《A Sirius Matter [Harmione]》15. A Sirius Trial


As would naturally be expected, Lupin and Ron were happy Sirius would have a trial. Harry and Hermione decided not to let Dumbledore know that it was a trial, just in case the headmaster would feel compelled to inform Snape of the true nature of his summons. The nine days passed by quickly, and before they knew it, Harry and Hermione were seated inside a courtroom with Madam Bones and Minister Fudge at the front. The Wizengamot was assembled, but because Albus Dumbledore was a witness, he was not seated with them. Harry noticed that Dumbledore was seated on the other side of the room, next to Snape, who was glaring at Harry.

Harry tensed up immediately on seeing the gothic, greasy-haired git who was responsible for his parents' deaths. He felt Hermione squeeze his hand. "Ignore him, Harry. We both know what he is, but doing anything about it will cause trouble. Just imagine his face when Sirius' name is cleared. That will bother him more than anything you could say to him."

Harry took a deep breath, looked into his girlfriend's eyes, and smiled. "You know just what to say. I can last through this trial to see that."

"Hi guys, er, mind if I sit here?" said a nervous-looking Ron who had obviously just arrived.

"Sure," said Hermione, "but I think they'll be calling us all out of the room soon."

The red-haired boy sat down, and five minutes later, Lupin joined them. True to Hermione's prediction, within just a few minutes of Lupin's arrival, the witnesses were all led away to separate rooms.

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Once Harry was led into his room, the official who'd escorted him there administered veritaserum to Harry so he couldn't lie and extracted the memories they wanted from him (from the moment he entered the Shrieking Shack until he was alone in the hospital wing with Hermione, Ron, and Dumbledore), placing them in a small vial labeled, 'Exhibit C - Harry Potter's Testimony.'

Once this was done, he was left alone. He'd been informed that the order of testimony would be Snape, Ron, himself, Hermione, Lupin, Dumbledore, and finally as a surprise Sirius Black. The format of this trial would be that the witness would be escorted into the court, and then everyone would be shown the pensieve memory. After that, the witness would receive another dose of veritaserum and be questioned about the memory they provided, and nothing else. He sat in silence waiting for what seemed like an eternity.

Finally, the door opened and a woman in ministry robes escorted him to the courtroom. He sat down, doing his best to resist the urge to hex Snape, who was now sitting in the courtroom looking rather pleased with himself. 'That murderer probably thinks he did a great job showing how guilty Sirius is!' He closed his eyes, willing himself to calm down before he ruined Padfoot's trial.


He watched as his memories were placed into a special pensieve that magnified the memories big and loud enough for everyone to watch without going inside it. They then showed everything Harry remembered from that night. After Harry drank more veritaserum, Fudge asked the first question, strutting over to Harry like the pompous fool he was. He looked condescendingly at Harry. "Harry, my boy, isn't it true that Sirius Black confunded you that night?"

"No, sir."

Fudge appeared a bit nervous. "You, er, may not realize that you were confunded, but you know that there are gaps in your memory of that night."

"No, sir. I remember that night perfectly."

Fudge looked around for support until Amelia Bones said, "I saw no evidence in Mr. Potter's memory of uncertainty. It seems that Mr. Potter remembers that night quite clearly, including the small fraction of the conversation Professor Snape witnessed. I believe you were going to give him an Order of Merlin for interfering with that conversation."

"Harry Potter attacked a professor!" snapped Fudge.

"Snape was attacking another professor, and he was gonna have Sirius kissed by the Dementors without letting him explain what happened. He refused to listen to reason," said Harry calmly, under the influence of veritaserum.

Fudge's ears turned red as beads of sweat appeared on his forehead. "Well then, I believe I have no further questions for Mr. Potter."

Harry stepped down and sat in a seat while the affects of the potion wore off. He watched Hermione's memories, which matched his exactly. Fudge elected not to question her as his neck got redder. Harry glanced at Snape, who looked very angry. By the time Lupin had left the stand, Fudge's whole face was red.

Dumbledore then showed his memories of the Potters telling him they were using Black for their Secret-Keeper, and then his conversation with Fudge about the rush to bring a Dementor into the castle to kiss Black right away. It also showed a conversation Dumbledore had with Sirius immediately before his escape from Hogwarts, wherein Black explained it all to him.

Amelia Bones asked Dumbledore (after he'd been given veritaserum), "Did you witness the Fidelius Charm being placed on the Potter's house in Godric's Hollow?"

"No, Madam Bones," said Albus.

"Then how can you prove that Sirius Black was indeed their Secret-Keeper?"

"I cannot, Madam Bones."

"Did you set Black free?!" demanded Fudge angrily.

"No, Minister Fudge, I did not."

"Enough, Minister Fudge," said Madam Bones. "I believe that questions must only be about a witness' testimony according to our laws. I do believe that at this moment the majority of the Wizengamot realizes that Sirius Black has suffered a severe miscarriage of justice, and according to Article 182 Section F of our Wizarding Constitution, any official meeting where all relevant parties are present at may be turned into a trial. I hereby request that this meeting become the many years overdue trial of Sirius Black."


