《Lovely - Jeff the Killer x Reader》Continuing


After Jeff and I got out of bed, we both decided that watching movies until 3 am would be a wonderful idea.

It was not.

I woke up at 11:45, 15 minutes late for work.

"You'd think after being late so much you'd start setting alarms, or would just be fired." Jeff leaned against the doorway to our room while watching me scramble to get ready.

"You'd think since I could just kill you in your sleep you'd shut the fuck up." I paused, then continued to try and get my shirt on.

"See, I love when you're late." He stared at me.

"Why?! Asshole." I threw a dirty look at him.

"Because you don't mind that I get to see you in your bra and underwear." He looked me up and down, raising an eyebrow at the fact that I had no pants on.

I quickly pulled my pants on and glared.

"You're a perv." I shoulder checked him as I exited the bedroom.

"And you're half an hour late for work."


I rushed into the building, waving at Julie as I ran past her.

I flopped down at my desk and paused, seeing a sticky note.

Meet me outside the back door at lunch.


"Who the fuck does he think he is." I whispered.

I glanced up to see him at his desk, writing an email while his side piece sat on the corner of his desk, pulling her skirt up a bit to flirt with him.

I raised an eyebrow and glanced back down to turn on my computer.

Time to start my day.


With my case on Jeff, I find myself rereading things over and over, seeing how the pieces fit now that I actually know Jeff.


The dead ends that frustrated me my entire career are now connecting, the things that seemed so incredibly out of place now seem so clear.

"(L/N). My office." The voice startled me, breaking me out of my trance.

"Uh, yes sir." I quickly stood up and made my way to the Captains office.

"Michael recently came to me about you." He stared at me.

"Of course. Look, sir, the thing is Michael is c-" He cut me off.

"Michael was let go today. He stepped out of line. He told me you and 'Jeff the Killer' were a team now. Obviously, that's impossible, seeing as you're still alive. You of all people should know Jeff is a lone wolf. Anyone who he's come in contact with has been slaughtered." My heart seemed to flutter, hearing that Michael was fired.

"He leaves no witnesses." I nodded slowly.

"You're dismissed. Have a good day, (L/N)." He smiled.

"You too sir." I gave a quick nod and left his office, closing the door behind me.

I walked past Michaels desk, seeing him packing his things.

"So, you were fired, huh?" I laughed.

"Fuck you." He snarled.

"Someone's hostile, huh?" I smirked, patting his shoulder roughly as I brushed past him.

I sat at my desk, letting my chair spin me once before stopping to reorganize my papers.

What a beautiful day.

I should tell Jeff about this, he'd get a kick out of it.

I quickly dialed my home phone and let it ring.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hey (Y/N), how's work?" Jeff's voice filled my ears, giving me a sense of euphoria.

"Guess who got fired." I said excitedly.

"Fuck, they fired you? That's alright, you can spend more time at home with me." I heard him get a bit excited.


"Not me, Michael! Isn't that hilarious!" I smiled wide.

"Hah! That's what the asshole gets for fucking with you so much. Rub his nose in it like a fuckin dog,

(N/N)." He chuckled.

"Oh I am. Anyways, I have dinner with my mom tonight at 6, so I won't be home. But I'll make you something before I go." I reassured him.

"Your mom... (Y/N), I don't think that's a good idea." He mumbled.

"I know. But I can't just flake. She says she's serious about getting sober this time, she's already 3 months clean and has an apartment and everything." I used excuses.

"If that's what you want, then alright. I'll be here waiting for you when you get back. You should get back to work." He said.

"Thank you Jeff. That means a lot." I mumbled.

"You're welcome (N/N). I'll see you later." I heard him smile a bit.

"I love you." I whispered quietly as I hung up.

I sighed and closed my eyes, leaning back in my chair.

"You're a dirty fucking bitch. You know that?" Michael sneered, coming up to my desk.

"Are you still fucking talking?" I opened one eye, not moving.

"I know exactly who that was. It was Jeff, wasn't it?" He scrunched his face up in disgust.

"Don't you have a wife at home? Oh shit wait, didn't she divorce you after she found out you were banging Nancy from pathogens? Right, right, and she has full custody of your kids? Must be tough. You should probably focus on that rather than if I'm fucking Jeff the Killer or not. Which, by the way, I'm not." I slowly raised myself out of my chair and got in his face, pointing my finger at his chest.

"You're sick." He spat.

"So's your kid. We all know he kills stray cats, just wait till I track him down. He'll be in that fucking jail cell faster than you cum. So, within 15 seconds. Yeah, Nancy talks." I smiled and grabbed my phone, shoving my way past him.

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