《The Arrangement》2


"This is a bad idea," Jeon Jungkook said, looking up at the tall glass building. "I should be studying for exams."

Park Jimin threw a supportive arm around his best friend. "You've been doing nothing but studying. A few hours won't set you back."

Jungkook groaned. There was only one week and five finance exams left until classes let out for the summer. One week until he'd have to return home and intern for a large financial corporation. One week until one hell ended and another started.

"You've barely had any fun this semester," Jimin continued. "You haven't done one thing for yourself in months. Let this audition be your break from torturing yourself."

The younger watched as a stream of people filed into the building. "My parents aren't paying for my education so I can have fun. I have to do well so I can get a job after I graduate next year."

Jimin shook his head as he started pulling the boy towards the entrance. "We're not going to think about that right now. You and I are going to go inside, audition for this mentorship program, and hope that one of us gets to work with V and his team. Okay?"

Jungkook let himself be dragged forward by his friend. Even though he had several reservations, he wanted to audition. He wanted to be picked.

This was his dream.

Ever since he was young, he was drawn to the performing arts. He loved singing in school musicals. Choreographing dances with his friends became a new hobby. There was something about creatively expressing himself, using nothing but his body, that appealed to him. He was his own instrument and he could both produce and shape sound.

His parents entertained his passions when he was younger. They let him take vocal and dance lessons as long as his grades were exceptional. Jungkook worked as hard as possible to maintain his studies so he could do the things he loved. But as he grew older, his parents decided his extracurricular activities prohibited their son from getting ahead at school. They stopped funding the singing and dance lessons. He was to use all that free time to study concepts years above his current grade level.


Despite not being able to partake in his passions, Jungkook never forgot how much he loved to perform. He didn't get to sing or dance often - only during a round or two of drunken karaoke - but it didn't matter. He still dreamed of one day being able to do the things he loved.

So when Big Hit announced their Rising Star mentorship program, he knew he had to audition. On the off chance he was selected, maybe he could prove to his parents that his dream was worthwhile. That he didn't have to take some boring finance job to secure his future.

And if he had the chance to work with one of his favorite artists of all time . . .

Jimin and Jungkook had reached a sign-in table inside the building. They were asked for their IDs and applications, and once they were vetted, they received numbers to pin on their shirts. Security guards pointed them towards a holding room, which was packed with people wearing flashy outfits and sporting colorfully dyed hair.

Jungkook looked down self-consciously at his plain clothing. "Maybe I should have worn something different. And maybe you weren't so stupid to dye your hair."

The elder ran a hand through his bright pink locks. "I thought pink would stand out, but look at that guy," he pointed to someone with neon green hair. "That looks so cool!"

Jungkook let his eyes wander, scanning the faces of his competition. Everyone started to blend together after awhile. But one person in particular stood out to him . . .

"Kim Seokjin?" He called out, staring at a tall, broad shouldered boy.

Jimin looked in the same direction. "Hey! Seokjin!"

The aforementioned boy saw them and waved, walking to them confidently. "Well, well, well. If it isn't two of my favorite customers."


Seokjin's family owned a large international restaurant chain that had a location near the university's dorms. Even though he was well off and didn't technically need to work, Seokjin liked to staff the dessert counter. Jimin and Jungkook couldn't afford much at the restaurant, but they'd save up to get sweets for special occasions. They became good friends with Seokjin, who would always slip them items they didn't order.

"I didn't know you sang or danced," Jimin said to the elder, taking in his put together appearance.

Seokjin smiled, showing off a set of even and white teeth. "I don't. Not really."

Jungkook scrunched his nose. "But Seokjin, isn't this audition -"

"Jin," the eldest corrected. "I want to be known as Jin in this industry. I think it makes more of an impact."

"Okay . . ." Jungkook responded. "So why are you here if you don't sing or dance?"

Jimin piped up. "The whole reason for this audition is to work with V, who is a performer."

Jin laughed. "I know. But I have my reasons for being here."

The two younger boys glanced at each other, both thinking similar things. Jin might not be sticking around the auditions very long if he didn't have experience.

"Well, I guess we'll see what happens," Jungkook reflected.

Before they could say anything more, a man with a clipboard came into the room. "Attention, everyone!"

The room fell silent.

"I'd like to thank you all for joining us today. As you know, Big Hit has decided to create a mentorship program aimed at helping those of you with potential gain worldwide success. We've had a slight change in plans . . ."

"Do not tell me they've already picked someone!" Jimin whisper-shouted. Other people in the room were also whispering to their friends, which created a widespread murmuring effect.

"Silence!" The man ordered, waiting until the room grew quiet again to continue. "As I was saying, there has been a change in plans. Big Hit will now be mentoring three individuals as opposed to one."

An uproar ensued. Everyone was excitedly talking to those around them, acknowledging how big this was and how this gave them a better chance.

The man stomped his foot. "Please be quiet! I'm not done speaking. V and his two producers, RM and Suga, will each be taking on a mentee. The selected individuals will work with all three of our talent in varying capacities, and all three people will have the chance to secure a contract with our company. We will now have a few rounds of auditions, in which you will be put through tests on your visuals, dancing, and singing abilities. Only ten of you will audition in front of our team. I wish you the best of luck."

The man started calling off numbers for the first round of auditions. As more and more people left the room, Jin and Jimin included, the weight of this opportunity fell down upon Jungkook.

He could not mess this up.

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