《The Journey of Atlantis- The Children of Earth》Out of the Frying Pan
Admiral Johnson stood up from his desk to stretch after having sat too long going over reports and signing documents. He missed his office on the Atlantis. This was a big office compared to others on the Intrepid, but he still missed his old office. In times like these he wished he could be enhanced like the captain. He would have been done with all this mess in two minutes. Thank God, he did not have to run the ship too. Captain Williams had been the steady rock he needed and depended on. They had been battle buddies since the rebellion. Humanity's numbers had dropped over four hundred souls in that little civil war. It used to make him almost physically ill to think about it. He had seen plenty of men die before, but now the stakes were just too high. Human life was just too precious to waste on a disagreement. Over four years had passed since then, and the pain had become a little better. There had been casualties on the Te'Hat side. They mostly made a point to keep out of the way. Te'Hat observers would sometimes get a little too close to the action which caused Te'Hat tunnels to cave in, or get caught in the crossfire.
After Captain Schmidt died while trying to take out Alice, the second in command over at the Valiant, Commander Sokolov, had been just as fanatical as their captain about claiming this rock for their own. He claimed Captain Schmidt was assassinated even though the truth had been communicated to his ship. The Admiral's suspicion, later proved correct, that Sokolov told the crew what they wanted to hear to incite them and bring on this conflict. The truth came to those people too late. Alice and Captain Williams ran the ground conflict while Alice and Johnson made sure space remained safe. Neither ship had much in the way of weapons. However, Intrepid's Navy was armed to the teeth. They were military people after all. Valiant was a civilian ship. They never stood a chance. The only reason the conflict went on as long as it did, had been to save lives on both human sides and Te'Hat. They had lost many diplomats to broker peace.
And now he heard the Te'Hat had decided if the humans could stay or keep our promise to leave if they wished it. It had been a few days ago when the Mat'Ma said a meeting of the Elders took place. He started to get nervous like waiting for a verdict in a court-martial. He sat back down at his desk. These reports are not going to sign themselves he thought as he took up his stylus to sign on the digital line next to his thumbprint.
"Admiral?" His assistant called over his comm panel on his desk.
"Yes, what is it?"
"A shuttle is headed to the Intrepid with the Mat'Ma and Fred aboard sir."
"Very well. Please have the delegates escorted to my office. See if you can get the chef to obtain some of those gooey things they like to eat and have them brought to my office."
"Yes, sir," the assistant acknowledged.
Damn, he thought. Speak of the devil. Well, the verdict is in. He had hoped they would wait until Captain Metcalfe returned, but too much uncomfortable time had gone by. Johnson didn't think they would wait another five years.
An hour later, the Admiral's assistant called again. "Sir, the Te'Hat delegation is here."
Leo suddenly felt very tired. "Send them in Corporal," He had met the Mat'Ma only a few times but had spoken with Fred, as the humans called him, many times. They scuttled in taking up a fair amount of space since they did not sit in chairs. He came around his desk to address them. "Good day friends. The Mat'Ma is with you today Fred, so the news must be important. What can I help you with today?"
"Good day to you also Admiral. The Mat'Ma and I have come to deliver our decision on your staying or leaving our world."
This is it then, he thought. "I wish things could have been different. We will respect whatever your decision is on this matter."
The Mat'Ma stepped forward. "This was a very difficult decision for the Te'Hat. There were endless clans scattered over this world. It took a long time for each clan to reach a consensus and tally a total vote which represented the Te'Hat. This is very rare in our collective memory. This is also the first time we were visited by beings from another world. Much fear and uncertainty followed your arrival. However, curiosity, adventure and knowledge also beckoned. In our distant past, we had been warriors and conquerors. We had come to know that whatever happens, the sun will always rise and set. The Sonroha plants will always bloom. The wind will always blow. Whether we are here to enjoy them is up to us. Every day holds another riddle to uncover. Another question to answer."
