《daphne pink》Hello, At Last
Three songs have passed and he is given a chance to take a short break backstage. He leaves the crowd with a wave, and rushes down to his waiting staff.
Sakura, huh? He grins to himself. Her pink mane stuns him, but it is her eyes that take his breath away. He almost forgets he is in a crowd of a thousand people when his heart is mesmerized by her charming features. It reaches the point where his eyes automatically search for hers, enjoying the way her cheeks flush adorably whenever she catches him.
Naruto taps him on the shoulder, and hands him a bottle of water.
"Hey bastard, try to tone down your charms will ya? I think Sakura-chan's about to faint." He snickers.
Sasuke looks at him oddly, but the blond thrusts his phone.
And there he sees a series of messages from his pink-haired fan who sounded like she is about to pass out in the middle of the concert. He chuckles as he sorts through her text, missing his assistant's horrified look.
She's got him good. Naruto realizes.
His fingers are poised to type but Naruto clicks his tongue. "Time's up lover boy."
He shoots him a glare before gulping down the contents of his water bottle. He doesn't expect the instrumental break to be lapsing quickly, however reading her texts gives him a good heads up and only pushes him to focus giving her one of his best performances. It is her first concert after all.
And maybe try not to stare at her too often.
Something he finds hard to do when he feels compelled to look in her direction.
Returning his phone back to Naruto, he mutters his thanks and jogs back to the stage.
For the first time, he looks forward to the end of the concert because someone is waiting for him.
For the first time, he enjoys the crowd because someone special is watching him.
The concert ended a little later than 10PM.
Sakura looks a little disheveled with all the screams and cheers she carried out the entire performance. But who could blame her? It's not everyday she can attend a concert and see Ryosuke in the flesh.
Waiting for the audience to disperse, she informs Sasuke that she is about to leave the arena. She hits send, and her anxiety begins to creep in knowing she is about to meet her friend.
The cold winds greet her when she reaches outside, and she takes the moment to observe her surroundings. Stalls and equipment are slowly cleared, with mostly the staff running around to clean up their things. Even the stage is already filled with people taking down the easiest areas.
Her phone vibrates.
Let's meet at the parking lot, near the backstage.
10:15 PM
She gasps. As far as she is concerned, that area is off limits and is exclusive to Ryosuke's crew alone.
Are you crazy?! That's only for the staff. How do you expect me to get in?!
10:15 PM
Show them your ticket.
10:17 PM
He replies as if it's the most obvious answer. Yet it does nothing to relieve her. However, what choice does she have but to believe him? He's got her the ticket. And he did say he has a friend that works closely with Ryosuke's management. She can trust him right?
She starts walking towards the direction of lined trailers and trucks at the farthest area where metal fences and two bulky men guard the entrance. There are signs that ward off unauthorized people from coming nearer, including her but Sasuke insists that her ticket was a special pass.
However, it befuddles her that of all places to meet, it has to be at the backstage parking lot.
Once in front of the gate, the two men regard her warily at first, about to shoo her away until she raises her ticket. In a similar fashion with the ticket personnel she encountered earlier, their gaze changes into awed recognition, and giddily welcomes her inside the premises.
Whatever ticket Sasuke got her, it holds more power than the usual VIP treatment.
Reaching their supposed meeting place, she begins looking around. She ignores her heart pounding faster and louder than the time she waited for her examination results. And more nervous than opening the envelope of her apprenticeship application.
The parking lot is a wide expanse of empty space, with only a few post lights illuminating the area. If she ever gets kidnapped, no one would even know.
What if Sasuke is actually a murderer? She ponders but quickly brushes off the idea. Ridiculous.
She walks a little further until she almost trips on her steps.
She stills with a sharp inhale.
A tall figure stands beside a sleek car at the corner of the lot, obviously in wait. She sneaks a little closer, hoping he hasn't noticed her yet. Luckily, his back faces her. Sasuke-kun is rich huh? She thinks, in awe at the luxury vehicle.
However, as she squints her eyes, her mouth hangs open when she slowly discerns his features. Oh. My. God. - Her hand immediately flies to her mouth, muffling the gasp that almost reveals her presence.
