《Dana and The Legend of Apollo and Daphne》Caught


A sudden push awoke me. Above me stood Haidar and to my surprise, and Butch, neither of them looking happy.

"Heard some odd things about your behavior," Butch scolded. Although he was my older brother our relationship was more father-daughter. One reason is that he is my legal guardian. Another that he is nearly ten years older.

"With my dad," Haidar spoke before I could.

"I swear I wasn't trying... and Simon was Apollo and I tried to run... and nothing is right" my voice cracked and I cried.

Butch sat down and held me trying to stop me from crying, but Haidar's arms remained cross as she stared at me barely blinking.

When the sobbing stopped I attempted to tell them of the events from earlier that day. Some of them however were beginning to mix together. When I was finished both of them looked even angrier than when they awoke me.

"He.... He..." Butch roared. "He assaulted you, I swear he's gana pay."

Haidar on the other hand looked at me hard hearted, "You kissed him. You let him on. You considered his proposal. That's my father! You should have thought about what it would be like for me!" she screamed.

"But he... he's Simon...I did... i," I couldn't explain, she was right.

Haidar marched out of the cabin without glancing at me. I sat there with Butch holding me in his arms. My protective older brother. As long as he was at camp, nothing would scare me.

I fell asleep while Butch held me. When my eyes closed it was like I had entered another world. Before me stood Chiron in the big-house meeting room

He was in the middle of a long argument and no did not seem pleased with how it was going. "Stay away from her, I'm warning you,"


"I will not give up the one I love because you claim our unity would be unethical." a voice spoke out. On the other side of the room I saw Simon...I mean Apollo talking to Chiron.

"more than unethical, it would be immoral," Chiron roared.

"love is immoral," Apollo scoffed back.

"She is but a child," Chiron insisted.

"We both know that's a lie, my Daphne was reborn, the prophecy..." Apollo stated before Chiron cut him off.

"the prophecy is unclear and unreliable."

"I make the prophecies, am I unreliable or unclear," Apollo's voice was bitter. "Someone changed her back, and now she is here. The lead has been removed from her heart, she wanted me."

"Some of the lead has been removed! Not all!" said a third voice.

I wanted to hear more but the horn declaring breakfast awoke me to soon. I stumbled out of bed determined that yesterday's events were just a dream. Haidar is still my friend, Simon just hasn't arrived at camp yet and I have never met Apollo.

My ignorance is taken away however when I see Butch laying on his bed. I know he was there last night with Haidar but why he was at camp at all was a mystery to me.

His loud snoring gave me a rush of peace and security. My brother was here for me.

I decided not to wake Butch and went off to breakfast on my own. When I reached the pavilion everyone in Apollo's cabin glares at me. No doubt Haidar told them everything.

I hear catcalls and whistles coming from every table in every direction. "Hey god lover," someone yelled at me and others say similar things.

Only the Aphrodite table seems to look at me kindly, and even then it is odd. Like they admired me for having a god fall for me.


I sit alone at the Iris table until Butch comes up. When he arrives the harassment stops completely and i didn't know it i had ever been so happy to see him in my life.

Somehow he managed to crawl out of bed and to breakfast. He didn't sleep well, which is obvious by the bags under his eyes.

Butch tries to give me a warm smile but I can tell that he is worried about me.

"why are you at camp anyway?" I ask him before he can question me.

"Chiron called me, said Danny needed help," he smiled, Danny, was my brothers "affectionate" nickname for me (i obviously hated it). "I'm thinking i'll stay for awhile and help you," He used the word help but to me it sounded more like, "punch any god that comes near you."

I smiled at him, definitely happy that he came back.

I wondered though about what Chiron and Apollo fought about. Some prophecy... about me. And who was that last person? I knew it was female.

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