《The Journey of Atlantis- The Children of Earth》Decisions
At the emergency consortium meeting, everyone was all abuzz about the recent events surrounding the exobiologist Anna Hauser. An indigenous intelligent life form on Searth! Who would have seen this coming? What needs to be done now? Chairman Isabell Rocha called the group to order. "OK, let's settle down and take our seats so the meeting can get started. General Zhou, could you start us off?"
The general stood and spoke gravely, "Certainly Chairman. I would like to back up a little. A few days before this second incident with Ms. Hauser, Down on the planet, I investigated another incident involving the trilobites and one of my security men. He is currently in a contamination ward of the hospital. Some of you are already familiar with this incident. Corporal Harris broke our protocol and picked up one of the trilobites. It has been concluded from several sources; this was likely a reflexive act by the trilobite to right itself and inadvertently broke the corporal's helmet. My investigations down on the planet and information received from Major Patel's interview with the corporal leads me to believe there were no nefarious motives from the trilobites. It is my opinion the corporal's incident precipitated the second meeting with Ms. Hauser. This could be their way to mitigate any misunderstandings that may be developing among our people. We are the aliens in this scenario. Some sort of mutually beneficial relationship should occur as soon as possible to secure our place here."
"Thank you General," Izzy said as the general sat down. "Captain, do you have anything to add?"
Levi stood and addressed the room. "Only three things chairman. First; I want to remind people here a youngling cracked Corporal Harris's helmet. Ms. Hauser related this to us from her communication with one of the Te'Hat Elders we are calling Fred. Second; their behavior seems to imply a benevolence that is the result of a higher-level civilization type, or they are very simple-minded and gullible. I do not believe in the latter explanation since they seem to be moving with real purpose and imply a fair amount of intelligence. I am saying this because we need to proceed with caution. A higher sense of civilization may also have very specific taboos and customs we need to be careful to respect. Thirdly; we need to recognize the fact that they were here first."
Matt stood up, "you mean if they asked us to leave, we would have to comply with that?"
"Yes, we would, as long as I am captain. Matt returned to his seat feeling intimidated by the captain's outburst. An uncomfortable silence engulfed the room as Levi also took his seat.
Izzy plowed right on through in an effort to break the discomforting hush. "Thank you, Captain, for your assessment of the Te'Hat. Now I am opening the floor to discussions about options."
Before anyone could start, Sonny addressed the chairman. "Madame Chairman?"
"Yes Sonny," the chairman replied.
"If humans are to treat the Te'Hat with the respect that they claim to have for them, we must leave this place."
"What?" Matt stood up again and shouted. "Is he kidding? We are trying to save our species!"
Sonny answered his remark with a history lesson. "At the expense of another civilization? I must point out human history is full of empty promises and deceit. In nearly every instance, people have pledged cooperation and respect when moving into another's territory, only to stir up conflict and war over the same territory. Even with good intentions and good will, there will always be individuals who believe that the stronger should take what they want. This predictably leads to conflict. Dr. Allen believes we should take what we want."
Dr. Allen was livid. "Do you propose we just put an end to our species just because someone else just happens to live here too?" Matt practically screamed.
"Dr. Allen, please control yourself." The chairman looked around and saw the distress on some faces and anger in others. Matt sat down, and the room fell silent again. "It seems this is a touchier subject than I imagined." Izzy looked into the eyes of her friends and colleagues. "I think I understand the ramifications of both staying and leaving. The reality is both sides make good points. So, this is what I propose. We stay here as guests of the Te'Hat until the Atlantis comes back. We can study them, and they us, and then at that time we can decide with the Te'Hat what is best."
Everyone agreed to the compromise. Izzy relieved said in a calm and somewhat sarcastic voice. "It's nice to see we can still take a good compromise when we see one. All of us should be cautious about calling Searth home until we are confident that we will not be here against the Te'Hat's will. Thank you all for coming on short notice to discuss this."
People did not immediately leave the conference room. Milling about, they formed little knots to further discuss the topic. Captain Metcalfe wandered over to the other three captains who were already in discussion. Only Captain Williams from the Intrepid appeared in the flesh.