Sasuke, you bastard! She curses. Of course, she'd recognize that face anywhere! There is no mistake!
The spiky midnight locks, his high cheekbones and his sharp jawline that never fails to send flutters in her chest easily paints her cheeks with a blush. Is Sasuke trying to set her up with Ryosuke?! She grips her phone tightly, deciding whether she hides and berates her friend for a surprise meet and greet with the singer or she takes the chance to ask for a selfie.
Where the hell are you, Sasuke?! She screams internally, clueless on her next move.
Before she gets to choose, Ryosuke has turned to her direction.
And she instantly reacts.
"Ahh! I'm - I'm so sorry Ryosuke-kun!" She bows while taking hasty steps backwards. She waves her hand frantically. Her heart drums in a frenzy beating, because god he looks so gorgeous. But she doesn't want to be tagged as a crazy fangirl stalking him during his private moments.
"I - I didn't mean to!" She apologizes desperately, moving farther. "My - my friend says we'll meet up here and - and - " She slaps her cheek in embarrassment and composes herself for a few seconds. "You were really great awhile ago! I enjoyed it. Bye!"
And she makes a quick dash to the opposite direction, resisting the urge to shriek at the rarest opportunity to catch a celebrity in a parking lot. The same celebrity who kept throwing glances at her during the concert. She wonders if her past life had been so good to the world, the deities have bestowed her the gift of luck.
However, as much as she appreciates the unexpected sight, it's not Ryosuke that she's supposed to see but her friend, Sasuke who accidentally leads her to the wrong parking lot.
That is until her phone rings and she halts. Great timing, Sasuke. She fumbles over the screen, the rush of adrenaline seizing over her senses after what just transpired. The moment she places it in her ear, she doesn't hold back in scolding her friend.
"Sasuke-kun! Where are you?!" She catches her breath. "I can't believe you brought me to where Ryosuke is! You're really crazy!"
She looks up in the starry sky, calming her senses. "What if we ruined some kind of secret meetup with his girlfriend or something!" She hisses.
When she only hears his grunt, she couldn't stop the frown forming on her face. "Are you even here?" She asks worriedly.
There's his voice again, which undeniably melts her entire being and has her forgetting that she is mad at him. She's starting to love and hate its effects on her.
Turn around.
Somehow, to both her surprise and horror, she hears his demand not only on the speaker of her phone but from behind her as well. He's here! She closes her eyes and releases a gentle exhale. But her heart continues to hammer uncontrollably inside her chest. This is it, Sakura. She knows she looks a mess after her sprint but it doesn't matter now, does it? It's not like she can ask him to wait for her while she fixes her appearance, she thinks dryly.
Turning on her heels, she intends to greet him with a lecture on how to meet up with friends properly.
Instead a loud gasp escaped her lips, and her entire figure froze in place.
The sight before her rendered her speechless, she almost dropped her phone in complete utter shock.
Because why? Why is he standing in front of her?
"No way..." She mumbles quietly. Her heartbeat is deafening as she stares at him, it is the only thing she hears. "Ryo - " No. She isn't dumb not to figure out what's happening. She bites her lip after drawing in a sharp breath. This has got to be a dream right? There's no way - no freaking way he and Sasuke are one.
"Sa-" Her voice quivers in disbelief. "Sasuke-kun?"
He wears a different outfit from his performance awhile ago. A simple black hoodie with a pair of jeans and sneakers, yet there is no doubt, no mistake that the man in front of her is Ryosuke.
"Hey." He shoots her a small smirk, shoving his phone in his front pocket.
Her heart does a backflip. Good heavens, his signature smirk is even sexier up close.
She opens her mouth to say something but her mind is completely blank. She can't find the words, nor the appropriate reaction to this grand reveal. She has always been snappy to him, so talkative about mundane things during phone calls and texts but as he stands, his identity exposed as the singer she's been openly fangirling about, her world has temporarily stopped.
"You... And Ryosuke... " Sakura trails off, still in bewilderment.
He nods, and she feels her legs wobble at the confirmation. "Ryosuke is only my stage name."
