《PJO Truth or Dare》Piper


Reyna stared at me for a full minute until I realised that she wanted me to pick truth or dare. I snorted at the fact that she was too embarrassed to moo at me.

"Dare," I said breezily.

The Roman rolled her eyes and gave a disgruntled moo.

"She means you have to lick the floor," Leo said.


"Yup. Lick the floor. She's telling me through her creepy Roman mind powers."

Hazel and Frank looked mildly offended, but Reyna kept a complete poker face. I grimaced. "Really?"

"Reyna says: "Fine, lick Peleus." Ooh, good one, RARA."

She sent a dark look to him and he cleared his throat. "Peleus or the floor, Pipes, take your pick."

I sighed, bent over and licked the floor.

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