

"Why do you always look so sad?"

I looked up from the bird I was drawing in sand to find Noah looking down at me.

"I'm sad." I answered, going back to drawing my bird.

"Will you tell me why?" He crouched down beside me and picked up a stick to draw with me.

I nodded my head, "Big brother took you and Eve to the amusement park. I wanted to go, too."

"What are you drawing?" He asked, pointing at my drawing with his stick.

"Bird," I mumbled.

"It looks like a cricket bat." Now that he said it, it really looked like a cricket bat. But Kai said I'll get better if I keep practicing.

"I can teach you how to draw one."

"You will?"

Noah didn't answer instead started drawing lines, showing me step by step how to draw it. I copied his movements.My drawing finally started to resemble a bird.

"It looks like a real bird!" I exclaimed.

"It does," Noah agreed, pulling my cheeks.

He taught me how to draw an omelette and ribbon after that.

"I think I hear Stephen calling us." Noah said after a while.

"Oh," I felt sad our playtime was over. Noah rarely played with me. And that too, when Diego wasn't around. I know he won't play with me tomorrow again.

"You look sad again." He remarked.

"I'm sad."

"Don't be." he pulled my cheeks again, grinning at me, "I'll take you to the amusement park when I grow up."

"I'll hold you on to that promise."

... ... ...

After last night, I had realized I had to somehow stop the voices. If I continue to slip up, Stephen will catch on fast.

And that's something I can't afford to let happen.

But I was clueless on what to do. So I took the next best option. I googled for a remedy.

The Google was indeed helpful. I noted down the names of anti-psychotics that popped up. But the only problem left was I needed a doctor's prescription to buy them.

This is your time to shine, Ezra.

Rummaging through my drawers, I fished out my assignments of last week and headed to Ezra's room. It was still early in the morning so he should be sleeping.

"Ezra, are you awake?" I knocked on his door. When I didn't get an answer, I pushed open the door and went inside.


Like I guessed, Ezra was soundly asleep in his bed.

Quietly, I searched through his table and found what I was looking. A notepad his hospital provided him.

Tearing a piece of paper from it, I put it inside the papers I had brought with me. After that, I shook him awake.

"Aylin?" He half opened his eyes.

"Aylin, is something wrong?" he asked in panic at my morning visit. All the sleep from his eyes was gone as he sat up straight.

"No, nothing's wrong." I assured and he visibly calmed down.

"Why are you here then, buttercup?" He asked, leaning against the bedrest.

"There was this exam last week. I didn't score too well and now they want my guardian's signature." I lied, showing him the assignment papers I had brought with me.

"I'm too scared to ask Stephen. Can you sign it?" I requested.

He took the papers from my hands and studied it. Thank God, I changed the grades.

"But only this time. You have to study harder next time, buttercup."

"I will." I nodded, "You don't have to read it. You can just sign here." I passed him the pen and showed him where to sign.

I held my breath when the blank paper I had slipped in came in view. Thankfully, Ezra wasn't paying attention and signed it.

"Thank you, you are a lifesaver!" And I mean that literally.

I went back to my room and copied all the names of anti-psychotics I had noted down earlier in the signed page.

Step one was done.

... ... ...

I listened to Iris's advice. At least half of it. I bought a box of homemade cupcakes from the coffee shop I worked at. Of course, I changed the parcel it came in to make it look like I made them myself.

'This is called deceiving.'

No, it's called improvising. I didn't let the stupid voice interrupt my plans to get a boyfriend. Stephen had specifically told me I wasn't allowed to date until I graduate.

But I really liked the idea of having a boyfriend. And besides Stephen can't get angry about something he will never find out.

"Hey, Aiden." I greeted once I reached the council room. Aiden, Ethan and Rose were busy sorting out the paperwork of the upcoming function.

"Hi, Lili."

"No nicknames." Ethan coughed from the side.

I rolled my eyes at his childishness. "Stop calling me shortcake, then."


"You know, shortcake, you are late for the meeting. So have fun staying after school. Alone."

"I can accompany you if you want." Aiden smiled at me.