"Right..." She lets out a shaky breath, and pinches her cheeks. She blinks once. Twice. Thrice. Nope, the person in front of her doesn't morph back into an ordinary civilian but rather her celebrity crush remains standing, watching her with amused eyes at her attempts of dispelling an illusion. Ugh, she must look crazy!
"I'm sorry it's still... surreal to me." She confesses with a nervous laugh trying to stop herself from getting drowned in her apprehension. "I'm not dreaming am I?"
Sasuke chuckles and shakes his head, inching closer to her. "Definitely, not."
She takes another deep breath. "So all this time - " She fiddles with her fingers. "It's you I've been talking to?"
His reply eases her nerves a little and for a moment she sees the Sasuke she befriended in Omegle.
While he's the living and breathing Ryosuke in the entertainment industry, the man behind the artist is still Sasuke whom she developed a friendship with over the course of a year. It's hard to wrap around the fact that they're only one person but as she talks to him more, the truth about him is easier to let slide.
"Wow..." She utters. "You really got me at the business manager job though." She lets out a small laugh. "I never would have thought you're Ryosuke."
He snorts, allowing himself to finally relax. He recalls what has happened. Sakura running away from him is probably the most entertaining reaction he'd seen from a fan, that he is left with no choice but to chase after her.
It is Naruto's suggestion that he arrives first, and as someone who has never done these kinds of things in his entire life before, he trusted him. With his eyes glued on his phone as he anxiously waits for text, he fails to sense her. The next thing he sees is a mop of pink hair, bobbing up and down in frantic movements, obviously in panic. He hears her apologizing profusely for ruining their meetup while slowly backing away from him.
Fortunately, none of his management was there to witness the small fiasco. Or his entire crew, especially his assistant will forever rub it in his face that he ran after a girl.
However, he realizes it is his fault in the first place why she fails to recognize him as Sasuke, her online friend. It should be him that needs to say sorry for hiding his real identity.
As she looks up at him, probably a curious peering on her side, he seizes the chance of drawing her attention.
"Sakura," he says, then suddenly finds it hard to keep his gaze on her. "I'm sorry, I lied about my identity." He finishes in a quiet voice, a trace of guilt evident in his tone.
She is clearly surprised at his words, but as the truth behind him slowly sinks in, she doesn't mind the lie at all. He is no ordinary person, she muses thoughtfully with the public keeping a close eye on him.
To be honest, she is rather grateful she met him as Sasuke first, then Ryosuke second.
Because she knows, all this time, their late night texts, the long phone calls, the gift and the ticket, are entirely of his own whim and not because of his reputation.
"It's fine, Sasuke-kun." She tilts her head. "I'll probably won't believe you if you came clean from the start." Her laugh eases his worry. "It's completely reasonable... and well..." She bites the inside of her cheeks, feeling embarrassed on her next words.
"I actually prefer it this way."
The smile she casts him is dazzling, his breath hitches.
Noticing his dazed look, she worries her confession strikes him uncomfortably so she quickly adds. "At least you're not a murderer."
This earns her a scowl from him and a 'tch'.
"Although I still find it funny that you hate crowds, when you were so full of life on the stage."
You were there. He wants to say, but he keeps silent. He will never admit it out loud, but knowing Sakura is attending lit a spark of motivation inside him that hasn't been there before. He loves singing for his fans, that much is true but to sing for a friend he deems special hits differently.
"So the exclusive merch..." Her voice teeters, "it's you?" She asks him, a small blush adoring her cheeks.
"And the VIP ticket?"
"Yes." He averts his gaze deliberately. When she sees this, her face becomes puzzled for a few seconds until something snaps in her head and she gasps at the realization.
"You - !" Her seating arrangement flashes in her mind. His constant staring. The staff recognizing her.
She raises her special pass and anxiously waits for his denial but none comes, only that he continues to avoid her eyes.
"Is that - " She stares at him in disbelief. "Is that why you've been staring at me the entire time?!" Her tone is accusing.
Refusing to be caught red-handed, he snorts and downplays his crime. "You didn't like it?"
He asks her with a raised eyebrow. There is no point in denying when they both know she was at the point of hyperventilating whenever he meets her in the eyes. Despite her warning in her texts, he never chose to stop. And he isn't one to openly admit it.
