《The Arrangement》6


A short while later, Taehyung was seated in an auditorium next to RM, Suga, and J-Hope. Assistants sat behind them, ready to do anything that was asked. The candidates stood in a row on the stage, harsh lights washing them out.

Taehyung's eyes kept going to Jungkook, even though he tried desperately to look at anything but the younger. His attempts were futile, however. The more he resisted, the more his body demanded that he watch Jungkook's every movement.

While the candidates began demonstrating the choreography they learned from J-Hope, Taehyung only studied Jungkook. It was easy to see the boy could dance. His movements were both smooth and sharp at the same time and he knew how to use his face to perform. It also didn't hurt that the stage lights made every single curve of muscle visible through Jungkook's clothing.

If Taehyung wasn't so thrown off, his mouth would have been watering.

The candidates repeated the dance over and over again, but each time Taehyung found a new way to observe Jungkook. One time he'd watch how effortlessly the younger's feet glided across the stage. The next, he'd only look at his arms, his mouth, his eyes. Surely, by now, Jungkook must be tired from the continuous dancing, but Taehyung never saw a decrease in energy. It was riveting.

Taehyung swore under his breath, not wanting to find anything about Jeon Jungkook riveting at all.

Namjoon heard and leaned over to him. "Do you need to see any more?"

"What do you mean?"

"We're waiting on your call for when they can stop," Namjoon explained. "Should they continue?"

Taehyung shook his head and the producer rose his hand, signaling the music to stop. The candidates panted as they caught their breaths, some nearly collapsing. Jungkook was bent over, hands on his knees.


"Give them a break," he ordered, scanning over Jungkook one last time before turning to the assistants behind him. "And bring them some water."

Two assistants scurried off, not hesitating for a moment. Satisfied, Taehyung sat back in his seat.

"See anyone promising, V?" Yoongi asked from the other side of him. He wore a knowing smile on his face.

"No," Taehyung answered sharply.

Yoongi chuckled. "Right."

Meanwhile, Jungkook and Jimin were seated on the stage, waiting for their heart rates to return to normal. They were exhausted but tried not to let it show. Only the strong would make it through.

They learned Jin had already been cut after having a run in with RM, which Jungkook tried not to let shake him. He could have had a similar result after his encounter with V. The artist rejected his request for an autograph; after Jungkook asked, V shook his head and left him standing in the hallway.

The short conversation with V had unnerved him. He looked so . . .

"Dude," Jimin said, interrupting Jungkook's thoughts. "V was staring at you the entire time. He's still looking at you now."

"What - ?" Jungkook started to turn his head but Jimin slapped his leg.

"Don't look! It'll be obvious."

The younger listened, training his eyes on his friend instead. "He's probably just measuring everyone up."

Jimin shook his head. "He hasn't taken his eyes off of you. I think he may be interested."

Jungkook's eyes widened. "You think he might pick me as his mentee?"

"Oh, I don't know about that. I was saying he may be interested in you as a guy he'd like to screw - "

"You're crazy!" Jungkook cut him off, whisper-shouting to avoid drawing attention.


Jimin smiled teasingly. "No, really! Plus," he said, lowering his voice and leaning closer, "I heard he's bisexual. So . . . maybe things could work out."

"Just because he and I are both bi doesn't mean we're instantly meant to be," the younger retorted with raised eyebrows.

Jungkook looked over his shoulder as subtly as possible. Sure enough, the singer was looking his way.

"He looks so . . . " Jungkook began, trying to organize his thoughts. "So . . . "

"Attractive?" Jimin offered.

"No," the younger said before correcting himself. "Well, yes. But that's not what I was going to say. He looks so similar to someone I used to know."

Jimin studied his friend. "Could it be him? The person you think he looks like?"

Jungkook lowered his gaze. "No. It's not him."

He tried not to think about what happened six years ago as it was too painful for him. Those memories were buried deep down, a feat that took years to accomplish. Drudging those up now would only put him into a depressed state, which would be detrimental to this audition.

The boys were handed some water and were told to prepare their final songs. The two got up, with Jungkook trying to focus solely on the words he needed to sing. But thoughts of the past stayed with him.

He stole another glance at the artist, who thankfully was talking to his two producers. Seeing him in person and up close was different than seeing him in the media. V was still as good looking as he appeared in pictures and on TV, maybe even more so. The blue hair and eyes made him look other worldly and his skin didn't have one mark on it. He looked like the sort of man who was everyone's type.

But in person, Jungkook could feel the difference between the V that was marketed to fans and who V actually was. There was a sadness that hung around him like an aura. There was a lack of enthusiasm that resided in his eyes.

That was the main difference between V and his old friend. The latter always had sparkling eyes and a wide smile. But, even through those differences, Jungkook had a hunch that his childhood friend would have had very similar features to V.

But he'd never know what that person would have grown up to look like.

Because that vibrant boy he grew up with was dead.

And it was all his fault.

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