《The Nerd who cried Bad Boy》twelve


It was almost empty in the gym, there was us and four other people who didn't pay much attention to our arrival. They just nodded at Marcus. Marcus and I started off with warm-ups. He looked so professional when doing the warm-ups and exercises, and so strong.

His muscles flexed when he lifted the weights. All I could do was stare and slurp my strawberry shake after running on the treadmill. Marcus saw me and chuckled, still lifting the weights up and down. He started getting sweaty and he dropped the weights, taking heavier ones.

"Oh my gosh, are you crazy?" I gasped.

Marcus shrugged and lifted the weights. He groaned and I felt myself blush. Marcus was so strong, his body was muscular. After minutes of him lifting weights and me staring like a creep, he dropped the weights and took off his shirt. My mouth dropped when I saw his bare, tattooed torso. He didn't have too much tattoos on him, nor too little.

"Come on, let's start," he said and helped me up. I tried not to stare, which was very hard. We exercised together, he helped me with most exercises since I had struggled with them.

I collapsed to the floor, panting heavily. Marcus was also a bit tired from the exercises we had done though he had done more than me. Marcus held a pushup position on top of me, which made me blush. He went down and planted a kiss on my cheek, he let out a sigh when he pushed himself up. He went back down and this time, he kissed me for a couple of seconds. Going up again, he bit his bottom lip making my insides feel tingly.

"Marcus," I breathed, wanting him to stay down and kiss me longer.

"What Baby cheeks?" he whispered, his voice low and seductive. He went back down, placing his warm lips on mine longer than before. As I tried to deepen the kiss, he went back up, smirking at me. "Have something to say?" he whispered and went down again, kissing me passionately. The feeling of him kissing me, so incredible. My hands went from his neck and trailed down to his broad chest, down to his abs and held his waist.

"Stay down," I whispered back, tightening my grip around his waist. Marcus kissed my lips, his mouth moving slowly against mine. I didn't try to hold back a moan when he had kissed me.

"And what?" Marcus asked, a smile playing on his pink, swollen lips.

"Kiss me," I replied, a blush creeping onto my face. Marcus smiled and kissed me, slowly going down at the process and just when I thought he would stay down, he slowly pushed himself up. I groaned annoyed, "Marcus--"

He slienced me with his lips, finally staying down. I smiled against his lips and wrapped my arms around his bare torso. Marcus had his arms bent next to my shoulders to hold his weight and keep himself from crushing me. My hands massaged his torso as Marcus dominated the kiss. He moaned and grabbed both my thighs, moving his hands slowly.

Suddenly, Marcus slowly pulled away and his dark eyes bored into mine. "Baby cheeks, you're a very sweet girl and very beautiful. I would not want anyone to hurt you in anyway, I want you to take care of yourself when I'm not around. When you lied to everyone about us dating, it started something... something really bad, not between us. There are some really bad people out there, some will appear closer than you think, some will appear to be your friends--"


I furrowed my eyebrows, confused. "What are you on about, Marcus?"

"Alyssa, please watch out for danger." Marcus sat upright and looked away.

That fact that he said my name gave me slight chills, for some reason, I wanted him to call me Baby cheeks. It made me somehow safe, stressless and warm inside. "Danger? What do you mean?"

"There's people out there who hate me and will do anything to see me hurt or destroyed," Marcus said and sighed. "You made a mistake saying that we're dating."

The serious look on Marcus and the way he said it sent shivers down my spine. "Am... I gonna die?" I asked as a joke.

Marcus said nothing for a moment before replying,"No... when I'm around, no one will lay a hand on you."

"What? Marcus, are you serious? I asked that as a joke." I started panicking.

His eyebrows raised in realisation and his eyes widened, "No, no, Baby cheeks. I was kidding." he smiled.

That smile.

There was something not normal about that smile. When Marcus smiled, something twinkled in his eyes that made me want to smile.

This smile.

It was a plain smile, and it came from a guy who had the most beautiful smile. "Oh." I nodded, looking away from Marcus, suddenly feeling scared and unsafe around him. I stood up and grabbed my bag, I slinged it over my shoulder. I took my bottle filled with strawberry shake.

"See you later, Marcus," I said, leaving the gym.

"Wait." he stood up and followed me, "Where are you going? What did I do?"

I turned back to look at him,"Marcus, you're scaring me. You're telling me about people who want to see you hurt or destroyed and that I should take care of myself when you're not around. What does this have to do with me, I haven't done anything to anyone."

Marcus sighed,"I know Baby cheeks but... everyone knows me. I practically famous," he said with a slight smug.

"Oh my gosh, really?" Sarcasm dripped out of my mouth.

"Most people like me, and some people don't. And some of those people who don't like me will do anything to see me suffer," he said softly and he gently held my chin, bringing our faces close until they were a centimetre away. "They would even hurt the ones I care about."

And with that, he planted his lips on mine. Deepening each kiss. Although I was confused and slightly scared, I didn't stop Marcus. He placed his hand on my lower back and pushed me closer. We pulled away, staring deep into eachother's eyes.

I still turned around to leave but Marcus stopped me,"Can you help me study for the test I have on Monday? My Maths teacher told my coach that he shouldn't allow me to play soccer anymore unless my grades improve."

