smirks.

"Nah my princess pulls off the 'Bandaged mummy look' so well!" Everyone laughs and all the sadness and worry has left the room and now it's replaced with love and care as we all look down at our sleeping Amber and just hold her hand and reassure her unconscious body that she is going to be okay.


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