《Lovely - Jeff the Killer x Reader》Thank you, (Y/N).


Once we pulled into the restaurant parking lot, Jeff got out and opened my door for me.

I smiled at him and took his hand, giving it a squeeze.

We all walked in and got a table, sitting down and opening the menus.

Jeff was sitting next to me in the booth while my mom was across from us.

I pointed at a pasta dish for Jeff to look at, seeing him glance at me with a smile on his face.

For drinks I got a water while Jeff got a soda and my mom got a sweet tea.

The waitress smiled at us and took our menus after we ordered.

She seemed to be staring at me the most, then looking down at her notepad.

Then I noticed the pin on her apron.

Oh, the lesbian flag.

Aww cute it has a little cartoon frog on it!

She seems so nice, we should leave her a bigger tip.

I made a mental note to give her a 20 when we left.

Our food arrived and we ate while making casual chit-chat.

My mom asked a lot about how word had been going, and about Jeff and I's plans for the future, how we met, all that.

Obviously we made up a lie since I couldn't very well tell my freshly-sobered up mother I was dating a sociopathic murderer.

We told her we met in college and that Jeff works from home.

She bought it, and after paying for our meal, dropped us off outside our building.

"I had fun mom, thank you. Feel free to call me whenever you need. Good night." I bent down to the passenger side window and smiled.

"No, thank you, (Y/N). This chance you've given me is amazingly generous of you. Good night, honey." She smiled back and waved as she drove off.


Suddenly, I heard a gun click behind us.

"Turn the fuck around. Slowly." The voice, all too familiar, demanded.

I turned around to see Jeff staring at me, a cold expression on his face as he put his hands up.

Does he think this is a set up?

"Michael. What the fuck is wrong with you?" I spat, a disgusted look on my face.

"I just lost my job because you wanted to fuck a criminal. What is wrong with you?" He shook the gun as he spoke, showing how pissed off he really was.

"That doesn't mean you can shoot us!" I yelled.

"So you admit it? This is the infamous Jeff the killer?" He pointed the gun at Jeff's forehead.

"Michael. Put the god damn gun down." I demanded.

"No! You risked your own life and the life of everyone around you just because you think he can give you more than you had before? He's a fucking MURDERER, (Y/N). DO YOU REALIZE HOW MANY INNOCENT CHILDREN HES MURDERED?" Michael began yelling at me, making me shake with complete and utter rage.

He doesn't know Jeff like I do.

Kill him.

Fucking shoot him.

He's caused enough trouble.

Get rid of him.

He doesn't deserve to live.

He's worthless.

As Michael continued lecturing me, I rushed at him, seeing Jeff quickly look at me and take out his knife.

Jeff stabbed into Michael's stomach while I unarmed him, taking the gun and aiming it at his head as Jeff let him fall to the pavement.

"Michel. I've had enough of you. This was always MY case. Let me handle it how I see fit."

A single gun shot rang through the air.

As everything slowed, I saw Jeff's pale arms grab me as I fell to the ground, shot in the back.


My vision shook as my head bashed into the ground, seeing Jeff being thrown down and put into handcuffs.


No, no, no, no!

Get up, (Y/N)!

He needs you!

Tell them it's a mistake!


This wasn't how it was supposed to end, (Y/N).

You weren't supposed to get hurt.

Why wouldn't you just stay out of the way?

You should've let me handle it.

I had him.

His blood was on my hands, (N/N).

If you wouldn't have aimed the gun at him, they wouldn't have fucking shot you.

And I wouldn't be in prison, planning my escape just so I can attend your funeral and kill those mother fuckers.

I loved you.

I loved you more than anything and anyone.

Please, (N/N).

Please wait for me.

"Woods. It's time." An officer banged on my cell door with his baton.

I stood up silently, struggling a bit with the straightjacket they put on me.

They brought me to a fancy looking room with large bookshelves and a neat wooden desk.

There sat Henry Po.

The best lawyer the city could and would provide.

"Alright, Jeffrey, we have two options, blame it on the girl or plead insanity." He said.

I didn't fully listen, nor did I answer him.

I stared at the bookshelves, uninterested.

I was breaking out of there anyways so what did any of this matter?

"Look. She's dead. You might as well try and avoid the fucking death penalty. Keep her memory alive or some romantic shit, what do I know?" He stared at me expectantly.

I glanced at him and looked away again.

"I give up. Fucking rot." He stood up abruptly, grabbing his briefcase and the papers he had spread out.

"I'm done." He put his hands up and shook his head at the guard as he walked out the door.

I played with the pen in my hands, knowing the back of the chair hid it from the guards.

Hold on, (N/N).

I know damn well you wouldn't die on me that easy.

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