"We assumed since you were so much more advanced than we are in many things, combined with your initial compassion for our world, you had also learned what we had learned long ago. This proved to be a false assumption. Not all Te'Hat agrees with our clan which has been nearest your kind. We understood your struggle. It is unfortunate your differences could not be resolved without violence. Many Te'Hat perished caught in the middle of your conflict. Had no Te'Hat perished, the decision might have been different. It was too uncertain something like this might happen again. Many worried you would force yourselves on us using your superior machines."
"We are grateful you were victorious over those who would have done us harm. We are also grateful you will carry out our wishes on this matter. We are as disappointed as you are we must ask you to leave us. We could have learned many things from each other."
The Mat'Ma had stopped relaying his thoughts. Leo sensed it was his turn to talk. He paused a moment to collect his thoughts. He spread his arms wide and knelt to their level. "My good friends, this is one of the saddest days I have ever experienced. I am so ashamed of my people. When we left our home world, violence was common. Humans still had not learned to care for one another as a species. We are a compassionate people, but we are also passionate. Sometimes our passion for being right supersedes our compassion for one another. Captain Metcalfe understood this and tried to explain to all of us that if we are going to survive as a species, we must leave behind those behaviors which were slowly killing us. We understand what needs to happen within us. At least we can work for change if you are at least aware of a problem. But we are only at the beginning of this internal journey of ourselves. I speak for all humans here that we meant you no harm. The fact you have come to harm saddens us and reminds us of our failures. Humans had never met others from another world. You were our first, and we made a disappointing show of it. We hope you will remember the good things about us and not just the bad things."
"I would like to know if a small group of us could stay and continue to study the planet. I would also like to continue the dialog between us. We could send diplomats to the other clans and continue to study your culture and learn from it."
"I can speak for my clan and allow some you to stay down here until the Atlantis returns. As for the other requests, there must be more talks amongst ourselves. I am sorry things could not be different."
"Could you stay for a meal? Our chef has obtained some of your food. I would like to chat with you about some other things not as gloomy as this discussion has been."
"Since we are here, it is the least we could do for a good friend. I will send Melon to leave word I will be arriving later than planned." The Mat'Ma started speaking to Melon in the clicks and whistles of their language. Admiral Johnson interrupted the clan leader.
"I can take care of that for you. No need for Melon to leave unless you wish it. Our invitation is extended to him as well."
"It is alright Admiral Johnson," Melon apologized, "These discussions are for leaders of clans, not for myself, thank you."
"Melon," the Mat'Ma chided, "Let us not force our customs on our host. Besides, one day you will be Mat'Ma, and you will need to learn the skills of leaders."
Later in the evening after the Mat'Ma and Melon had left, Leo lamented on the day. He had been prepared for the verdict on their behavior. However, it had been another thing to experience it face to face. He had wished with all his being things could have been different. Meeting an intelligent race for the first time and they had screwed the pooch. He knew they were like humans in the respect that trust was a very strong thing. Something which tripped up the diplomats from time to time had been that they meant exactly what they said. There was no ambiguity amongst the Te'Hat. If they said something was going to be done, you could bet the solar system on it! If they did not know, they would say so. Lying and deception were just not done. So, to misrepresent something to them would be a major breach of their culture. To be untrustworthy would usually be rewarded by banishment. To hear the Mat'Ma talk, most of them wanted the humans to get the hell out of Dodge now. They knew they couldn't make us leave, but the Te'Hat trusted Leo to make good on what he had promised.
He had put many of the conspirators in jail until the uprising was over. When the coupe failed, many of them were willing to let bygones be bygones. The few who would not convert were barred from enhancement, and the elixir was neutralized. They would die of old age and be weeded out. They were also told if any other funny business manifested itself, they would be executed. He had tried to clean things up as best as he could. The stain which didn't come out was the Te'Hat.
There were still a little over five years before the Atlantis would be back. Maybe he could use that time to reconcile the damage the humans had caused. How was he going to tell Captain Metcalfe? He knew his friend well enough to know he would be disappointed, but not surprised. He seemed to know something bad was on the horizon and hoped Leo could handle it. Besides letting the captain and two species down he had to find a way out of this mess somehow.