I smiled and turned back to Marcus.

He chuckled,"It amuses me how excited you become when you hear the word 'Maths'."

I laughed,"So where are you studying?"

"My house," Marcus answered as he took his sports bag and water bottle.


I nodded and we walked out the gym. It was hotter than before but there was a cool breeze that dried out the slight sweat I had on my body and face. Marcus gulped his water down and it was empty in seconds. We walked to the café we had went to before and ordered ice coffee plus a donut.

"Are your parents home?" I asked after sipping my ice coffee.

Marcus stayed silent, looking away he answered,"My mom is."

My eyes widened when I realised Marcus only had a mother since his father was shot. "Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot--"

Marcus furrowed his eyebrows and looked at me,"Why are you apologising?"

I sighed,"I know about your father, Marcus. And I'm sorry," I hugged him making us stop. Marcus instantly wrapped his arms around my neck since I had hugged his torso.

"How did you know?" he asked.

"My aunt knew your father, they were good friends. She told me about the incident." I replied and pulled away from him. "Her name's Nora Collins."

Marcus slowly shook his head,"Don't know any Nora."

"Oh, she used to be friends with your father. Vincent Sawyer?"

Marcus nodded.

"I'm sorry, Marcus." I ran my fingers through his hair and smiled. He smiled too and held my head, kissing the top of my head. I decided to hold his hand when we walked back to his house, which took a while. I started getting nevrous. His mom was home, she would probably ask me many questions that would make me nevrous and just blurt out weird things.

Marcus opened the door of his huge, beautiful home. No one was in sight yet.

"Marcus?" a feminine voice with a Spanish accent shouted from upstairs.

"Yes María," Marcus answered closing the door behind him. Then a beautiful woman appeared from upstairs. She had lightish colour as skin, slightly darker than Marcus'. Long jet, black hair that ended on her lower back and dark eyes. She had also applied black lipstick on, her nails also seemed to be painted black.

She looked gorgeous.

"Who's that?" I asked, still staring at the beautiful, model-looking woman walking down the stairs.

"That, that's my mom," Marcus replied and sighed, letting go of my hand. His mom and him spoke to eachother, in Spanish. My mouth dropped open.

Not only did my 'boyfriend' have the most beautiful woman as her mother who could his girlfriend, he spoke Spanish fluently.

I didn't know Marcus knew Spanish!

He turned to me to see my shocked expression. "What Baby cheeks?" he smirked. His mother stared at me, not smiling or not frowning eiether. She quirked her eyebrow at me and turned to Marcus again, speaking to him.

Marcus sighed, answering back. Growing more and more annoyed. They both turned to me and Marcus walked next to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder,"She's my girlfriend, she has been for a while now."

His mom smiled at me, though I could tell it was kind of faked,"Hello..." she trailed off, waiting for me to say my name.

"Alyssa," I replied nevrously. "Alyssa Heart."

"Alyssa," she nodded. She had a strong Spanish accent, which I really liked.

"I'm María, Marcus' mother." she held out her hand. I shook it.

I sighed,"I was getting jealous for a second there, you looked so beautiful, I thought you were his exes," I blurted and my eyes widened.

Sometimes, I really needed a slap in the face. With a chair.

María chuckled and glanced at Marcus who shrugged.

"So, why are you here?" she asked as she let go of my hand and eyed the both of us.

"I asked her to help me out with studying," Marcus answered with a sigh.

"Studying, huh?" she eyed me, making me nevrous again.

She turned to Marcus and said something to him in Spanish.

I was tired of this, after I step foot out of this house, I'm learning Spanish.

Marcus groaned,"In my room," he answered his mother. She said something to him again.

"No, we're not," he replied and turned to me. "Alyssa, go upstairs to my room. It's the last room on the left."

"Uh, no, I think I should go," I said. "I'm sorry for bothering you, Ms. Sawyer."I turned to leave and gave Marcus a small smile before walking to the door, hearing them argue. They weren't shouting at eachother though.

"Baby cheeks, wait!"

I paused.

"Come," he said and I hesitated.

"It's okay, I'll just--"

"No, she said it's okay," Marcus assured and I sighed.

"Fine." I walked up to them and Marcus held my hand. His mother said nothing at me but smiled. She took her handbag from the couch and left the house.

I gasped,"Marcus, please don't tell me that was because of me."

Marcus chuckled,"No, she got called to a meeting. And don't worry, she totally likes you." He walked up the stairs.

"Sure doesn't seem like it," I said to myself and followed Marcus upstairs to his bedroom. He opened it and walked in, I followed him in. Surprised there aren't any posters of half naked girls and his room is clean, I gasped.

"I know what you're thinking, Baby cheeks." Marcus smirked and winked at me once he shut the door.

I smiled and dropped the bag on the floor,"Yes, take out your books and let's go downstairs and study there."

"You're so serious about this, I'm surprised that you haven't ripped your clothes off since you stepped foot in this room... then again." he shrugged and picked up his bag from next to his desk. "Can't we study here, just because there's a bed a few steps away from us doesn't mean I won't be able to control myself near you."

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