《The Life Not Worth Living (HaikyuuxReader)》𝙴𝚙𝚒𝚕𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚎
The final whistle blew as the ball dropped on Aoba Johsai's side. They did it, they won, they had won the game and were going to nationals. The team all cheered as they tackled each other in a giant hug. They had all worked so hard to get to this point, and their hard work paid off.
Once the Karasuno team had calmed down they thanked their opponents for the game. Then went to thank the crowd for watching. And even though they knew she wouldn't come, they all couldn't help but scan the crowd for a certain ravenette.
But when none of them found her they all decided to just go and pack so they could leave the stadium. As they all packed their gear and talked about the game a certain captain decided to speak up.
"I think we all should go talk to Y/n.".
"W-What but she hates us after what she heard at the training camp!" Asahi exclaimed. "Yeah, and I understand why. We were told all her secrets behind her back. Then tried to befriend her just because Takeda asked. And let's be honest if he didn't ask at first we wouldn't have tried so hard. We probably would've given up after seeing how cold she is." Ennoshita sighed.
"I know we had alternate motives at the beginning, but we still all really like her company, she's actually a really great friend." Sugawara added. "That's exactly why I think we should talk to her!" Daichi stated.
"We've given her time to cool off, now we have to talk to her and let her know how much we really care about her! And not just because Takeda asked us to be her friends.".
"B-But she can be so scary, especially when she's mad! I heard she beat up two third year guys because they made her mad." Yamaguchi gulped. "She's still really nice! I think you all should talk to her like Daichi-San said!" Yachi piped in. "Oh please, she'd avoid us like the plague so we'd never even see her for more then a second." Tsukishima scoffed.
"Well there's no harm in trying.".
"There's actually a chance of lots of harm.".
"Not now Asahi.".
"Anyways we can talk more about this later, for now we should all head to the bus and rest up." Daichi instructed. So everyone grabbed their things before walking out of the building and towards the bus.
Once in the bus everyone fell asleep instantly since they were all tried from the long game they played.
But one little blonde had to text someone really quick before also taking a nap.
'Hi Y/n, I know you're still mad but the team won the game! They play in the finals against Shiritorizawa and I think they'd really like for you to come and watch!'.
Yachi didn't expect Y/n to respond immediately so once it was sent she put away her phone and took a nap.
Eventually everyone was asleep, even Ukai, so Takeda was left to drive back to the school in silence. He was stuck in thought as he drove but still managed to notice a rode blocked by police cars and an ambulance. Takeda could only see one normal car in all the ruckus but he could still tell it was a crash.
'A car crash, geez drivers can be so reckless.'.
But the sight was soon out of view as he continued driving and eventually arrived at the school where he started to wake everyone up. They all took their stuff and started to make their way home. They also decided to try and talk to Y/n tomorrow since it would be the weekend and the finals wasn't until Monday.
Once all the teens were out of view Takeda got into his own car and started to drive back to his house. But as he drove he decided to go past his own house and continue driving down the street.
'I should just go check on her, even if she doesn't want to talk to me.'.
He drove a couple of blocks and then pulled up next to the sidewalk in front of a certain gated house. He went to press the button on the gate and like he expected no voice came from the little speaker asking who they were. So he pulled out his set of keys and unlocked the gate himself.
He walked past the garden and all it's lovely flowers then went to ring the doorbell.
No one answered.
So he rang it again.
And again.
But still no answer.
So Takeda grabbed his key once again and pulled out the spare one for the actual house. He opened up the front door and he took a step in. Takeda closed the door behind him as he took of his shoes and looked around the house. She wasn't in the living room or kitchen so he went to look around some more.
'None of the lights are on, maybe she's upstairs.'.
As Takeda climbed the stairs he called out "Y/n! Are you here, I just wanted to come check on you!".
There was still no answer, so he looked around the rooms upstairs. He saw no lights on but still went to go knock on Y/n's door. And when no one answered the door he slowly opened it and peaked inside.
She wasn't in there either.
So Takeda checked all the other rooms, and they were all still empty. Her brother's bedrooms, the master bedroom, and all the bathrooms were empty.
'Where in the world could she be?!'.
After double checking the entire house and even the backyard Takeda decided to try and call Y/n's phone. He believed calling would be useless since Y/n was mad and wouldn't answer, but he still had to try.
