《Little Button《✔》》S i x


"Look at that challenge in the eye, and give it a goddamn wink"

me and Hazel go on a date. I have never been this nervous around a girl, but it's just Hazel has changed me so goddamn much.

"So are you going to ask her to be your girlfriend?" Ryder asks as we pull up to school. "Ya, I think I will. I just hope she'll say yes.", I say.

"She will, you guys are made for each other.", he says as we walk towards our group of friends. When Hazel left Jake and I in the classroom, we got somewhat. He explained that Hazel remained him of his ex. Ever since then we have been on the kinds on the same page. I'm still a little skeptical of Jake.

I put my arm around my soon-to-be girl, and look down at her. She smiles, making me smile too. I lean down and peck her small button nose.

"Hey little button, I'm picking you up at 7:00 wear something casual.", I whisper in her ear.

"Okay Grey!", Hazel giggles.

"Ugh stop with the PDA! No need to rub it in that all our love lifes are about as low as our grades!", Olivia says. I smirk while Hazel blushes furiously.

During lunch, me and Ryder sit at Hazel's table. Everyone is talking when the sound of a hand slam on the table interrupts us. I look up to see the one and only Kate, aka the Queen B. She flashes me and flirtatious smile, it falls when she sees my arm around Hazel's shoulders.

"Yes Kate?" Scarlett says through greeted teeth. She rolled her eyes and looks down at my Hazel.

"Is it true that your mother killed herself? She hated you so much that she left a freak like you! Your just another one of Greysons whores!" She yells out loud. The whole cafeteria goes silent. I stand up and start charging towards the slut, when Ryder grabs my hand and points towards a crying Hazel running off through the door.


I run after her, she walks outside and headed towards a big oak tree. Hazel sits down underneath it, pulling her knees to her face. I sit down next to her, while lifting her up and holding her to my chest.

"Why did she die? She said she wouldn't but she did! She left me! Every one leaves me. Everyone.", she says while shaking.

"Dont you dare say that Hazel. You are not alone, none of this is your fault. I will never leave you, ever. Okay?"

She just nods and continues to cry in to my shirt. I let her get hurt again, I thought to myself. That was when I made a promise to Hazel. I will never leave her, even when she wants me to. I cant, she entered my world and I'm not letting her out.

The rest of the school day, I didn't let Hazel leave my side. I sure know as hell she can take care of herself, shes a confidant smart girl. But right now she needs someone. I will always be that someone.

With one hand around her waist, we walked out to my car and got in. As we drove, I could tell something was off with my, almo-, fuck it, my girl.

"Haze what's wrong?", I say as I put my big hand on her small hand.

"Who was that girl, and what did she mean by I was one of your whores?" She said the last part softly.

When I heard those last words coming out of her mouth, I immediately pulled the car over. I cupped my hands around her beautiful face and spoke.

"Hazel, your are not a whore. Never. You mean so much more to me than that. 'Kate' said that because, well before you came into my life, I was a player. And I will always regret that. But you Hazel are so so much more. Than I softly pressed my lips on hers, slowly, was what this kiss was, passionate, what was what it was.


Love,what I feel for Hazel.


Its 6:00 when I get up and start getting ready for my first date with my hero. Greyson, after he reluctantly dropped me off at home, I couldn't shake this feeling I had for him. Yeah, I like him, like really like him. But it just, I feel so good around him, I feel safe and protected.

I sigh and hop in the shower, thinking about what I'm going to wear. He said casual, but what does that mean. After the shower I decided to call Scarlett and Livia over to help me pick an outfit for this nerve racking first date.

I rush down the stairs when the door bell rings. I open the door and usher them upstairs while they giggle at my urgency.

"I have no shitting clue what to wear! Like what the hell does he mean by causal? Do-", "Calm down Hazel, that why you have two amazing bestfriends to help you out!" Livis says and she pulls me and Scarlett into the closet.

I come out wearing a black denim skirt with a pumpkin orange cuffed sleeved shirt, tucking it in. They threw a small silver necklace at me and told me to put it on. For shoes they told me to go with a pair of white sneakers. I thanked them, I told them they could stay a little longer but they sprinted out the back door when Greyson's car came into view.

I'm about to open the door, when I notice my hand shaking. Well this is going to be one hell of a night.

I open and door to see a very handsome Greyson. Man what genes does he have? I smile and walk out the door. I look up and see Greyson scanning his eyes over me. I look at the floor and blush, he lifts my chin up with his fingers and whisper, "Perfect", this make me blush even more. He takes his hand and interlocks his fingers with mine. I smile even more. If that's possible.

He opens my door for me and I get in.

"Were are we going?" I ask titling my head in Greyson's direction.

"It would be a surprise if I told you Haze." He smiles, well shit that warmed my heart. I smile like an idiot and turn towards the window.

He parks the car outside the forest near our town.

"Your not going to kill me are you?" I ask, he chuckles and shakes his head. Greyson opens my door and interlock out hand. He pulls me towards the forest. We walk for about 5 minutes and then reach the most beautiful place I've ever seen. A powerful waterfall is in front of us with trees sounding , a big opening with a view of the sunset. I look to my left to see a picnic blanket with candles and a couple of snakes. I gasp at how amazing the scenery is.

"Its beautiful." I say, "It is" Greyson says. I look up at him to see he is already looking at me. He leads me towards the blanket and pulls me down.

"I come here when I'm feeling stressed, it like a breath of fresh of air. Just like you Hazel. Every time I see you I smile, you light up my world. Before you, I was cold and heartless. I didn't give a damn, but you gave me warmth Hazel. I really lo-like Hazel, like really really like you. I know it's the first date, but I feel like I've know you my whole life. Will you be my girlfriend?", he said.

I blinked at him, my lips parted. I was stunned, but than I smile, a big smile.

"Yes! God Greyson, you have no idea how I feel. I cant imagine my life with out you!", the boy that rocked my world pulls me into a long, soft kiss.

Than I realize what this feeling is, its love.




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