"... That should buy us time for now." Captain Schmidt said as Levi walked up. Captain Gunter Schmidt was very European and from a very influential family back on Earth. He commanded the Valiant. Levi had not had many conversations with him that were not strictly business. "Ten years is plenty of time to make our case with the locals."
"Good evening gentlemen," Levi began. "You guys aren't already planning to take over the place, or did I walk up at the wrong time?"
"No, Levi," Bill Collier from the Wanderer explained. "Gunter just said we should be able to iron out any difficulties by the time we get back."
Levi's attitude became more serious. "I had my own reasons for saying what I said back there, but what Sonny said also keeps ringing in my head. All of you would not be where you are unless you were good at extrapolating and critical thinking skills."
"Yeah so?" Bill said.
"So," Levi continued, "You all know there were plenty of people on Earth that only started to get fair treatment from their governments after we became a global power. Those people were treated unfairly for centuries before that. Ten years is nothing! We are the ones that must change! The human species is getting a second chance to escape the bondage of bigotry, favoritism and lust for power. We cannot take that baggage with us! Humans must live with the flow of the universe and not try to mold it to our will."
Gunter quipped, "What if the flow is a universe without us? I don't think you know human nature very well. Our history is not pretty, but it is what keeps us alive. Maybe in a thousand or so years, we can afford a more compassionate civilization. Until then, we are just trying to survive."
Captain Metcalfe shook his head, "Gunter, don't you see? All of you listen. You can't turn off aggressive behaviors when times are good and turn them on when times are bad. Civilizations are an evolutionary thing. On Earth, civilizations perished because they could not adapt. Sometimes they could not physically change, like smallpox and the Indians of North America. Sometimes it was not seeing the big picture of their culture like the Aztecs. But in many cases, because a civilization failed to change their attitudes toward others. Those people stubbornly clung to the old ways. They could not see beyond their own customs and ways. We will perish if we do not learn to respect others; our own people as well as other worlds. I don't think I should have to remind you we are an endangered species. We can't go picking fights. It certainly would not be wise at this juncture; and to make myself clear on the subject, I will not tolerate any of those plans."
David from the Intrepid raised his hand in a stopping gesture. "Whoa there Levi. I think they are only concerned that, so few planets are able to support life for us they are reluctant to the idea that our little band of humanity might have to leave a potentially good world for something worse. Maybe this is the only one?"
"Earth thought for thousands of years we were the only one," Levi countered. "Now we know we are not. Are we going to puff out our chests and pee on some trees to stake out our claim? Sometimes help comes when you least expect it. And if not, we are capable tool makin' chimps, aren't we? We will figure something out."
Gunter mocked, "Maybe you were a chimp, Levi, but I happen to think humans were meant for better. But, I hear what you are saying. Perhaps we need to help our people find the right perspective."
Levi felt a little more relieved. "Well, it's a start! Hey, you two," indicating Bill and Gunter, "why don't you haul your flesh over to the Atlantis and meet us at Chuck's diner down-spin from here. I'm buying."
Bill joked, "Yeh, I know the place. I call it Up Chucks. We aren't going to eat any shmeat burgers there are we?"
"Hey," Levi said a little hurt. "I like that place! Good pie. Chuck doesn't do a bad job with the cultured synthetic meat either. You comin'?"
Bill's hunger overrode his suspicions about synthetic meat. "Be there in half an hour. Are you coming Gunter?"
"It sounds like there will be food there."
"Sort of," Bill kidded Levi again.
"I'm in then. Meet you at the docking bay. I am not as familiar with the Atlantis as you are."
A thought occurred to Levi. "Well, I didn't think I would have to say it out loud, but you all have an open invitation for coffee at my quarters anytime you need to chat or get beat at cards, or something else."
David had missed breakfast and wanted to quench his hunger. "Sure thing Levi, Now can we go? I'm starving!"
"Absolutely; gentlemen see you in a few." The two virtual captains vanished, and David and Levi left the conference room to catch an auto.
Bill met Gunter at the docking bay a short while later. "What's the matter, you get lost?"