And surprisingly the phone was answered after just ringing for a few seconds.
"Oh Y/n you answered! I just wanted to know where you're at, I checked the house but I couldn't find you." Takeda explained. "Sir, can I ask how you know the owner of this phone?" an unfamiliar voice asked.
"What the- who's this, I'm sure I called Y/n.".
"Does this Y/n had long black hair and E/c eyes?" the person questioned. "Yes, how do you know her? And where is she?" Takeda exclaimed, getting more worried every second the conversation continued.
"I'm sorry to say this sir but, the girl you're looking for....she passed away.".
Time seemed to stop.
Takeda dropped his phone after those words.
Tears pooled up and fell from his eyes without his knowledge.
He didn't make a noise though, he was too stunned.
But when he heard someone talking from his phone he picked it up again and listened. The person on the phone explained they're a doctor. And was watching over Y/n who was currently at Miyagi Hospital. So without hesitation Takeda ran out of the house and to his car.
He drove as fast as he could to the hospital which he rushed him. "Hello sir, how can I help you?" the receptionist greeted. "I-I need to get to room 130." Takeda panted. "Take that elevator to the second floor and take a right, the room will be the second one there." he instructed.
"T-Thank you!" Takeda replied before running towards the elevator. Although he was only going up one floor the ride felt painfully long. Each second felt like an hour and it was almost like the walls were closing in on him. It was like the elevator wanted to suffocate him before he could even go see her.
But the door eventually opened and he rushed out to go and find the room. And just like the receptionist instructed, the door was right there. The door and curtains were closed, so Takeda slowly reached for the door knob.
"Ah you must be Takeda, I'm the doctor you talked on the phone with.".
Takeda turned around to see a female doctor standing there. She was holding a clipboard with lots of papers and looked quite tired. "Yes, that's me. I just want to make sure that Y/n is in here right?" Takeda questioned.
"Yes, come in and we can talk about what happened.".
The doctor opened up the door and let Takeda in, there was a curtain blocking where the bed would normally be. And once she closed the door behind her the doctor went to move the curtain.
And their laid Y/n.
She looked relaxed, the most relaxed she's looked in a long long time.
She looked pale, and she had eyes under her bags, from not being able to sleep after what had happened. Her black hair laid on her shoulders which were covered in the hospital gown she was changed into. Her hearing aids were off and her arms were laid on her sides, they were littered in bruises, and not the normal ones she would get from receiving practice. These bruises were like someone or something had hit her, and those along with the cuts just made Takeda worry even more about what had happened to her.
"Please take a seat so we can talk." the doctor instructed. So Takeda sat in the chair next to the bed.
Trying his best not to cry at just the sight of Y/n.
The doctor sat at her own desk and looked over at Y/n then to Takeda with a pitiful expression. "An eye witness explained that Y/n was running across the street, and unfortunately a car had ran a red light.". "The witness called an ambulance, but sadly they were too late, she was bleeding quite a lot.". "The man who was driving was taken in by the police, who discovered he was a drunk driver so he's being locked up right now.".
"The ambulance brought Y/n here, I cleaned her up and was working to find any family, and that's when you called. So if I may ask, how exactly do you know this young girl?".
"I'm her uncle, not blood related but I was a close friend of her parents, who both passed away." Takeda explained.
"I'm so sorry, I'll give you some alone time with her, I'll be in the room next door if you need anything.". And soon the doctor left, leaving Takeda with the last person he wanted to see stuck in a hospital bed. His eyes started to water once again as he looked at her lifeless body.
Drops fell on the sheets as he sobbed.
That's all he could do.
He just cried.
And cried.
All the emotions he was holding in when he drove over and talked to the doctor. All of it just spilling out like a tsunami.
"I-I'm sorry Y/n.".
"I'm sorry I told the whole team a-about your past, I was just t-trying to help.". "I-I though you making friends would s-stop you from trying to k-kill yourself.".
"I t-though you would w-want to live, b-but I just broke y-your trust.". "I-I betrayed you and I'm so so s-sorry.". "If I didn't intervene, y-you would've never g-gotten mad.". "Y-You never would've been so h-hurt in the e-end.". "A-And you m-might have been s-still here." he sobbed.
"I understand why you would hate me.".
