《w o n d e r f u l [f.w]》21.


"You better win Diggory - or I'll steal all your chocolate frogs." I told him, as we walked down to the maze, our friends behind us.

"Don't bother about that Y/N, Cho's already planning on doing that either way." He smiled, tiring back to look at Cho - she blushed when she saw him staring.

"You really love her don't you?" I said.

It was true though, he was completely devoted to her and so was she.

They were perfect and sweet, and he was right - she was holding a chocolate frog in her hand as she spoke to Katie.

I looked back at Cedric, who was still mesmerised by his girlfriend.

"Promise me you'll be safe? Can't have my bridesmaid getting eaten by some strange creature." I chuckled at him.

"Bridesmaid?" He asked with confusion.

"Why of course dear Cedric - hasn't Lee told you? He's planned me and Fred's wedding with him as the Maid of Honour, you, Cho, Katie, Alicia and Angelina as bridesmaids, George and Ron as groomsmen, and apparently Topsy is going to be officiating the whole thing." I said, as we made our way down the final steps towards the entrance of the maze.

"It's true - sorry Ced you couldn't be the Maid of Honour - but I want to be her bestie now." Lee chimed in, grinning.

Cedric clutched his heart in false pain, making wailing noises - making us all burst out laughing.

"You're all so childish." Fred laughed out.

"Says the most childish of the group." I teased him, holding his hand as we walked in.

Cedric gave us all a hug, and then left with Cho to get ready, so we all went to find our seats. I stated to be impatient and worried, until Fred put his hand in my thigh, and looked at me.


"He's going to be fine Y/N - trust me." He said, giving me a reassuring smile.

"Yeah I know, it's just he's one of my best friends and like my big brother - I'd never forgive myself if something went wrong." I said, panic and fear in my voice.

Fred just put his arms around me, and pulled me into a hug.

"Awwww." Lee said, making me use my hand to shove his shoulder.

"Shove off Lee." I grumbled. He toppled off his seat in exaggeration, and began moving his legs and arms in the air.

"Oh! It's killed meh! It's killed meh!" He said, mocking my dearest diva cousin Draco Malfoy, who got injured by a hippogriff last year.

"Trust me Lee - Buckbeak's got nothing on me." I grinned at him.

"I believe you Y/N - wouldn't want to get on your bad side." He replied, and suddenly the band began to play.

Soon, Cedric emerged with his father - my godfather - and everyone cheered.

He looked a bit embarrassed by his over enthusiastic dad, but I thought it was sweet.

He kissed Cho one last time - which made the whole crowd emotional - and then joined the others.

The Hufflepuff looked up to the stands, and winked at me, grinning like an idiot.

We couldn't really hear anything, but soon enough, Cedric had entered the maze.

Hours passed, with Fleur and Viktor eventually calling for help. There was still no sign of Cedric or Harry.

It started getting darker and - despite it being June - colder. I snuggled up to Fred, and he soon wrapped his Gryffindor scarf around me, and that's when he noticed I was wearing his quidditch jumper he gave me earlier in the year.


"You still wear it?" He whispered.

"Of course - it's my favourite!" I replied, cuddling him in our seats.

He didn't reply, but I could tell he was smiling.

It was impossible to see anything in the maze, but soon enough, the boys both returned.

It was strange they arrived at where the crowd was, instead of the middle of the maze where the cup was - but I didn't know the plans with this.

Soon, the crowd erupted into cheers, and the band was playing. We all got up from our seats and cheered - I hugged Cho, and I could see how proud she was.

Suddenly, a scream was heard. It came from Fleur.

That's when we saw it. Cedric wasn't moving. Cho began running down, and we could hear Harry shouting, refusing to let go of Cedric.

He turned to Cho - who was sobbing uncontrollably- and was apologising and crying to her. Soon, Amos went to his dead son's body, held on, and sailed out in pain.

His dead son.

My dead friend.

Not just any friend, my best friend.

Cedric never teased me like the other children did - not even when he found out my father was Sirius Black.

He told me that just because my father was bad, it didn't mean I was.

He snuck me hot chocolate into the hospital wing when I got hurt by a plant in Herbology last year.

And, he offered to take me to the Yule Ball with Cho after he found out what happened with Fred.

Now, he was gone.


This really was his final task.

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