《Dana and The Legend of Apollo and Daphne》The Tasks of Psyche


I thought Aphrodite's mansion would be harder to spot, but it wasn't. Artemis had told me it lay outside of Los Vegas and was glowing with her power, but I didn't fully understand until I saw it.

The building seemed to be carved out of pure marble. Thirty foot arches surrounded the bulging along with a collection of gorgeous statues.

I had Izzy land near the front door, terrified to spend any more time alone than necessary.

I hadn't even knocked or rung the doorbell when Aphrodite opened the door, smiling wide. "You've made it."

"Um ya," I nodded, terrified of what came next.

She wore a silk dress that fell to the floor. Her makeup and hair were perfect. Outwardly she was the most gorgeous being in the world, yet there was an ugliness to her, like an old woman who overdid the botox.

'Ready for your first trial?" her eyes shined as she spoke.

"Nope," I wanted to say but couldn't. All I did was shake my head.

She led me through here home into a dark room. When the lights flickered on I saw a ten foot pile of seeds sitting before me.

"Have them sorted by sundown," she said closing the door behind herself.

I couldn't help myself. The task was impossible and I wept for the life I once had, for the people I would never see again.

As I cried an ant crawled over my arm. I remembered something about Psyche's story. The ants saved her. I took a good look at my friend on my arm. "Do you think your colony could help me? I would give you food for your troubles." I reached into my pocket and held out a cookie I had taken before I left camp.


I could have sworn the ant nodded her head at me before climbing off of me.

I waited over an hour before the ants arrived, but they worked quick enough to make up for it. Before I could blink my eye the pile was perfectly sorted.

Aphrodite returned soon after pleaded at my work.

She gave me no rest before my second trial. To fetch golden wool from the golden rams. They were known to be feisty creatures and I was terrified at the prospect of approaching one.

Just traveling there took a whole day, a whole day's time that I shouldn't have waisted.

Luckily I have learned how to think with little rest, and remembered how Psyche gathered the wool. She waited for the rams to go through the bushes and took the wool off the thorns of the bushes.

When the task was complete and I arrived at Aphrodite's palace again she welcomed me with open arms. I was honored with a feast and place to rest.

It all went by so quickly that when I looked at a calendar I realized I had 3 days left to find Apollo.

"So where is he exactly?" I asked Aphrodite.

"My dear eat, you will know soon enough," she smiled.

"Where is he!" my voice was firm. I didn't just spend three days undergoing trials to come out empty handed.

"Circe's island." she said slightly.

"no!" I muttered to myself. Now there was truly no hope.

There was no time to lose, I stood up from my chair and wished Aphrodite farewell.

She seemed offended by action but still decided to help me, "For when you find him," she said as she pushed a small bottle in my hand.

When I opened it I saw one small gummy bear sitting inside... no? It wasn't a gummy bear but a gummy cyclops. "What?"

"The only thing that can save him now." without further explanation she kicked me out of the house.

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