"I - " She gulps as he looks at her expectantly. The intensity of his gaze almost gets her words caught in her throat. "Of course, I - wait! This isn't supposed to be about me."
He smirks at her, which only darkened the color of her now red cheeks.
She frowns at his trick. Damn him for being handsome!
And before she can retort back, he speaks suddenly.
"It's nice to finally see you, Sakura." He says, midnight pools softening in sincerity.
They are only a feet apart now, and he revels on her petite form. She is exactly what she sounds like on the phone, full of life and radiant like the stars above them. He silently agrees that this moment does feel surreal. His exhaustion dissipates and it's probably the way her face glows under the moonlight and a shy smile cast on her lips that he feels his heart begin to race.
She feels her heartbeat stutter at his words, but she fights off her rising emotions.
"You, too Sasuke-kun."
It is at that moment that any hint of awkwardness between them vanishes, and his mind to unconsciously slip away his thoughts.
"Do you have any plans for tonight?"
He feels the urge to take back what he has said when her eyes widen, fearing rejection. However, in a soft mumble she responds.
"None at all..." Her gaze lands on him before she looks sideways. "I did save this day for our meet up so I can stay a little later than usual." A mischievous grin curves on her lips.
He chuckles, relief washing over him and then gestures her to walk alongside him. "Coffee then?"
Her face lights up at the mention of her favorite drink. "Sure!" She reaches his side. "I'd love to!"
The pair struts towards his car, his pink-haired fan slowly becoming comfortable with his presence as she starts narrating her day, how the staff seem to recognize her the moment she pulls up her ticket, that she is completely unaware of his scheme because he's convinced her that he's one heck of a busy manager so she's never noticed.
He steals glances and notices how her smile never wavers when she talks. How his heart skips a beat when she laughs. It is a sight that captivates him, and a moment he doesn't want to cease as they reach the passenger side of his car.
Only one thing crosses his mind as he opens the door for her: this won't be the last time he will see her.
Nothing beats changing the status of your story to complete!
I hope you enjoyed the ending and it wasn't a disappointment. Would love to hear what you guys think!
While it is my intention to end the story the moment they meet each other, I am getting a few ideas of what can happen after Sasuke revealed his identity however I cannot guarantee a sequel.
But who knows, I might explore this little au I created using this style! It's fun to be honest and leaves me smiling like an idiot as I write their scenes.
Again, thanks so much everyone!
- In Serial87 Chapters
Seeking Elysium
Elysium Ling is a returnee. She’s been to an alternate world, coerced into fighting their wars, and somehow returned alive. Now, 13 years later, she finds herself again taken to a foreign world – this time, by her own choice. Not the same world that she returned from, but a foreign world nonetheless. There, struggling in an unknown world, utterly alone, she has a chance encounter with a young lady with a lovely voice. An encounter which would spark a chain of events that would irrevocably shape the world around them. That young lady’s name is Rosalind. This is her story. Disclaimer/Trigger Warnings (Please Read!) THIS WORK WILL MOST LIKELY CONTAIN BOTH HOMOSEXUAL AND INCESTUOUS UNDERTONES. IT WILL ALSO HAVE OCCASIONAL DESCRIPTIONS OF GORE THAT CAN GET REASONABLY GRAPHIC. PLEASE DO NOT READ THIS IF YOU ARE UNDER THE LEGAL AGE IN YOUR COUNTRY TO CONSUME SUCH CONTENT AS MENTIONED ABOVE, OR IF YOU ARE TRIGGERED BY HOMOSEXUALITY, GORE OR INCEST. Notes on Relation to Lily Ex Machina While this story is intended to be a sequel to my first work, Lily Ex Machina (LxM), I will be writing it in a manner that does not require readers to have read LxM to understand it. While having read LxM will likely enhance your enjoyment of this work(I hope), I am intending for this story to be able to stand on its own legs. As such, certain worldbuilding elements that I have expanded upon in LxM will likely be repeated in Seeking Elysium(SEly). As such, for newcomers, it should not be an issue to follow this story without prior knowledge of LxM. On the other hand, for my returning readers, I do beg your forgiveness for forcing you to read through stuff you already know. I’ll do my best to try and make it interesting, but no guarantees of success, I’m afraid. On the other hand, if you’re a newcomer to this series and enjoy SEly, I do hope you’ll take the time to read Lily Ex Machina as well, if only to get more information of the backstories of some characters. Update Schedule I will only post completed volumes on RRL; if you would like to follow the story while it is ongoing, you may do so at my website. I update twice a week, on Wednesdays and Sundays. Supporters on my Patreon get access to chapters a day earlier.