Three weeks after the banishment decree, Anna Hauser tended her garden wondering how this day could be any lovelier when she suddenly noticed in her peripheral vision the few Te'Hat which had been observing her, scooted off at high speed. Now, what could have caused them to run off like that? She wondered. Then she started to feel in her bones the low vibration. It was the quake! She immediately threw her implement down and ran for the dome.
Alice boomed in her cochlear implant. "Stay where you are Anna Hauser. You are in the safest place. Emergency teams and protocols have been activated."
The vibration increased, and Anna could no longer remain upright. Then she heard it. The loud cracking of beams and windows which shouldn't crack. They were stronger than steel, and yet they were cracking! A part of the roof caved in, and she could hear people screaming now. She had to get to the dome! As she started making her way there, people started to pour out of the airlock door. People bleeding. People carrying other people. She arrived at the chaos and started to help people. Just then she stood up with a jerk and felt vertigo grip her. She should be waking up now! Why was she not waking up? She had the vision-dream hundreds of times. She had that stupid dream just last week! The answer dawned on her even as she rejected it. This was REAL! The vision had come to pass! Anna became frozen by the fear of that nightmare she wasn't going to wake up from. She had never gotten this far in her dream. Like the jolt of waking up from that nightmare, Anna became aware someone was shaking her.
"Anna! Anna!" The person shouted. Anna awoke from her shocked stupor. It was Corporal Amanda Jenkins. She remembered her now. "Anna!" She shook her again.
"Corporal Jenkins?" She said as she exited the stupor.
"Look, Anna, you have to help me! Are you injured? If you are not, I need your help in treating the wounded.
"Yes, of course. I am not injured. What do you need me to do?"
"Intrepid and Valiant are sending teams down as we speak. We need to look after the worst of them to keep them from dying until the emergency teams get here."
Anna looked around. "I don't see very many security people here. Where are they, Amanda?"
"Most of them were in the barracks still sleeping when the quake hit. Only people working the night shift, and due to go off now, were still up. The barracks caved in, and many of them are under the rubble. Help me triage these people so the teams can get right to work."
Anna moved with conviction. "I'm on it!" She got to work straight away. Anna had training for emergency first aid and rescue to be allowed to roam around on the planet. It had been difficult seeing some of her friends and acquaintances hurt so badly. Being a scientist, you don't usually have to experience things like this. She had an empathetic soul, which made things all the tougher. Anna swallowed her bile and bent to her tasks. "Corporal Jenkins!" A minute or so passed before she popped over.
"What do you need Anna?"
"I can't seem to stop this bleeding!"
"If pressure won't work, use a tourniquet. Be sure to reduce the blood supply just enough to put a pressure pad on and move on to the next one."
"Thanks, Amanda, I didn't know whether to use the tourniquet now or not."
The Corporal gave an encouraging smile. "You're doing fine," There were others which assessed their injuries and began to help where they could. Forty-five minutes had elapsed before landing craft started touching down. The next thing Anna knew, both Admiral Johnson and General Zhou were both barking orders and pitching in.
"General," Johnson called to get his attention.
"Yes, Admiral," he replied.
"As we discussed on the way down, I am assembling a contingent to the Sce'Rood clan and see if they need any help.
"No problem Admiral. I've got things here."
Leo picked nine people to accompany him to the clan's home. They quick marched two kilometers to the main opening. When they arrived, they saw the main entrance partially toppled. Many Te'Hat were milling about. One of them made its way toward him. It was Melon.
"Admiral Johnson! There has been a major cave in! Many Te'Hat were lost. The Mat'Ma is missing! We do not know whether he lives or not. They are looking to me now. I have many Te'Hat burrowing and making new tunnels to rescue others which may be trapped. Have you come to assist us?"
"Yes, Melon. We have devices which can see the chambers in the ground so we may know what chambers are not caved in. I have brought some mining equipment with me in case we were called upon to help you. We will do what we can to help.