Gunter pushed the jab aside, "No, I had a little trouble getting away. Is the cultured meat as good as they say?"
"Is anything synthetic as good as the real thing? It won't make you sick if that's what you mean." Bill said.
"You are not encouraging me a lot here. My bar is set a bit higher than norovirus outbreaks. I have not had meat in a couple of years."
Captain Collier clapped Gunter on the back wearing a big grin. "Then, my friend, you have been properly prepared for our dining experience. Shall we?" Bill pointed the way to their destination.
Later at Chuck's, the men were enjoying a rare relaxing conversation after dinner. "You know, that shmeat burger wasn't half bad," Gunter remarked.
"Well, you were never picky about food, Gunter," Bill jabbed at his friend.
Levi beamed. "I noticed you were enjoying the Parmesan chicken, Bill."
"Yeah, it was decent,"
"You know, they culture the chicken meat like the beef, don't you?"
"I know," Bill replied sheepishly. "I think I speak for Gunter as well when I say that we are only raising fish and tofu on our ships beside a few other things. Atlantis really has a lot of food options! Chicken and beef, even if it is cultured in a vat, is not bad compared to none."
Levi felt sorry for the three smaller ships. Having a large ship did have its advantages. "You know, it doesn't have to stay that way. Before we leave, we can see some vats are installed aboard your ships, including the Intrepid, David. It won't be enough for meat all the time, but it could be a welcome treat for your passengers and crew. When Atlantis leaves, we will not be around to produce the extra meat to export to the other ships. I'm not sure why I did not think of it earlier." A moment passed. "I have sent the work requests to the engineers and notified the second in command on all three ships of your intentions. They will be contacting you shortly about this."
David shook his head. "That enhanced brain of yours sure comes in handy,"
Levi dangled the carrot. "I have been told it could be possible for each of you."
"What do you mean, Levi?" Gunter spoke up.
"I mean Sonny has figured out how to make a human as totally enhanced as I am. He has made it safe for anybody, and not specifically conditioned persons like myself. I believe it would be beneficial for each of the captains to be E-humans."
Bill had reservations. "I don't know Levi, that shit scares the hell out of me. The Valiant and the Wanderer are made up of people which didn't care much for the consortium and all that. None of our population have even used the Elixir! We don't know what they will think of their captains becoming E-humans."
"I understand," Levi said. "I know firsthand how much work can get done. The four of us could confer with each other and plan things at the speed of thought; provided we are on the same ship or close enough to each other. It dramatically increases successful outcomes in crisis situations. I also want to make it clear your mind is enhanced to operate more efficiently not replaced or reprogrammed."
David saw the logical trap. "How would you know if you were reprogrammed?"
"That's a good question," Levi replied. "That question would be very important if everyone got enhanced at the same time. There would be no reference. There will always be non-enhanced people to determine if we are the same as before. Do you think I am different from before? I am the same Levi, just more efficient."
"I believe you, Levi," David said. "I have known you a long time, and you seem to be the same Levi Metcalf from before the enhancement."
"Seem?" Levi suddenly a little worried.
David clarified. "I mean being enhanced is a big thing. You have changed since getting enhanced. However, these are changes related to the event itself, not a fundamental change in you. Just like any important event in someone's life changes the course of how you do things in the future. Sometimes it changes who you are, but not always. The changes that do happen are on a sliding scale. Could be a little or could be a lot. You have not really changed, Levi. Not any more than expected."
"Well, I wasn't exactly anticipating any decisions tonight. I just wanted to point out that communications between the ships which enhancement offers could be a real plus out here in space."
Gunter spoke up, "We must think about it, but thanks for the offer, Levi."
The four captains continued with lively conversation and drink into the evening before returning to their respective ships. Levi checked in with the commanders. He took care of a few of the thousand things on his to-do list before taking his turn on the night shift on the bridge. He hoped the other captains accept the carrot and become E-humans as well. Levi had been used to his relationship with the machines, but now anxious to have similar relationships with his fellow humans now that this became possible. Later, in the quiet time which happens more often on these night shifts, Levi's mind wandered and imagined a world of E-humans.
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