《Rheostat》2.Sour beginnings


Jordan had dropped me off in front of a huge mansion. He had apologized because he had some urgent work matters to deal with and couldn't escort me inside.

As I bid him goodbye, I finally felt fear crept up my spine.

Seeing him after so many years had given me some much required confidence which left just as quick as it came with his departure.

As I scrutinized the mansion before me, it didn't match with the one in my memory. I was sure my childhood was spent here. But over the years the mansion had gone through visible changes.

A huge golden gate stood before me.

Once I approached it the guards stopped me for identification. They looked at me with a frown but it was soon replaced with a respectful salute to me.

"Welcome, Miss Black. Master Black has already informed us of your arrival." One of the guards informed.

After that they opened the gate and asked if I needed any assistance.

I refused the offer and started walking the straight pathway.

There were huge green fields on both sides and a straight walking path that led to the mansion.

The mansion itself was quite modern, unlike the ancient castle type.

The walk wasn't that long. Barely enough time for me to device a plan on how to make a good first impression.

Arriving at the door I rang the bell.

Moments passed and someone appeared behind the door. I could hear the approaching footsteps that eventually stopped before the door.

But as I waited, the door didn't open as I expected it to.

Instead I could hear as the footsteps walked back until it became distant and soon faded away.

After momentary surprise, I rang the bell again.

I waited for another five minutes yet no one opened the door.


After ringing the bell a few more times, I realized it must be one of the ploys of my brothers. Most likely, Noah.

At least some things were still the same. I wasn't sure if I should feel glad about it or fear our future encounters.

I sat in the marble staircase and took out the chocolate Jordan had gifted me and carefully teared the foil. I wanted to keep the first gift I had received in years intact.

I had only intended to eat a quarter of it but ended up eating the whole chocolate without even realizing it.

Now that I had finished eating, I had nothing to do.

I didn't have to feel bored for long. The jet lag had soon caught up to me and I fell asleep on the porch.

.... ... ....

I felt someone tapping my shoulders lightly.

My eyes shot open in alarm.

I caught the sight of a blurry figure crouching down before me.

I rubbed the sleep away from my eyes for a better view.

He looked like he was in his early twenties. The black hair paired with blue eyes told me he was one of my brothers. But I couldn't pinpoint which one. He had an white apron on, a Stethoscope hanging around his neck. It didn't take a genius to guess he was a doctor.

"Why are you sleeping here?" He inquired curiously.

"I rang the bell but no one answered," I said in a tired voice.

He seemed confused as to why no one would answer.

"Is the bell not working?" He pondered in a low voice. "How long have you been waiting?"

I looked at my watch before holding up four fingers, "4 hours."

"You should have contacted one of us," he reprimanded.


"I don't have a phone," Didn't he know that already?

He seemed taken aback by my response but nodded in understanding.

He rang the bell a few times after which the door opened.

A boy in his late teens opened the door and soon disappeared before the doctor brother could open his mouth to ask questions.

"I'll deal with that brat later," he huffed to himself.

"Do you recognize me?" He turned his attention back to me. His voice sounded hopeful I would recognize him.

I didn't want to fuel his hope with lies.

"Uh-no, sorry, " I apologized.

"No need to apologize," He rushed to say, "I'm Ezra, your third eldest brother."

Oh, I remembered him. He was the least cruel to me in my childhood.

"I'm Aylin," I introduced in case he forgot my name and it would be too awkward for him to ask.

"I know," Ezra chuckled in response.

"Come on, I will take you to your room," Ezra offered which I gladly accepted. A bed is all I needed right now.

"That was Noah just now. He's still going through the rebellious phase so pardon his grumpiness," Ezra introduced the boy who had just opened the door and kept me waiting outside for four hours.

I nodded in acknowledgement.

It's not like I didn't remember them. I just had a hard time recognizing them.

Ezra stopped before a room in the far corner of second floor.

"It used to be your old room. We had it renovated. You can change the interior if you want. Just let me or Stephen know." It took me a moment to understand he was referring to Stephenzo, my eldest brother.

"Alright, thanks." I stated politely after which he excused himself to take a shower.

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