"Yes, we could use your help. Inform me of your progress, and I will direct the others to work together more efficiently."
Leo set the team to work. After seeing the devastation here, he thought of the others. "Alice," he called to the air.
"Yes, Admiral Johnson."
"It looks like the Te'Hat has taken a beating. Can you make a quick survey of the planet and point us to the places which need us the most? Assemble digging teams and doctors familiar with the Te'Hat to help with wounded."
"I have detected the cause of the quakes in the region Admiral."
"Well, what is it?" Calm down Leo, he told himself.
"A meteor over one thousand meters has struck quadrant 1228."
Hmm, Leo thought. "Isn't it on the other side of the planet?"
"Correct. It has sent shock waves throughout the planet."
"Alice, it shouldn't be shaking this much on the other side, should it?"
"Ordinarily no. This area is near a stable fault line and unlikely to trigger a quake for quite some time. The meteor slamming into the planet, even on the other side, caused the fault to slip."
"Alice, we need to go to the other side of the planet and see what we can do to help the Te'Hat which has survived the blast. I want every able-bodied person involved in this. I want teams of ten people assembled and given marching orders. While this is happening, send out a reconnaissance to identify areas of need. You need to help them scan, Alice. I want this declared a global disaster and help everyone, including ourselves, who need assistance."
"Acknowledged Admiral Johnson."
"Sergeant," Leo called to a sergeant walking by.
"Yes, sir," Sergeant Lewis snapped to attention.
"What are we looking at here," Leo said looking for answers.
"It's not good sir. Comparing previous scans of their community, it looks like a third of the clan's tunnels and chambers have collapsed."
"What kind of survival rate are we looking at?"
"At this location, about seventy-five percent survival rate. It all happened quick, but many had managed to escape to safety."
"Sergeant, share this data with Melon and make sure he stays in the loop. Alice?"
"Yes, Admiral Johnson."
"Alice, I want the park in both domes converted into a refugee camp. We will need to fabricate something resembling their nesting chambers and fill the park up with them."
"Admiral, dome number two took more damage than the other. The roof is cracked, and some beams are hanging loose. This will need to be repaired before any refugees can occupy it."
"Very well. Make it a priority."
"Acknowledged. Are we to divert more resources to the Te'Hat than to human needs?"
"Yes, Alice. We can go back to our ships to live and get medical attention. The Te'Hat cannot go anywhere. We can scale back our residence until full repairs are finished. In the meantime, I want the Te'Hat taken care of as much as our resources will go."
"Understood, Admiral Johnson. Coordinating resources per your requests. Admiral, I have just completed a full scan of the impact area."
"Let's have it," Leo braced himself.
"Complete destruction of every living thing from over one hundred and fifty kilometers from the impact site. Level two destruction for about one hundred and fifty kilometers from the level one radius. Level three destruction about another one hundred kilometers from the level two radius."
"So, four hundred kilometers. My God! That would have destroyed a diameter equal to the state of Missouri and Kansas in North America back home! Alice, are there going to be any survivors in the outer radius?"
"Perhaps in the level three zone. It will mostly be fires and quakes. It is the quakes which are the most dangerous to the Te'Hat."
"I want Search and Rescue to focus on the level three zone. Alice, optimize our resources. I know we cannot save all the Te'Hat, but I want to help them as much as we are able."
"Understood, Admiral."
Just then he saw Sergeant Lewis talking to Melon. He headed over to them. He caught some of Melon's thoughts as he approached.
"Thank you, Sergeant Lewis, for the information."
"No problem. Glad to help," Lewis replied.
"Hello, Melon. What is your situation?"
"Things have become worse."
"How so?"
"We have found the body of the Mat'Ma."
"Oh, I see. I am truly sorry to hear of this news. Your Mat'Ma was wise and skillful. I will miss him."
"We must appoint a new one very soon. Many decisions need to be made, and the Mat'Ma is central to this leadership."
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