Oh, such a sweetheart he was.

"She doesn't want you to." Ethan snapped.

I was already in good terms with both Emma and Bryce. What was his problem?

'Maybe he's got the hots for you.' the voice chided in.

"Do you have a crush on me?" I asked Ethan. By the way his cheeks turned crimson red, I think I got my answer.

"Don't be so full of yourself." Ethan scoffed, still blushing.

I cursed my luck. Just what I needed. A guy with superiority complex has a crush on me who thinks bullying me would win my attention.

Why, God?

Why do you hate me?

"Whatever." I focused my attention back on Aiden. Taking out the box of cupcake from my bag I passed it towards him. "I made them last night. I thought you would like some."

"You shouldn't have gone through so much trouble." Aiden smiled. He's always smiling.

"I am not very good at baking but I hope you like them."

I should get a degree in lying.

"I hope you like them." Ethan mocked, shooting daggers at the cupcake box.

I ignored him. He would shut up on his own in a while.

"Damn, you should open a shop." Aiden exclaimed, biting into a cupcake.

"It's only so-so." I humbly refused.

"No, seriously. They taste just like Pedro's café."

Okay, maybe, buying it from the most famous café in the area wasn't the best idea.

"I am glad you like them."

We were finally done with all the arrangements of the upcoming function. I was glad I won't have to see Ethan before and after school hours anymore.

"Lili, wait!" Aiden called when I stepped out from the school gate.

"Yeah?" I asked in a sweet voice even though all I wanted to do was cuss at him. I want to go home and lie down.

"Uh-I was wondering," he drawled out, scratching the back of his neck.

"You were wondering?" Make it fast, Aiden!

"Yeah, I was wondering."

I sighed.

Patience, Aylin.

"Do you want to go get coffee sometime?"

You should have started with that.

"Yes, absolutely. This Saturday?"

"Yeah, okay." Aiden smiled, his dimples showing.

I walked the rest of the way to home with a smile on my face.

Life's really being kind to me.

I stopped at the pharmacy on my way and showed them the prescription I had faked.

Not really faked, everything was authentic in it.

The chemist looked at me with narrowed eyes, "They're for you?"

"No, it's for my brother. He recently returned from the army."

"And the doctor prescribed five different anti-psychotics?"

Maybe, I should have thought it through better.

"Well, no. He said to buy whichever one was available." I couldn't find a better excuse.

The chemist still looked at me with suspicion, "We have all of them. Which one do you want?"

"Uh, the most effective one." I replied. "Also a bottle of vitamins."

I dumped out all the vitamin tablets from the vitamin bottle and filled it with anti-psychotics, just to be safe. I decided to try one right now to see if it's really effective.

And a hour later, it really worked. My mind was blank. The voices had completely stopped.

Why didn't I buy this magic pills earlier?

... ... ...

I was in the kitchen, taking out the plates for dinner when Stephen stopped me for a 'chat'.

"Sweetheart, can I talk to you for a bit?"

Was it about last night?

"Yeah, sure."

It's better to do it now than later. If he asks I'm just going to act clueless.

"You know you can talk to me about anything, right?" He made me sit on one of the kitchen stools and kneeled before me. Somehow he was still taller than me even while kneeling down.

"Yeah, I know." I laughed awkwardly.

"I know I've disappointed you as a brother countless times before. I wasn't there for in your most desperate times." He said, guilt flooding his eyes.

"But I want to change that. So, give me one more chance. Even if you don't need me, I'll be there for you to lean on."

"So, if there's anything bothering you, anything at all, I need you to tell me."

"And, I swear, we will get through that, together."

He paused after that. Giving me the opportunity to speak up.

"Thank you, but there's nothing bothering me, really."

Stephen sighed, giving up.

"Diego's still sleeping. Go call him for dinner." He commanded.

Why me?

"Can't Eveline go instead?" I frowned.

"Aylin, if I tell you to do something, I expect you to do it without protesting." He said in a stern voice.

"Alright." I sighed, knowing I can't go against Stephen.

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