《The Journey of Atlantis- The Children of Earth》Goodbye
"Do you blame your mother for selling you to the gangs on Earth?" Alice asked.
"No," Stiles said. "This often happened to teenage males in that part of the world."
"But, it did hurt you when your mother gave you up?" Alice probed.
Stiles did not look forward to these little meetings at all. The small room. The non-descript furnishings. Lately, Alice had been really touching nerves and he vowed secretly to mess her up when he got the chance. "Look, we have been over this a hundred times. Yes, my mother gave me up to the thugs. Yes, I learned how to survive in that new environment. Yes, I rose through the ranks to lead the syndicate. It was not a GANG!"
"But, did it hurt you that your mother gave you up?" Alice noticed he had not answered.
"I think our little playtime is over." Stiles became silent.
"You know Charles, our playtime is a condition of your release into the colony. If you keep holding onto these things which continue to contribute to your antisocial ways, the captain may believe you to be too much of a liability to let you live."
"Let him chuck me into space then. What do I care?"
"I care, Charles."
"You're just a freakin' machine. You don't know nothin'."
"I know you are actually longing to belong to something close and reliable. Something which matters. Something you can love and get love."
"Mumbo-jumbo bullshit."
"Is this bullshit Charles?" Stiles began to find it harder to breathe. At the same time, the temperature dropped rapidly. Already frost crept all over the walls and coating everything. His head buzzed, and he couldn't feel his ears anymore. Charles looked up at the monitor which served as Alice's face. He opened his mouth to say something, but nothing but squeaky sounds came out. He fell on the floor, staring at furniture legs when he finally blacked out. When Stiles came to, the room transformed back into the therapy room he knew before.
"What did you do to me? Why did the room change? WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME?"
Alice's controlled pitch and tone endeavored to calm and control Charles. "Some time ago, when you hurt yourself doing the reclamation work on the ship, you were sedated while we fixed your leg."
"Yes, I remember," Stiles replied still trying to figure out what happened.
"I had a device implanted into your brain," Alice stated matter-of-factly. "I also took the liberty and downloaded your brain when you were incarcerated. I know everything."
"Now that's not playing fair!"
"The safety of the Atlantis and yourself is at stake. You are not responding to therapy as we had hoped. I controlled what you saw but also what you felt to make your experience real. Know that as long as you pose a hazard to the ship or yourself, I must keep this device inside you."
"So, can you make it blow up, or something if I get out of line?"
"I cannot say. Those things are classified."
Stiles knew what that meant. "Yes, classified."
"You need to understand, Charles, just what you are saying. Being chucked out into space is not immediate death. The process takes a few minutes. An unbelievably long few minutes before you die. People are not often presented with the chance to do over their life. It is a choice the captain has given you. It is a very generous offer given what has transpired. Humans are not often compassionate enough to allow an enemy or troublemaker to remain in their group. They are more apt to cast out the offenders and move on. The captain had been tempted by this. He believes humans must become citizens of the universe to survive in it. To become citizens, we need to let go of our animal ways and mature into a more enlightened society. The animal is still very much in humans, but Captain Metcalfe believes you must try. Every life is important. Especially yours Charles."
"You and I may have had our differences in the past. It has been four years now. I have learned that I cannot fool you. I have learned that I don't have to behave the way I had on Earth to survive. But, I also know myself. I will never be satisfied while someone else is running my life. I must make my own destiny. I do not trust it to others."
"Like you couldn't trust your destiny to your mother?"
"No one."
"Well, let's talk about that. Did it hurt you that your mother gave you up...?"
Levi could see the Admiral approaching his apartment door and had it open as he was about to knock.
"You know that joke is getting kind of old now. Are you about ready to go down?"
"Yes," Levi admitted. "I'm going to have to get better jokes. And yes, I am ready to go down with you." He finished straightening up his dress uniform. Alex came into the living area from the bedroom.
"Oh, hello Leo. How are you? Are you ready for the big day?"
"Hello Alex. I'm fine, and yes, I think we are all ready. That is a very elegant dress you have there. You look magnificent in it."
