《The Arrangement》9


"And then what happened?" Jimin asked, eyes wide as he listened intently to Jungkook's story. The two boys were walking out of of Big Hit's headquarters, both holding contracts in their hands.

"He said if I really wanted to be his mentee, that I could stay in his guest room," Jungkook replied, unable to fully believe the offer V made him.

"Wow," Jimin gaped. "Please tell me you said yes."

Jungkook, in fact, had not yet given V an answer. He told the artist he'd let him know after his exams were done next week.

"I don't know, Jimin. What if you're right? What if he only offered - only chose me - because he wants to sleep with me? I mean, we all know how much he gets around." Jungkook sighed, not knowing what to make of the situation.

"Who cares about the why?" Jimin said, throwing an arm around the younger. "He chose you, Kook. Whatever his reasonings were, he picked you. And that means you can now work with the best this industry has to offer. Don't make any rash decision that you're going to regret years from now."

Jungkook groaned. His friend was right. If he turned down the chance to have V as his mentor, he knew he'd instantly regret it. He'd live his whole life wondering what would have happened if he accepted this opportunity.

"Fuck it," Jungkook muttered. "I'm going to accept."

Jimin cheered. "We're going to have so much fun this summer! Although I will admit, Suga scares the shit out of me."

"Oh, did he speak with you?" The younger asked. He didn't miss the faint coloring rising to Jimin's cheeks.

"Yeah," the elder said. "He said something along the lines of me having potential. And that he wanted to whip me into shape."

Jungkook wiggled his eyebrows up and down. "How kinky."

Jimin hit him without force. "Stop. That's not how he meant it."

"Whatever you say," Jungkook taunted.

"And anyway, I know for a fact that he's dating that choreographer. J-Hope."


"Whatever you say," the younger repeated. "Alright. I'm going to go back inside and try to find V."

Jimin waved him off, telling Jungkook to call him later with all the details. The younger reentered the building and set out to find his new mentor.

Meanwhile, Taehyung was in a meeting room as Namjoon and Yoongi spoke logistics above him. Any hopes he had of escaping early were crushed; his two producers were adamant on discussing their gameplan now.

"And it will all culminate in a big showcase. That way we can introduce these guys to the rest of the world," Namjoon explained.

Yoongi nodded in agreement. "Let's keep it to minimum press for now. I want us to build up excitement and anticipation for the show, that way we can sell more tickets."

Taehyung felt eyes on him. "What?" He asked, looking at the two elders.

"Minimum press, Taehyung," Yoongi reiterated. "That means no stories of you boning that kid getting out."

"You've got to be kidding me," Taehyung said under his breath. His words didn't go unnoticed by Yoongi though.

"I am most certainly not kidding. I'd have to be blind to miss how you were eye fucking Jungkook. If one story gets out of you actually fucking him . . . "

Namjoon raised a hand, signaling this conversation to stop. "Relax, both of you. Tae won't do anything stupid. Right?" He added, looking at the younger.

Little did they know, he'd done so many stupid things today alone. First, picking Jungkook as his mentee. Second, offering his home up to the younger. Third - and this one was interspersed between the first two events - checking out Jungkook's body every second he could.

Something was clearly very wrong with him.

But, he begrudgingly nodded his head. "I understand. Can I please leave now?"

He was dismissed by the elders, thankfully, and he bolted from the room. Taehyung was making his way to the garage, where his driver would be waiting, when a voice stopped him in his tracks.

"I've been looking for you, V."


Taehyung groaned. He could not catch a break.

"Jin, I am not in the mood. I'll call you later."

Jin came up to him and ruffled his hair endearingly. "Want me to drive you home?"

"No, I'm in the opposite direction of your parents' house. But thank you," Taehyung said. Hopefully turning down the elder respectfully would allow him to leave quicker.

"Okay," Jin smiled. "I just wanted to check in on you. You seemed a little . . . flustered . . . when you chose Jungkook earlier on."

That reminded Taehyung of something. "How do you know him? Are you . . . friends . . . with him?"

Jin quirked an eyebrow, looking down at the younger. "Yeah, we're friends. He's a really good kid. A little closed off, sometimes, but when he wants something he will work hard until he gets it. He'll work hard for you."

Taehyung kept his face expressionless, taking in the bits of information.

"But," Jin continued, "I'm warning you. Do not even think of hooking up with him. He doesn't need to be another notch in your bedpost."

Taehyung was sick of people assuming he wanted to sleep with anything that had two legs. Especially people whom he had hoped would know him better. But maybe that was his own fault. He spent years crafting his playboy image; he couldn't blame anyone but himself when people started to believe that was the real him.

"I am not interested in him like that," Taehyung said at last.

Jin, having heard and seen Taehyung's reaction to Suga picking Jungkook, knew better. But he could see Taehyung was exhausted, so he decided to appease the boy for now. "Okay, good."

"I'm going to go home now," the younger said, pushing his hair out of his eyes.

"I'll see you Sunday for our dinner, then," Jin told him, his gaze focusing on something behind Taehyung.

Taehyung sighed. "Jin - "

"And," Jin interrupted, the corners of his mouth twitching upwards, "Jungkook, I want you to join as well."

Taehyung spun around, seeing Jungkook standing there with the Big Hit contract in hand.

"What?" Jungkook stuttered out.

Jin simply smiled at both boys. "I'll message you the details. See you both then!"

With that, the elder left, leaving Jungkook and Taehyung alone.

"You know Jin?" The youngest asked, surprised and mildly confused.

"Yes," Taehyung answered, not giving him any further details.

"Oh," Jungkook responded lamely. He had wanted to accept V's offer with confidence, but now he was a bit flustered. He didn't know why the artist had that affect on him.

Hell. Who was he trying to fool? He knew why V had that affect on him.

Jungkook thrusted his hand out, offering the signed contract to V. "If it still stands, I'd like to formally accept your offer."

The artist looked at his hand, at the papers he held. "Okay. I'll get my team to arrange everything."

The younger ran a hand through his hair. He didn't miss how V traced the movement with his eyes. "Um, sounds good."

Taehyung walked up to him and took the contract. "And Jungkook?" He said, his voice roughly caressing the boy's name. It had been years since he said it out loud.

Jungkook looked at him, waiting with big eyes.

"I don't want anyone to know that you're living with me. This . . . arrangement . . . stays between us. Clear?"

Jungkook swallowed. He'd have to make sure Jimin didn't say anything. "Yes," he answered.

The two appraised each other for a couple of moments before Taehyung started backing away. But Jungkook had one last thing to say.

"Can I ask - what benefit does this have for you? You're helping me out so much, but I don't understand why."

Taehyung looked at him and decided to answer honestly. "I don't know why the hell I'm doing this. Apparently I just like to torture myself."

With that he left, leaving Jungkook in the hall to stare back at him, utterly and impossibly confused.

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》 V A L E N W R I T I N G 《

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