"I......I'm the worst uncle e-ever.".
"Hey Takeda, were all here so you wanna explain why you called us all here?" Daichi questioned. It was Saturday evening. Takeda had spent the last night at the hospital. He just cried and cried as he vented out to Y/n. Then he woke up and it was bright outside. And he had to make a hard decision, weather it not he should tell the team.
He didn't want to hide it from them since they were all very close with Y/n and cared for her deeply, even after what happened at the training camp.
And this was exactly why he was scared to to tell them. He knew if he told them they would all be devastated. Probably even to devastated to play the finals. And he knew that was the last thing Y/n would want.
But he also knew Y/n wouldn't want him to lie, not after what happened.
So he sent an email to the entire team asking them to come to the gym.
"I have news about Y/n." he said.
"Oh really, we were actually planning on going to talk to her after this!" Sugawara added.
"I......I don't think you'll be able to talk to her later.".
That was the only think heard in the gym by the time Takeda and stopped his explanation. Everyone was devastated, every member of the team and even Ukai.
None of them expected this to happen.
They hoped it was some type of dream or a nightmare.
That they'd wake up.
And see her again.
Even just one more time.
Just so their last memory of her isn't to see her pained face as she runs away from them.
"I-It's all our fault, we were horrible Senpais!" Nishinoya cried as he threw himself on the floor followed by Tanaka.
"I was a horrible friend.".
"I-I didn't even get to say goodbye to her.".
As the team continued to cry and let out some of their thoughts the captain also got to thinking. He saw the pain his teammates were going through. How hard this was effecting all of them mentally, and he knew there was a topic that they would have to discuss.
"How are we going to play?".
The sobs didn't stop, but they did quiet down a bit.
This got them all thinking.
"W-We can play, r-right guys?" Hinata whimpered as he tried to wipe away his tears. But they just kept falling so he just have up as he looked at all his teammates. "I....I'm not too sure if you should, we all just experienced a loss and....I don't think any of us will be able to mentally handle everything at once." Kiyoko explained as he handed the younger a tissue.
"I agree, and as captain I have to look out for my team so we should f-".
"No!" Takeda interrupted.
"What do you mean 'no'?! Takeda, I know we've all worked hard to get here but I don't even think they should play, it just wouldn't feel right without Y/n there." Ukai argued.
"You all can't just give up on something so important because of this!". "I know we've all been deeply hurt, but saying you want to give up for Y/n's sake would just make her mad.".
"I know I made a mistake telling you all about her part and asking you to befriend her without her knowledge.".
"But trust me when I say I still know a lot about Y/n, and she would never want to feel like a burden. So if she knew you all were thinking of giving up on your dream of going to nationals because she's gone she'd probably.......she'd spray you with Lysol and yell at you!".
"S-So what are we supposed to do, push ourselves through a game we probably won't even be able to play?!" Sugawara questioned.
"No of course not, if you all don't want to play then I won't force you.".
"All I'm saying is that you shouldn't hold yourselves back. I honestly think you should play, and not just so you can achieve your dream of going to nationals, but so you can achieve Y/n's wish.".
"And what was her wish." Yamaguchi questioned.
"To see the people she cared about be happy.".
"First it was her family, always working hard to keep a smile on all of their faces.". "But when she lost them, she lost the light in her life.". "And then she found you all, you all brought this new light and I know she only wanted to see you all happy.".
"Why else do you think she tried so hard to train you all? She knew going to nationals and getting to play more would make you all happy, and she just wanted to see you happy. That brought happiness into her own life. So I really think she'd want you all to go to nationals, but only if it'll make you all happy.".
After that the team was dismissed, Takeda wanted them to all go home and think about if they wanted to play or not.
It was their choice after all.
So everyone went their separate ways home, trying to hide their red puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks from the people passing by.
When they all got home their families noticed a great difference in their sons mood. Of course when the parents heard of the sudden loss they sent their condolences to Takeda since they had all heard great stories about Y/n from the members.
Some people took it harder then others, the Kageyama and Tanaka family to be exact. Kageyama's parents and Tanaka's sister Saeko all knew the girl well. And were devastated to hear about the tragic death.
But eventually the long night filled with tears and hard decisions came to an end.