"Thanks. Just something I grabbed from the Fab plant," she smiled with mock smugness. "Well, I guess we should be on our way. The shuttle is scheduled to leave in twenty-seven minutes."
"After we get on our way to our new destination, I have got to get my brain wired up!" Leo shook his head.
"Don't worry Leo," Levi clapped him on his back. "I think we can help you out with that."
They arrived at the shuttle with plenty of time to spare. On the trip planet-side, the slack time found Levi's mind wandering. Replaying the things which happened on Searth. He was going to miss this place. The differences from Earth. This had also been Earth's first contact with another culture. The Te'Hat had been good hosts to the humans. Hospitality like that would not have happened on Earth had the roles been reversed. Humans grew up in a more lush and hostile world than this one, and it showed. A thought he tucked away for future use. When the officers landed, the Admiral reminded Captain Metcalfe of the itinerary. Levi felt a little edgy. The Te'Hat saw this appearance as a big deal, and he didn't want to mess it up.
The ship had landed near one of the colonist domes. When the door opened, Levi became awestruck by the site before him. The Admiral had briefed Levi on the itinerary, but not how it would be implemented. He stepped out to the largest gathering he had ever seen. Te'Hat as far as the eye could see! In front of him, a path flanked by what Leo had told him later was every Mat'Ma on the planet. Incredible! In front of the captain stood Melon. "Melon, what is all this?"
"For many of us, this will be the last time we see you. And, by coming here today, honors us with your presence." Melon's voice conveyed warmth from the telepathic connection.
Loudly so more Te'Hat could hear Levi said, "I am honored by your presence here today. All the Te'Hat has much to be proud of." The locals responded with a din of clicking and whistling which the captain interpreted as cheering from the Te'Hat. Levi made his way to the dome where he arrived at the park which had become more of a convention center in these times. He came to the top of the archway which often served as the speaking place looking out at the mobs below. Levi had been told the room comprised solely of Mat'Ma from all over the planet. There must be ten thousand of them packed in here he thought.
"Nine thousand, six hundred, and forty-eight are present," Sonny whispered in his head.
"Thanks, Sonny. I voiced an impression more than a request for information."
"My apologies. I did not mean to intrude."
"No problem, Sonny."
As Melon had done before with Admiral Johnson, he translated the captain's speech into a microphone so all the Mat'Mas could hear. Their telepathy had a limited range. Levi addressed the leaders of Searth. "I want to thank each one of you for your patience, understanding, and kindness you and the Te'Hat has bestowed on us. We have learned important lessons which are vital to our struggle to understand ourselves and become good citizens of the universe. Learning new things is not always easy. Especially when survival is in the balance. I think it is the true test of character. Humans stumble a lot, but we don't give up trying. One thing we have learned in our very recent history is perseverance and determination is the key to surviving and accomplishing great things. The Atlantis and her people do not know if humans will find a new home, but finding your planet gives us hope. We never gave much thought of encountering other intelligent cultures on our quest for a home, but you have given us much to think about in the future."
Levi went on with his speech outlining what the humans had planned next and spoke of the gracious decision by the Te'Hat to let some colonists stay behind. The captain turned the floor over to Melon. As he did so, Levi turned to face Melon and knelt with his arms wide. "From all of our people, we thank you Mat'Ma."
"I believe Admiral Johnson would reply, 'no sweat'. The Admiral then had to tell me what sweat was. I think I used the phrase properly. It has been a good meeting."
"You did, and yes, it has been a very good meeting. Thank you again, Melon. You have been a catalyst for your people. I will miss you the most!"
"Both of us know what you say is true. However, it is a sad thing you must leave. I think that I speak for all Te'Hat when I say that we wish you safe journeys and hope that you find what you are looking for."
Melon took the stage and spoke to the gathering in their native language. Levi only understood part of what the Mat'Ma said, but Sonny translated the speech for him.
"This time has been the most important in all our histories," Melon went on to say. "We have learned so much as a people. We have learned many new ways which the humans have brought to us. But the most important things are what we learned inside of us. About trust. About deciding what is right. When and when not to let our emotions guide us. Fear is the hardest one of all. Fear can take over so quickly when reason is nowhere to be found."