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Billionaire Boss
Daphne Miller moved to Boston to escape the ghosts of her past. She hid behind a mask of happiness and acted like everything was ok, but when her past came back to haunt her, it all came rushing back. Mason Zolar was Boston's billionaire bachelor. Women threw themselves at him and it certainly didn't help that he had the body of a Greek God. Mason was a hard man to get along with, but he was fiercely loyal and protected the ones he loved. What happens when two worlds clash and combine into one messy concoction?
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A Flower in Death's Embrace
Gloxinia made a promise. As the Spirit of the Lake, her one and only dear friend had asked her to enjoy the youth and high school life she never got to enjoy. But, being basically like a newborn baby, nothing was going right for Gloxinia. On top of that, the Angel of Death she met before also entered the same school. How would Gloxinia's 'youth' turn out to be? Cover Illustration by Mren141 (Twitter)Title Design by dinusaurr (IG)
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♡♡#182 In Werewolf as of 6/19/2016( What some readers are saying about Avery...."I can already tell this is going to be a great book" @myathesmart"Ooh, love the mystery." @Yoojin_Kim"Definitely interesting." @Young006"HOLY SH*T!! KAYDEN/ADEN IS HAWT!! LOVE YOUR TASTE LADY AUTHOR!!!" "BEST. STORY. EVERR!!! Gotta hand it to you, If I were a judge in the werewolf section, I'd put ya 1st" @AleckIsALlama"It gets more interesting by the chapter."@Xapri714The lost of my father caused an empathic power to unlock within me. I thought I was going crazy from not only the death of my father but also the over load of emotions and spent two years in a mental health hospital. I could feel everything, from everyone in the hospital. Add my own emotions on top of that it became a disaster. It wasn't a good time. I learned to block out others but in the process I locked out my own emotions. I became this cold thing. I thought it was perfect. Never needing to feel a thing. Well emotionally anyways. And being crazy didn't seem so bad. A crazy cold thing. I could live with that.Then my Uncle came and got custody of me. I learned a few thing in those first weeks with him. I'm not crazy. I'm an empath. I have more family than I knew of. I have two life mates. I'm possibly an empath able to form a bond to a wolf in the rage. I'm also the first of my kind.And here I thought I was the crazy one.
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Want To Be Loved (Himiko Toga x Female Reader Story)
Y/n hasn't had a happy life, she never got to be her true self. She's also in UA forced by her mother. This will change once Toga enters her life. This is a villain love story.⚠️Dni in the comments if you're under 15⚠️⚠️THERE ARE TW I INCLUDED IN THE BEGINNING PLEASE READ⚠️⚠️There's also smut in a few chapters!!!⚠️
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Badass Alpha Loves Curves
Mature Content (Abuse, Sex etc)"Sorry princess, I'll buy you new ones." I felt him smirk against my skin as he kisses wet trails down my neck. I played in his hair and rub his length through his torturous jeans. He was rock hard and you could see his bulge from a mile away at this point and all I want to go was pull it out and suck it until I can't feel my mouth. (Excerpt)Ever felt disowned by your family? Maybe because of your looks? Well, so have Diamond Flair Harris. At only sixteen, she deals the rollecoster she calls her life. Crying her self to sleep at night is the way she gets over it. With a drunkard father, a depressed mother and three preferred prefect sisters and a twisted past, it is extremely hard for her to over come the pain. Being overweight is not easy for a teen girl. Yet dont worry, the Badass Alpha Loves Curves.Diamond HarrisAge :17Height: 5"7Body Type :More2LoveEthnicity: Italian-AfricanEyes: BrownHair: BlackAwesome: YesHighest Rank #64In editing
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