Fudge laughed. "Not every relevant party is present. I don't see Sirius Black anywhere."

Bones looked at Fudge with contempt. "If he had come by any means you were aware of, a Dementor would have kissed him before he arrived at his trial. I therefore took it upon myself to offer him safe passage here. Auror Shacklebolt, bring in Sirius Black."

Fudge stood where he was in complete shock, as Sirius Black, surrounded by four aurors, walked into the courtroom, and took the stand. Harry grinned as he looked over at Snape, whose normally pale face was red with fury. A vial of his memories was placed into the pensieve, and soon everyone was watching Sirius Black's side of the story.

It first showed him suggesting to James and Lily that Wormtail be the Secret-Keeper. Then it showed him watching the spell performed and telling Pettigrew to be careful. It then showed him confront Pettigrew, and clearly showed that Peter was the one who killed all those muggles. It even showed Peter cutting off his own finger and transforming into Scabbers.

It showed Sirius being thrown into Azkaban after being beaten by the guards on Barty Crouch's orders while he watched in satisfaction. After the beating, Crouch told Black that filth like him didn't deserve a trial. It then showed Sirius borrowing Fudge's newspaper and recognizing Wormtail in the picture of the Weasley family. It then showed him sneaking into the Gryffindor common room looking for Pettigrew and waking Ron up. It showed him pulling Ron and Scabbers into the Shrieking shack and everything that happened there, and finally his conversation with Dumbledore.

Amelia Bones first said, "I believe that an investigation into the affairs of Barty Crouch should be started at once, and that the relevant section of this memory be copied for use in that investigation." Black was given veritaserum and Amelia Bones asked him, "Why did you suggest that Pettigrew be the Potter's Secret-Keeper?"

"So that even if I was captured and tortured, there was absolutely no way I could betray them. I thought Lily, James, and Harry would be safe that way."

"After what we've seen, I have no further questions about this testimony," said Bones.

Fudge, who was now pale, said, "I have no questions either."

"Then I suggest a vote of the Wizengamot. All who believe Sirius Black to be not guilty of being a Death Eater, raise your hand." Every hand went up. "All who believe Sirius Black did not betray the Potters, raise your hand." Every hand went up (those who would've wanted to be contrary were afraid to in front of this evidence). "All who believe that Sirius Black is not guilty of the murders for which he was imprisoned, raise your hands." Every hand went up again. Harry noticed Snape slipping quietly out the door. "All who believe that Sirius Black should be entitled to compensation for his unjust imprisonment, raise your hand." At this point, about two-thirds of the Wizengamot raised their hands, which was enough. Madam Bones then declared, "I believe our laws state that proper compensation for unjust imprisonment in Azkaban is 1,000 Galleons per month. Sirius was imprisoned for eleven years and nine months. I believe that comes to 141,000 Galleons. Am I correct, Minister Fudge?"

Fudge had his head down, and barely raised it to nod. He looked like he was attending his own funeral.

Amelia smiled. "Good. We will make sure that it is transferred to the Black vault today. We'll also declare Peter Pettigrew alive and issue out a warrant for his arrest. We'll also revoke his Order of Merlin. That's almost all of our business here, except that I believe Mr. Black wishes to confess to a minor misdemeanor. Isn't that true?" she said, looking directly at the obviously thrilled Sirius Black.

"Yes ma'am," he said, and then transformed into a dog, astonishing most people in there. After about thirty seconds, he transformed back. "I'm an illegal animagus. That's how I escaped Azkaban. Dementors have a difficult time sensing animals. I wish to register today."

Madam Bones nodded. "The fee for becoming an illegal animagus is 1,000 Galleons, and the fee for registering is 100 Galleons. Both will be deducted from your compensation. You'll just have to fill out the appropriate parchmentwork. A witch that can handle that is present in the court at this time." At that moment, a plump, black-haired witch started walking toward Sirius with three of the largest scrolls of parchment he'd ever seen, along with a quill and five bottles of ink. He vaguely heard Madam Bones adjourn the court as he realized he'd need to fill out the forms three times.

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Harry and Hermione waited over an hour for Sirius to complete the forms. Ron told them to congratulate Padfoot for him as he left to return to the Burrow. Dumbledore and Lupin both had nodded to Sirius at their departures, but the young couple wanted to actually talk to Sirius. When he finally finished, Harry and Hermione rushed up to him. Sirius hugged Harry tightly. "I don't know how to thank you and Hermione! I can't believe I'm a free man again!" He then released Harry and embraced Hermione. He then looked at Harry. The first thing I'm gonna do is fill out more parchmentwork. I want to apply for your guardianship, if that's alright with you."

Harry could hardly dare to believe what he was hearing. "You...you really do want to adopt me?"

"Of course I do, as long as you want me to."

"Of course I want you to adopt me! You are my godfather, after all!"

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