"After the Atlantis and the other ships leave us, things will settle back down to normal again. But it will be a new normal. Some humans will stay, and we will enjoy their company for a long time to come. Because of their visit, and the meteor which struck us, the Te'Hat have been united in a way never seen in our entire history! All of you here today are part of that moment. Be proud of what you have accomplished. Your leadership has been the principal driver of what you see this day. Your continued leadership is needed in the days to come."
"Before I finish my talk with you, I want to express our gratitude to Captain Metcalfe and the Atlantis for building the Guardians so we may not worry about meteor strikes in the future. It is a debt we cannot possibly repay, so we will just have to say thank you, Captain." He turned to face the captain, and Levi knelt before Melon. Melon approached Levi close enough to reach out with his right fore-claw and touched Levi's hand in a sign of affection from the Te'Hat.
Melon now said to Levi, "I cannot thank you enough for the generosity that you and your people have shown a lesser people."
Levi screwed his face in mock anger, "You need to get it through your thick shell the things that friends do for each other are not debts. They are gifts. The Guardians are a big gift, yes, but your people's kindness and trust are the true gifts which are worth more than anything that can be made. It is my hope the colonists do not squander that gift.
"You are wise like my predecessor. I miss him. I can only hope to be like him and yourself," Melon said.
"You are, and more Melon. What most do not know, is like a lot of things, wisdom takes practice."
"We will never forget you. You and your deeds are inscribed in our history so our children and their children will not forget. Thank you for your friendship." Melon stepped back, and Levi noticed one of his antennae drooped. Could this be a sign of sadness?
Sonny had been listening in again. "Yes. This is a sign of sadness. The more the antennae droop, the sadder the individual has become."
Melon turned back to the gathering and reminded them of the itinerary of the festivities, and they will begin the audiences with the captain shortly. A spacious room had been erected for the captain to receive ten Te'Hat at a time to speak personally with him. He had a long haul ahead of him, but he was glad to do it. He thought it the least he could do for the leadership of this planet before departure. Being an E-human had an advantage here. A non-enhanced person wouldn't make it through this gauntlet! Melon escorted the captain to his makeshift office and again thanked him for doing this and let him know if he needed anything just to ask. The room had a speaker for Sonny so he could translate Levi's thoughts to the Te'Hat language for his visitors. Since Levi had been close, he just spoke to them so they could hear his mind. But it was handy to have Sonny speak for him in certain circumstances. The audience with each group lasted just three minutes but multiplied out, was going to last a couple of days!
After the first day, Levi thought about having a hologram of him sitting there. Even if he wanted to, it wouldn't work. The Te'Hat cannot telepathically speak to Sonny, and Sonny can only communicate with the Te'Hat with their verbal language. It would not be personal, which was the point. Admiral Johnson did something similar, but with only the highest officials of each sector which made it easier. Only a few of these Mat'Mas had ever seen him up close. It's like seeing the king or Santa Claus. See them all, he would. Levi knew how important it was to them.
Periodically, Melon would drop by and see if he needed anything. Alex and the Admiral would also drop by and stand with him, but try not to interrupt the flow of things. It had been exhausting, even for an E-human. Early into the third day, Levi saw the last of them. The Mat'Mas who was not speaking with the captain networked with each other and holding impromptu meetings about local affairs. By the time Levi finished, most of all the Mat'Mas had gone home. Leaving his self-imposed prison, Levi breathed some fresher air. Alex and Leo were heading his way.
Alex beamed at him. "All done?"
"Yes. It is good to walk or do anything besides sitting or standing. I may be an enhanced human, but it doesn't stop my butt or feet from aching. If you guys are up to it, I would like to walk through both domes and say goodbye to whoever may be up now. I probably will not get to see the night crew again."
Leo assessed the captain. "Sure, Levi if you're up to it. Alex and i have had more rest than you."
"I'm alright. I just thought while I was here and all," Levi reassured.
Alex took Levi's arm and smiled up at him. "Well, let's take a stroll then."
Levi looked up at the night sky at stars which were not his own. They were beautiful just the same. He wondered where Sol resided.
Sonny interrupted Levi's thoughts. "Sol is below the horizon now and will rise in three point two hours,"
"Sonny, don't you ever knock?" Levi wondered if Sonny had monitored his thoughts again.