The sun rose and a text was sent from the captain asking everyone to meet at his house so they could discuss the matter at hand.
Whether or not to play the finals.
They all say in silence, some of them took sips of the drink they were offered. But besides that there were no noises. Everyone was so tired from the night before, since none of them had slept well.
Some of them were too distracted by their own thoughts and memories involving Y/n.
Some too busy silently crying underneath their sheets so no one else could hear.
Anyways the silence didn't last any longer since Daichi decided to speak up.
"So, have you all thought about the game?".
At first no one spoke up, they all just tried to avoid eye contact with one another since many of them were still unsure about the answer.
"We should play." an unexpected voice called out.
Everyone looked at the male who had spoke with shocked looks plastered on their faces, as the blonde just sipped on his tea.
"Are you serious Tsukishima, you actually have something to say about this?" Kageyama questioned. "Well yeah, even if I hate to admit it that girl was sorta kinda my friend, and Takeda was right when he said she would want us to play.".
"Yeah I agree with Tsukishima, and not just because we're friends, but because he's actually right!" Yamaguchi added.
"I think their right, if everyone is mentally prepared to play then we should play, but if not I don't want anyone forcing themselves." Sugawara said. "I can play! I'll play for Y/n and we can all go to nationals like we all wanted!" Hinata shouted.
Everyone else in the team started to agree, so it was quickly decided.
"We'll go to the finals tomorrow and crush Shiritorizawa for Y/n!".
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Ceron Devourer Of Souls: Book One
Rewrite will soon be reposted. The greatest necromancer the world had known, commanding armies of undead not only feared but revered by his power and intellect that caused other lords to falter. Yet in a single night vanished.Story of Ceron and his harrowing journey after becoming sealed, meeting a torn world teeming with danger and mystifying landsIn quest to reclaim what was lost, understanding the folly of what became will Ceron have enough to survive? Stricken in a newfound body everything and all he was had been swept away. “It wasn't long his eradication hadn't satisfied, the world stood scorched, enveloped in darkness, shadows fell obscuring the lands, those who resided within them. Quaking, the earth bellowed shuttering as if agony had engulfed it, spiraling into chaos dread filled eyes peered to the skies a blood moon reigned above its beaming rays drenched those in despair. Seething rage, men of many creeds had come tearing the continent, frantic searching, scouring devouring any who stood in their path. Greed laid on their hearts determined to find his source, power. Manipulated by ideals of those they worshiped, the world was consumed, a savage war splitting the world innocence disposed of. Forever to dwell in mass pits, filled with death, thee soon to be dead rotting. The betrayer, whom stole a fragment of this power forsaking those he owned allegiance for his own gain, the power he had obtained, basking in its potency wrought swirling vortexes opening worlds of differing dimensions creating even more turmoil. This source he had obtained, one of the six lords they called him Ceron Devourer Of Souls. Over the passage of time, the wheel turned slowly the world forgot, the sands of time shrouded his existence. All forgot who he was, the greatest necromancer the world had ever known something that was common knowledge to be feared, tales scaring children at night became legend and eventually myth. However, this would all change…” ---
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The Book of Rune
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One born of nothingness. A world born of everything. To return all to nothing. Or surrender to everything. A man born into an infinite world, trying to find his path to the top. Trials and tribulations come from friends and foes alike until all bow before him. ------------------------------------- Author here! This is my 3rd story on RoyalRoad, the other two having long since been dropped years ago. They were a mess of ideas and had no real substanence to them, leading me to begin hating writing them and eventually just stop writing altogether for about a year and a half. Finally, after reading hundreds of thousands of pages of novels, from low fantasy to sci-fi litrpg's to thousands of pages long xianxias, I finally feel ready to write a real story that isn't a cesspool of ideas blended together. I plan to see this out to the end, as I already have the first few major arcs planned out unlike my other stories where I thought of ideas as I wrote. This story takes place in a world with a litrpg system, as per tags. This isn't a VRMMO or Reincarnation story. The main character exists in and is from said world. There are some differences from other litrpg's which will be explained in author notes in the few few chapters. I plan to publich 6-7 chapters a week, each 2-3k words long. If i fail to do so I will create a back-log I have to eventually make up but as of writing this it's the summer for me so I'll have plenty of time to write. Enjoy, and welcome to the world of Aeternalis.
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