《PJO Truth or Dare》Nico


I couldn't believe they forced me to do truth or dare. I'm a child of the all-powerful Hades! I laugh in the face of Cerberus! But, Percy had dragged me into his cabin, where the crew of the Argo 2 was (excluding Coach Hedge).

I stared at everyone. They were grinning wildly. I sighed and sat next to Leo and Jason. Leo was squeezed up against Calypso. Jason was doing the same, but with Piper. I wished Will was there. But they didn't know about... us yet. I coughed uncomfortably.

Percy grinned happily.

"Okay, to make this fair, we're gonna roll a dice. Whoever gets the highest score chooses the dare (or truth), the lowest gets it. If we get the same, we roll dice against each other." He looked satisfied with his explanation.

"We're playing truth or dare?!" I exclaimed. I hated that game, and so my reaction was... well, you just saw.

Percy simply laughed (oh gods his laugh), and rolled the dice. The scores went like this:

Percy: six.

Leo: three

Annabeth: four

Piper: two.

Jason: four.

Frank: six.

Hazel: one.

Calypso: three.

Me: one.

It seemed only the Hades children got the lowest score. I sighed. I rolled again against Hazel. She got five. I got one. Again.

Percy rolled against Frank. Frank got three, Percy five. Percy grinned deviously at me. I wasn't sure wether to be brave, or to run like a skeleton rabbit. I gulped.

"Truth or dare?" Percy said.

I thought of going for truth; but knowing these people, they'd ask me who I liked. Percy thought the same thing, and he made a gesture like: 'your move, man.'

I sighed.


Leo, without hesitating, shouted:

"Make him kiss who he likes in front of us!!"

Percy obliged, and I scowled at him. I got up.


"Why are you leaving?" Hazel said.

I mumbled something about getting the person I liked, then stumbled out of cabin 3. Time to go to the infirmary.

-Three minutes later-

Will was bubbling with excitement, I could tell. I had told him on the way to the cabin. I opened the door.

"So, Nico, who's the lucky gi-" Leo stopped as he saw Will enter the room, a smile plastered over his face. I went beetroot red. The room fell silent.

Percy, however, smiled.

"I think I know your type now, Nico." He said.

"Shaddup," I mumbled, and went even redder.

I quickly kissed Will, it was nothing, just a peck on the lips, but it made everybody (including Mr.Sunshine) blush.

"Bye, babe!" He said, his voice cracking somewhat as he left the room.

"What?" I scowled.

"Babe?" Calypso said, confused. "Why did-" Leo whispered something in her ear, and she understood.

I tried to sit away from the group, but Percy shoved me down next to him. I was slightly grateful for this gesture. Boy, it would be awkward with Hazel after this.

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