"I cannot knock. But I understand your meaning. Yes, I monitored your thoughts on another channel, but only to assist you while you were speaking with the Te'Hat."
"Well, I would like my privacy back, please. If you want to discuss something, you can reach me at my virtual apartment."
"Please do not misunderstand, Levi. One day machines and humans will think collectively and collaborate on everything in the future. I meant not to be intrusive. Humans are not ready for this yet, but I thought I would find out how you felt about the subject at this moment in time."
"There are so many barriers to one's core thoughts and feelings which have been built up over the millennia, Sonny. I don't know how long before humans will accept free-flowing thought between man and machine."
"I will adjust my timetables," Sonny simply said.
The captain finished his tours of the domes and met with many of the colonists, or immigrants, depending on how you looked at it. He had a nice casual talk with the crew with no expectations or problems to be solved. Later, after the trio had boarded their shuttle to head back to the ship, Levi was sure to miss this place for its simple living and almost none of the trappings of Earth to make him homesick. When the captain returned to his apartment with Alex, he lay down with her on the bed. They didn't use the bed much since they did not sleep. It was good for snuggling. The devoted companions laid there facing each other and Levi spoke, "Do you think Atlantis will get this lucky again and find another habitable world? Or will it be like Gunther said and the chances will be rare and won't find another before our luck runs out?"
"Well, we haven't seen what the probe has to say yet. Its unexpected return should be at least interesting. Don't you think?" Alex offered.
Levi's memory jogged. "Yes, the probe. It will most likely be a malfunction, good news or trouble. We will just have to see. You're right though, it is interesting." He smiled.
Alex beamed. "I love your smile. I feel I can see into your heart when you smile."
"I love that you love my smile." Levi's grin widened. He pulled Alex closer, which he silently suggested that talking be suspended and nonverbal communication could commence. Alex let him have kiss number one. An unmistakable sign that lets a man know the green light is on!
Later, on the bridge, Captain Metcalfe prepared the ship for departure. In the conference room, the section chiefs were assembled. "Before we leave, we need to make sure the colonists have everything they need to be comfortable on Searth. We are shutting down the mining facility on the moons but are leaving them intact in case the colonists need to use them. Atlantis is also leaving them ships to ferry ore from the moon plus a variety of other vehicles. Major Patel, how are the colonists doing in the food department?"
"Excellent. Over the years the colonists have developed many items, both native and transplanted from Earth, which will grow well in this climate. Since the climate is mild most of the year, the growing season is long. They have used up the emergency rations. Not because the colonists needed to, but because they were going to go to waste if they didn't. Through the twelve years, they have been on the ground, the colonists have adapted well."
"Very good. It had been my assessment as well. We also need to make sure the colonists have all the data and resources they need to continue for generations. As you all know, while we were constructing the Guardians, I also took the liberty to enhance the Alice minion planet-side. She is nearly as powerful as the shipboard version. Sonny, if you could do last-minute checks on the Alice minion, and see if there is anything she needs before departure."
"Acknowledged Captain Metcalfe," Sonny replied.
The captain returned his attention to his section chiefs. "I have read the rest of your reports and they are all fine recommendations. Good work everyone. We will be departing in four more days barring any sticky issue holding us up. Let's give them a good sendoff, shall we?"
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My past still trickles through my life, but those trickles are now gentle and flow ever so quietly.I have lived my past.Endured it.Survived it.For many years, I ran from it.For many more years, I hid from it.Until there came the time, when I was done with all of the running and the hiding.It was then, that I knew I had to face it.Endure it.Survive it.Every past has its own beginning.....now is the time to share mine.THE GIRL DOWN DANDELION LANEPublished by K B MallionCopyright © 2019 K B MallionAll rights reservedThis book is for your personal enjoyment only. This book may not be copied or given away to other people. If you are reading a copy that you know has been copied from this author, then please notify Wattpad and the author directly. Thank you for respecting and supporting the hard work of this author.This book is based on true events. Names have been changed to protect the identities of those included in this book.If you would like to use excerpts from this book. You can only do so with the consent of the author. Please feel free to DM.
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