《He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman》He's a Senior and I'm the Freshman Chapter 10


"What?" I whispered loudly.

Tyler and Chelsea were going to die.

Tyler told me I had to date him for two months.

Hell no!

"Find another girl!" I said.

"We can't," Chelsea said. "We're in too deep,"

"You promised me a week!"

"Listen, you'll double your pay," Tyler said.

"I want Leo!"

"Not so loud," Chelsea said.

We were right outside the cafeteria doors.

"I don't care!"

"Ryan, please," Tyler pleaded.

The look in his eyes mad me give in.

"Whatever," I sighed and grabbed his hand and walked back in the cafeteria.

He laced our fingers together and I smiled to fool everyone.

Tyler and I sat down with Blake.

He was staring at Mitch with a hint of sadness on his face.

"He'll come around," I said smiling at him.

"When is that?" he asked.

"Soon?" I tried.

"Forget it. So, how are you two?" he asked.

I rolled my eyes. "We're good," I grinned.

Blake laughed and Tyler rolled his eyes.

"She'll start loving me soon,"

"Yeah right," I said stealing his fries.

He glared at me and I stuck out my tongue.

Tyler smirked. "Is that an invitation?"

"Nope," I smiled and looked at Blake. "Do you have the Bio homework?"

"Didn't do it?"

"Yup" I grinned.

He took it out of his book bag and handed it to me.

Blake had Ms. Jones before I had her with Leo.

"Thanks man," I said copying his answers.

"So, Blake, how do I get Ryan to kiss me?" Tyler asked.

I glared at Tyler. "I really don't like you,"

Tyler pulled me into a hug and I hugged back.

"Aw," Blake said. "Now, that's a Christmas card,"


We all laughed and I went back to my copying.

The bell rang and the three of us walked to gym class.

The first marking period we had those stupid health testing things. So basically all we did was run two laps around the track and do push ups and crunches. Then played "team building" games.

Gym was so much fun.


Blake's Point Of View

Leo and I walked to our next class together.

I had math and he had Bio.

He reached his class before I did leaving me alone.

As I walked I saw Mitch.

He was kissing a girl but then he pulled away.

"What's wrong babe?" she asked.

"Nothing, I just...I'm going to be late," he said walking away.

I quickly caught up to him. "Mitch,"

He looked at me and kept on walking.

"Listen," I said grabbing his arm. "I know you're a little freaked out about our...thing, but you're going to have-" Mitch cut me off with his lips colliding with mine.

He pulled me closer to him and I wrapped my arms around his waist.

Mitch ran his fingers through my hair and nibbled on my lower lip.

Our tongues met and I pulled him closer.

Mitch pulled away as the bell rang.

Our foreheads leaned together and our breathing was hard.

His breath ticketed my face.

Butterflies filled my stomach as I held him tight.

I didn't want to loose him again.

"I should go," Mitch stuttered.

Before he left I gave him a nice long passionate kiss.

"Bye handsome," I said.

He smirked at me as he walked away.

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